《Unbreak (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian)》Ch. 16


"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Allie's voice echoed the house.

Gabby slowly opened her eyes, it was five in the morning. She groaned and felt the bed was bouncing and she saw her daughter was jumping with a huge grin on her face.

"What's up, baby?" Gabby's raspy voice made Allie sat down.

"Today is my first day at school! Come on, wake up!" Allie's excitement voice made Gabby smiled.

"It's still five, baby." Gabby pulled Allie closer. "Your school doesn't start until eight."


"No buts." Gabby closed her eyes again because she was still sleepy.

Allie pouted. She slipped out of bed. Gabby furrowed her brows because she didn't feel Allie near her.

"Baby? Where are you going?" Gabby asked.

"Jordan's room." Gabby could imagine Allie was pouting. "You're not cool."

"Excuse me?" Gabby gawked in amusement. "So Jordan is your new favorite person, then? And mommy is your number two?"

Allie stuck her tongue out and Gabby giggle seeing her daughter's behavior. She really was Jordan's daughter for sure. She was so attached to Jordan lately, she knew Allie loved Jordan and she knew Jordan loved Allie too and what she felt inside her was unspeakable, she was so grateful. She wasn't afraid of Allie being so closed to Jordan because she knew both of them had the same effort towards each other.

"What did you do to her?" Jordan asked, opening Gabby's bedroom door.

She stood in the bedroom doorway, carrying Allie who was burying her face on Jordan's neck. Jordan looked like a hot mess, her dirty blonde hair was up in a messy bun and her sleepy face was so adorable.

Gabby giggled, she didn't believe her own daughter really reported their encountered earlier to Jordan. "Nothing."

"Then why is she crying?" Jordan gestured Allie to Gabby.

Gabby stretched her arms and yawned. "She wanted to go to school but it's too early. She is so eager to go, though. I told her school doesn't start until eight yet she is so excited three hours before it starts."

Jordan tried to see Allie's face but the little girl kept hiding her face. Jordan kissed Allie's head. "She is mad with you." Jordan mouthed.

Gabby rolled her eyes. "I know."

Gabby stood up and pecked Jordan's lips then Allie's head. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Jordan replied. "Allie?"

"Morning, Mom." Allie mumbled, Gabby shook her head in amusement.

Then they prepared for their day, Allie's couldn't hold her excitement, Gabby would drop her off to school to fill the registration and stuff. Both Gabby and Jordan chose the closest kindergarten from the coffee shop, Gabby would tell the school that her or Jordan would pick Allie up from school so the school didn't need to worry.


"Bye, princess. Have fun at school!" Jordan said.

"I'm in school to study, Jordan, not playing at the playground." Allie said and it made Gabby, Jordan and Mrs. Copeland laughed.

"That girl is lovely." Mrs. Copeland commented.

"She is." Jordan smiled widely.

"Okay, baby. Let's go." Gabby said. "Bye, J. Goodbye, Mrs. Copeland."

"Bye, darling." Mrs. Copeland replied.

"Drive safe." Jordan said before Gabby was out from the coffee shop.

Both Jordan and Mrs. Copeland waited for Gabby and Allie out of their sight then Jordan started to make Mrs. Copeland's order.

"You look happier these days, darling." Mrs. Copeland smiled. "I can see it. Plus, your eyes light when you see both of them."

Jordan smiled back. "They bring my happiness back, Mrs. Copeland."

"I know." Mrs. Copeland placed a few bucks on the table.

"Oh, no need." Jordan winked. "It's on the house."

"Why, thank you." Mrs. Copeland grinned. "I'm glad you find your way back into life, darling."

Jordan looked at the older woman with an understanding smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Copeland. You always made my day."

"Oh," Mrs. Copeland waved her off. "It's you who made my day. I'm glad they are in your life."

"Me too." Jordan said gratefully.

Gabby went back to the coffee shop quicker than Jordan thought. The younger woman was bringing some papers and she entered the coffee shop, being greeted by her lover.

"Hey, baby." Jordan greeted. "Why are you so quick?"

Gabby sighed. "You know Allie." She rolled her eyes. "She is too excited to go to school and she pushed me to go home because she thinks she is mature enough and she is ashamed being watched by her own mother in school. God, where is that attitude from?"

Jordan laughed. "It comes from you, for sure."

"Excuse me?" Gabby gawked. "I thought it is from you since she spends her day mostly with you. I'm starting to think that she is your daughter, not mine."

Jordan laughed louder and Gabby slapped her arm playfully. "She is our daughter."

Gabby rolled her eyes, but deep inside she was fluttered. Jordan had considered Allie as her own daughter. Oh god, she couldn't be grateful more.

