《His Worth | MxM》fourteen
"I think it's high-time we discuss these kind of things, to make changes in the system."
I sat in the chair at this stupid meeting, looking forward blankly at the others as Chief held this. It was funny considering now he wants to have a meeting, and for what? I swear, if he brings up the Worth situation-.
"I've been hearing that I'm quite a bad Chief, and I don't know about you all; but if you have a problem with me, I suggest you say it now." He grins, and everyone began to glance at one another.
I wasn't surprised as I glared at him. This was an evident shot at me to see if I'd talk in front of a few tens of people. That I'd speak up when there's more than just us two.
Chief looked at me and he smirks, only to look around some more.
"I have lots of problems, let me be the first to point it out to you since you clearly fail to see your own incompetence," I say loudly, sitting up in my seat as others began to look at me, "And some of you may already have your preconceived notions and ideas of me, but I don't give a fuck. You don't really know me, and I know what I stand for. What I do know is that our current Chief is a horrible one, and he's by far the most corrupt police chief I have ever come across, ever."
I point at almost all of the DART members, my finger settling on Trevor.
"He guides a DART team who are absolutely corrupted as well. They get their incompetence from him. It's obvious based on how they behave to certain things and how they react to particular things. Not to mention a DART team is supposed to maintain, take out the bad. Except it seems to me that wherever they go, they seem to either maintain the bad environment or bring it with them. If you pretend like they aren't just as bad as our Chief here, you're ignorant." I saw Fay nodding in agreement with me, standing up from her chair now.
"I didn't want to speak initially, but I have taken into account some things. Officer Nate isn't incorrect on what he says, and I don't mean to offend anyone in here when I say this. We all can see that our Chief is...doing lots of illegal things. If he was anybody else, we all would've been reported him. There are some here who like this kind of corrupted mess. That probably plays a major part as well." Fay says surely, causing me to grin at her.
We both knew there were people in here who agreed. Except everyone seemed to be waiting for Chief's response almost. Some looked nervous, while some didn't seem to care. Which those who didn't care are the ones I expected to not care.
"You," Chief nods at Fay, "Who even are you?"
"A correctional officer on the female side." Fay informs him calmly despite how rude he sounded asking her that. "I assume you are surprised I said anything since I am not on the male side."
"Yes, most of this information that was used against me is from the male side in particular."
"Well...things travel fast in prison." She snickers awkwardly, only to become serious abruptly. "But these are serious matters that are being passed through. Many people in here detest the things you do, not just us two. I just believe...they're afraid to speak up in fear of what you'll do."
I see the Chief just look at her, only to just look away sharply now. I could tell that since it was someone else saying something he was actually listening.
I'm not sure if he knew Fay and I knew one another...but based on how he's reacting, he didn't.
"Does anyone else agree?" Chief ends up finally asking everyone.
I nod adamantly, but everyone was so fucking dense in the head that they weren't speaking up. They were feeling the same way, it was so obvious!
The more we sat here in this ridiculous silence, I stood up now with Fay, glaring at everyone.
"You all cowards. We all know why we're really here and why play dumb? You know who the fucking problem is, fuckin' say something! You're willing to snitch and hate on a petty criminal or someone committing a misdemeanor, but you won't hate someone like him?" I point at the Chief who was red in the face, my arms folding. "Or maybe I underestimated how good cops really were."
I saw someone of them flinch to that, and I could tell people were beginning to react.
"There's inmates here who hate us. They want to see us suffer, they want to even kill us! In their minds, we are the oppressors and we are the problem. Saying the police are the worst and that we're all horrible people. When it's not like that at all. All it takes is one person to make us look bad, and that one person just so happens to be the one that's supposed to be leading us. Imagine that..." I shook my head at Chief as he had his hands balled up.
That's when I saw some people agreeing now, beginning to look frustrated more than anything. Probably because they didn't realize how bad it's gotten. Or maybe they just needed someone to snap them out of it; out of this daze of oppression.
"Michael, he's right." Someone who seemed to be close to him in terms of rank spoke up. His eyes moving onto the Chief with so much disdain.
So...the Chief's name is Michael?
"What do you want me to do, h-huh? My grandfather made this place and I can't disappoint them by giving it up. Everyone was fine with how things were! Why does it have to change because of one damned person?!" He cries.
