《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 18


What the fuck? Gabby thought to herself. What is he doing here? How did he find me? Panic rushed into her body. She didn't know what to do nor to say to her husband. Yikes, that sounded so ew to her ear right now even though this was her life, the reality.

"S-Steven." Gabby stuttered.

"Gabby." Steven suddenly hugged her.

Her boddy stiffened, she didn't even hug her husband back. The memories came into the edge of her mind. His abusiveness, his drunken state and his cheating was only on Gabby's head.

"How did you– How did you get here?" Gabby asked after Steve pulled away.

"I'm so sorry, baby." Steve kissed Gabby's cheek, ignoring her questions. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you again. Please, give me a chance."

Gabby looked around. She invited Steve to sit in the coffee shop nearby. She carried Allie and sat across from her husband. She ordered a water and some snacks while Steve was busy fidgeting his fingers. What's wrong with him? Gabby asked herself.

"Steve?" Gabby called Steve, she placed her hand on top of Steve's.

Steve looked up to see what he had missed the most in life, his love, the mother of his daughter. "I'm sorry."

Gabby's heart sank, this was the first time Steve showed her his vulnerable state. She didn't know whether to believe him or she didn't because he was unexpected.

"How did you find me?" Gabby asked again.

"I was looking for you for three months. You said you were visiting your sister and I thought it was okay, maybe you missed her." Steve started. "But then I felt empty. I came home and no one was around, I missed Allie's voice, I missed you. I missed everything about you and I missed us."

Gabby kept quiet, Steve continued. "I know I've made a huge mistakes. I'm an asshole, I'm a jerk, I'm a douche, but I do love you, Gabe. I fucking love you."

There was it, the only one who called her 'Gabe' and it brought her memories of her high school moment when she was in love with this guy.


"I knew it was you when you picked up Allie from school. Do you live with your sister now? How in the hell didn't you tell me that Ally is in school?" Gabby was surprised Steve didn't get angry. "But it's okay, I know your reason and I didn't blame you at all. I tailed you and it was true, it's you and Allie, my baby girl."

Gabby tried to comprehend of what just happened to her. "Does that mean you live in this town too?"

"Yes." Steve smiled, Gabby's heart sank again. "I got a job, not a decent job but at least it's okay to stay alive."

"Good for you." Gabby tried to smile. No, it can't be happening. She said to herself. There's no way in hell I live with Jordan if Steve is here too. It's a disaster.

"I want you to come home with me." Steve said.

Gabby glanced at Steve almost immediately. Oh fuck, what now? "I-I can't. I'm sorry."

"Why? You're still my wife, Gabe. I'm your husband." Steve said way much calmer. "I've changed, baby. I know what I've done is unforgivable but please, give me one more chance to prove that to you. I love you, baby. I love Allie. I love us."

Gabby tried to search for his sincerity and she found it. Oh god, this was her biggest dilemma. She wanted to believe Steve but she was also scared if he would abuse her again. And, she was in love with Jordan, right?

Gabby sighed, she knew she was out too long today. Jordan probably worried about her and Allie. But the memory of them had sex for the first time came back to the surface and it added her dilemma. They never had sex again after that and she started to wonder Jordan's seriousness towards her and Allie. She knew Jordan loved Allie, but loving her? Was another difficult story.

"I need to think about it." Gabby stated.

Steve smiled. "Okay. Where do you live by the way? I can come to visit my daughter, right?"

"I'm busy, but I can drive her to your house some time." Gabby said.


Steve smiled, he gave his address and his phone number. "Call me if you wanna drop her off. I'm at work at nine to five."

Gabby nodded. Steve stood up and kissed his daughter's head and Gabby's cheek. He waved a good bye because he needed to go to work again since it was his lunch time.

Gabby sighed and she didn't know what to do. This was too fast for her. Allie caressed her cheeks and smiling, she forced a smile to her daughter.

"Let's go home." Gabby said and Allie nodded.

Once they arrived at the coffee shop, Gabby didn't bother to greet her coworkers, not even Jordan. Her mind was full with everything until she couldn't think straight. Good point was Steve didn't know where she lived and he didn't notice that she was in a relationship with a woman.

"Fuck!" She screamed until her lungs hurt.

Too fucked up. Her life was too fucked up. She just laid there in her bed, looking at the ceiling and bit her nails. Her bedroom door opened and she knew who it was, she was familiar with that scent.

"What's wrong?" Jordan walked closer and sat on the edge of the bed. "Why were you screaming?"

Gabby shook her head. Jordan sighed, she took Gabby's hand. Gabby shivered at the touch, how comfortable it was being held by the one she loved.

"Gabby." Jordan said in a warning tone.

"I'm okay." Gabby replied.

"Don't lie to me." Jordan shifted her body to face her girlfriend. "You can tell me anything, babe."

"Just," Gabby paused, "give me a moment for myself, please."

"Okay." Jordan gave in although she didn't want to but she didn't want to pry either. "When you're okay, you can talk to me about something that bothers you, babe. Okay?"

Gabby nodded. Jordan kissed her forehead and she went downstairs again to help her coworkers. But her mind occupied with Gabby, she didn't know what was wrong with her girlfriend. It started after they had sex.

Did she regret it? Jordan thought to herself. Gabby wasn't herself after that night. She seemed so distant and Jordan didn't know why. Gabby acted like there was nothing but the truth was there was something but she didn't tell Jordan what was that.

"What's wrong?" Brandon asked her.

"Nothing." Jordan sighed. "I feel she is different."

"How is it different?" Brandon stood next to her.

"She acts so distant lately and I have no idea why. She didn't tell me anything at all." Jordan said.

"Go ask her." Brandon suggested.

"She said she needed time to herself." Jordan replied sadly. "I will talk to her when she is okay, I guess."

Brandon smiled. Then they did their job until 6pm and Gabby didn't go downstairs at all. Jordan was worried but she knew the best, she didn't want to push Gabby.

Once they were done and her employees waved her their goodbyes, Jordan went upstairs and found Allie was studying in the living room, alone.

"Where is your mommy?" Jordan asked Allie, she sat on the couch and gulped her beer.

Ally pointed their room. Jordan nodded, this was new. Gabby never ignored her daughter like this. She didn't even come out from the room and she didn't make dinner.

Jordan shrugged it off, she decided she would cook for them. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Spaghetti, please." Allie grinned.

"Okay, princess." Jordan kissed Allie's crown but her eyes glanced at what Allie was doing.

Her eyebrows furrowed. She didn't know why suddenly Allie was doing that. "What are you drawing, princess?"

"My family." Allie replied, smiling. "I got a homework, my teacher told me to draw my family member. So, here it is. My mom, me and my dad."

"Oh." Was all Jordan could say.

She never felt this heartbroken before. She thought Allie loved her, their bond, their chemistry and their almost mother-daughter moment was just a lie?

She wasn't one of Allie's 'family' and she would never be one of them because the little girl's next words really made her falling to the bottom.

"I met my daddy today."

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