"Have you think about quitting your bartending job?" Gabby asked.

She sat on Jordan's lap behind the counter since it was still too early for the customers to come except Mrs. Copeland with her daily schedule at seven thirty.

Jordan held Gabby from behind, Gabby leaned her body to Jordan and she slightly felt Jordan's heartbeat on her back.


"Yeah, baby." Jordan replied. "I'll talk to my manager today."

"Good." Gabby smiled. "Because your cafe needs you more than it needs another employee."

Jordan snorted. "Okay, Mommy."

"Pardon me? You're older than me, Ma'am." Gabby joked.

"Just three years older than you." Jordan rolled her eyes.

"Still, you're older." Gabby giggled.

"Fine." Jordan gave in. "I didn't know I date a young adult."

"You regret that now?" Gabby turned her body, she played with Jordan's apron strap. "Because I'll make sure you're wrong, baby. I can be so mature and wild in bed." She whispered seductively in Jordan's ear.

Gabby chuckled when she knew Jordan closed her eyes and groaned to suppress her desire and lust. Gabby herself didn't know how to have sex with a woman because she had no experience at all. And when she thought she had said something that filled the heat inside them, her heart pounded.

She didn't know how to act around Jordan afterwards. Jordan hadn't asked her to have sex with her since the day she declared herself to Jordan and Jordan hadn't said it back even though she called her with some pet names. She knew she promised to wait for Jordan until Jordan was ready to touch her but she was curious as to how lesbians did a sex thing.

"I'll make sure you can't walk if you spend your night with me in bed all night long, baby." Jordan replied after awhile, she composed herself so hard because to be honest, Gabby was turning her on right now.

Gabby laughed. "Then I'll choose to stay in bed with you all day."

Brandon came an hour later, he had this huge grin on his face. Jordan laughed playfully knowing what exactly what happened with him if he gave her that look. Gabby was innocence and she didn't know why Jordan and Brandon was laughing their asses off.

"So, have you slept with her?" Brandon asked out of the blue, he wiggled his brows playfully.

Thankfully, there were only a few customers so they couldn't hear Brandon's questions. Jordan was in the kitchen, making some dough. They were open to each other so that question wasn't a taboo because Gabby happened to know how Brandon sex life was like what he and Jordan was talking about earlier that day.

Gabby looked over her shoulder to make sure Jordan wasn't around, then she shook her head no. "I haven't."

"Really?" Brandon asked confusedly.

"Yes." Gabby said. "I know it's hard for her to do such a thing even though I'm curious to death. But it's okay, I will wait."

"I thought it was clear enough that she wants you." Brandon commented. "She eye-fucks you everytime she looks at you, Gab."

"I'm not going to force her to do something she isn't ready yet. Yes we play around but I respect her decision if she doesn't want to fuck me yet." Gabby giggled.

Brandon looked at Gabby adorably. This woman was different. He couldn't believe there was someone who had this biggest love for Jordan, not even Olivia if he might add.

"I hope you love her for who she is, not because she saved you and blablabla." Brandon tried to sound serious.

"I do love her for who she is, Brand." Gabby smiled. "She shows me what love truly is. She saved me, yes. She is my lifesaver, yes. But I love her just as she is no matter what, no matter how painful her past was. And I know, one day she will love me unconditionally like she did to her lovely fiancée."

"And you aren't jealous about that?" Brandon asked again.

"Of course I am, but knowing she is trying so hard to let her past go, all I need to do is supporting her through those moments and I believe she will let her past go fully one day and I'm here to help her." Gabby smiled. "Not to force her to forget about her lovely fiancée but to guide her to move forward to face what life brings us together in the future."

Brandon hugged Gabby all of sudden, mumbling 'thank you' so many times and he was crying. He never met someone like Gabby before and Jordan was so lucky to have her in her life. Gabby didn't know why Brandon was hugging her and crying, but she rubbed Brandon's back like what sisters did.

"Hey! That's my girl, you gay!" Jordan cut their moment.

Brandon chuckled. "You're gay too, bitch."

"Ha, right." Jordan giggled. "Why are you crying? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing." Brandon wiped his tears off. "My eyes just sweating."

Jordan rolled her eyes. "I'm going to pick Allie up from school, okay?"

"Wait." Gabby said. "Don't bring her to the park. I heard what you said to her this morning, J."

Jordan winked. "No promises."

"No kiss for a week then." Gabby threatened.

"Okay, let's see who can't survive with that." Jordan said tauntingly, Gabby rolled her eyes.

Brandon was laughing his ass off watching his favorite couple and he realized that Jordan had changed a lot. Way much better.

He thanked Gabby and Allie for that.

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