"Because it's the right thing to do, and besides," I smirk, seeing him glare at me, "I told you, I outsmart people like you; but who would've thought you'd make it so easy to do."
Chief Michael's lips trembled with so much anger, and I waited for him to retaliate. Except he just stood there looking stupid.
"Look, how about this?" I sit down now, running my fingers through my hair. "I know nothing of the Worth situation. Let's be real here, that's the only reason why Michael here is acting so stir crazy. I bet he was fine before Worth appeared."
I see people agree, Chief Michal folding his arms.
"Yeah, so what?"
"What if you just release him? He doesn't need to be here anyway. Why are you keeping him here, because it's obvious there's something more to it than what I've been let on. Someone tell me what's going on, because if he's able to be set free finally, Chief will most like go back to normal." I state, and I saw that other dude nod in agreement.
The older officers and officials were definitely in agreement. Though for Michael here, I could tell letting Worth go was harder than anything.
I just want to know what this whole situation is.
Chief Michael looked at me with great resentment, and I raise my eyebrow. He knows that he can't really deny what I'm offering up at this point. Not to mention that those right near him in rank agree.
We could easily vote for a new Chief. If I put that offer out there to them I wonder what they'll decide.
"Fine, you can know the real reason he's here; but I highly doubt you'll be able to do anything about it. Multiple officers have been assigned to him and none of them could any information out of him. Ever since he was seventeen, never once budged-."
"I don't care. Just tell me what he's here for. I know he's not charged with something -yet, so what is it?" I interrupt in frustration because he was just running his mouth.
I see him inhale sharply, shaking his head. Only to point at Fay and me as we were the only ones who stood against him.
"You two, come with me, now." He demands, and we follow him into a separate room now.
Once it's closed he glared at me and I just snort now.
"Okay, spill it all out there, Michael."
"If you don't..." He stopped abruptly, inhaling deeply as if to calm himself down. "The case with Worth isn't really a case against him. It's against his older brother, Micah; but the person we have in our custody is Worth because all we need is his confession for us to take in Micah. We have so much evidence against his brother, but Worth is saying it was him who did these things. That is false because we have sufficient evidence saying it was Micah, but if we can get at least one confession, we can get a warrant out for his arrest. No one is willing to attest to his crimes, the only one that knows is Worth.
"Yet, when we took him in when he left from school one day, we asked him some questions. He definitely caught on and said it was him. That he did all these things and that he's the one we are looking for. We 'arrested' him to appease him, but we were never going to charge him. We never thought...he'd hold out for this long, or that it'd get this far."
I see Chief Michael looking off almost with shame, glancing at me now.
"It's like what you said. We can release him, but only if he confesses to what his brother did so that we can get him off the streets. If you can get that confession out of Worth, he's free and he's all yours. I know that's what you want-."
"It's not about him being mine." I hiss, folding my arms. "It's about doing this the right way."
"Whatever," Chief Micheal rolled his eyes at me like a teenager at this point, "Not only will he be set free, but I'll wipe his prior offenses that he racked up fighting the staff. Also, I'll station you to a much better facility and promote you greatly. I just want you out of here, because if he's leaving, you need to go to. I couldn't stand seeing you and knowing you're the one who took him from me."
I snort at that because Worth was never his to begin with. Except I don't say anything as I nod now. Looking over at Fay, she was already looking at me as she nods.
"If you ever want assistance in anything, just reach out to me, okay?" She offers. I definitely take that offer as I nod.
Chief Michael just had this mocking smirk on his lips, and I raise my eyebrow.
"He's never going to budge, I'm telling you now." He says so surely, smiling. "It's been three years now, and he's never once budged. He feels like it is his destiny to take up for his brother's crimes, he never said that; but it's obvious. If he didn't confess to thirty something officers and undercover agents, who do you think you are to think he'd confess to you?"
"I don't know," I smirk, smiling mockingly now, "Maybe because out of that thirty something, he actually likes me."
Chief Michael's face become red, and he was quick to rush out now. I shook my head at him as I see Fay looking at him with contempt.
Until she was looking at me now, almost nervously.
"Don't...stress about this, but Worth is very intelligent. If you really like him like how I believe you do...don't risk it. Because we both know if he even assumes or catches wind that you're trying to get a confession out of him, your relationship will be done for good."
"I know." I say calmly...unusually not worried. "I have confidence in myself and in Worth. It's for his own good, destiny or no destiny-."
"But Worth ...loves his brother. Do you really think he'll forgive you for having taken away the person who means the world to him and placing him here for probably a very long time?"
"Yeah," I answer sharply, but not at her, it was directed towards Micah, "If his older brother is willing to sacrifice his younger brother like that and take away three years of his life, yet still go and fuck up his life despite Worth's sacrifices for him... I think I can handle whatever negativity I get from him for a bit. He'll realize eventually, he has to."
"But does he want to?"
I look at Fay, and she looked nervous still.
She asked good and poignant questions, but I didn't want to worry about something that hasn't even happened yet. I need to put my plan into motion...or maybe I should have no plan.
Clearly, with everyone else, they failed because he caught on and they probably went in with a plan. They didn't really care for him, they just wanted a a quick buck and to be the reason this was solved. I'm don't have those intentions.
I want to set him free from here and put his brother where he belongs. Worth should've never been here, and I'm going to help him get out.
Even if it causes him to hate me, I know he'll see it for what it is eventually.
And that made me happy as I stood before his seg cell, able to release him finally after having been in here for three days. Which seg is usually much longer punishments than that, but...they insisted.
When I open the door, I saw Worth already smiling down at me. I smile back, hugging him now as he walked forward. I walk backwards with him until my back touched the wall, and I sighed into him.
"I'm happy it was you who released me...I was very bored in there and all I could think about is what we've done. It...distracted me greatly." Worth snickers, and I snort at him having said that. "It honestly went by fast for me. I have the only seg cell that has a window, so...I wasn't confused. My comprehension of time and what day it is is not confused."
"That's good. You didn't deserve to be in here anyway. I mean...you were just trying to defend me; but if I had never-."
"Don't start to blame yourself, it's all them." He interrupts, shaking his head at me. "I was fine with where I was. I needed a break from seeing other officers and smelling nasty ass men. I swear, the inmates in my pod don't fuckin' shower for days it seems."
"You haven't showered for days either." I point out, and he snorts at that reminder.
"Yeah, but I haven't been doing anything either - not to mention it's fucking cold in there; so I wasn't sweating." He points out to me.
I found myself actually smelling him for a hot moment, and he didn't smell like anything to be honest. That's when I look up at him and he was grinning at me.
"...if he even assumes or catches wind that you're trying to get a confession out of him, your relationship will be done for good."
Fay's words echoed in my head as I looked at him, and I didn't want...whatever we had to be ruined. I just wanted to help him, but just by helping someone that could possibly ruin everything.
It's so frustrating.
"Want to take a shower?" I offer, and he nods.
"Yeah, you can just take me to the pod and I'll-."
"You can use my shower in headquarters. That offer is up there." I interrupt.
I saw his eyes hood upon me as I begin to feel his hands run up my back. My hands grip his arms, looking off slightly out of shyness. Except I think it was more guilt on my end that I knew why he was really here now.
For so long, I never knew and was trying to figure it out in small pieces. To know the truth...shows me that he's a better person than anyone has ever thought or could imagine.
And they took advantage of that. Of how good of a person he was.
"I'll gladly take up your offer, do I even need to say anything to that?" He murmurs, leaning against me as he kissed my cheek.
I really want to help him. I don't want him to be here anymore, he deserves to be free.
Three years of his life taken away all for a selfish man...
How could that ever be worth it?
It sounds like torture and unusual punishment to me. When I think about such a thing and what he's endured here...I feel less and less guilty about putting Micah in here. He deserves to suffer.
Worth is his baby brother...how could he do that to him? Take away his life just like it's nothing? Condemn him to this life and the fact that Worth is willing to do so?
Doesn't he know that the crimes that his brother is being punished for could result in a life sentence or worse! His brother has hurt people, he's even taken peoples lives. Worth could quite possibly get the death sentence with how serious these charges are.
He doesn't deserve that punishment.
It angers me greatly.
"Okay, follow me." I tell him now, walking forward as he was right behind me.
And hopefully one day, he'll be walking right behind me out of this place for good. No longer a victim to the system, but to his older brother as well.
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