《His Worth | MxM》six
"You have no commissary?"
I looked up at Worth as he shockingly didn't come up for anything.
He shook his head, not looking interested in the slightest, "I don't want to give this place my money. Besides, people end up giving me their commissary anyway."
"Oh, do they now?" I snort, grabbing the rest of the bags that were now empty. All the commissary was given out and he happened to be right in front of all the exchanges.
Not sure why...but it almost felt like he was watching out for me. To make sure no one tried anything? I don't even know, but considering that was my first time giving out commissary, it was fine.
Everyone was extra happy, and I know it's because they were getting what they bought. Don't have to refer to chow and can eat ramen instead, even snack on sweets or chips. Have sodas and kool-aid packets, because kool-aid is amazing.
He was the only one who came to the commissary table and had nothing.
"So, you don't mind eating chow?" I ask him curiously as I take the bags back, him right beside me.
"I don't eat it, that's where the commissary comes in. Trading and making deals is where it's at. There's people in here who'd kill for an extra tray, even trading it for commissary. I can sell a tray in here for five to eight commissary items. Why buy commissary then?" He tells me.
I silently found that smart. They're not allowed to have stores in here though or trade trays. It can cause problems usually, especially if someone doesn't get it and another does.
"If I was an inmate I'd find that smart, but I'm not so...I'm going to say you can't do that..." I drift, noticing him grinning at me. "I mean, if I see it happen I will have to say something. That's what I mean is all."
"So...just don't get caught then? Is that what Officer Nate is telling me?" He gasps, and I feel my lips tighten together. When I don't respond he smirks, shrugging. "That's fine. I've been doing that the whole time you've been here and you have yet to catch me even before then. I'm not worried in the slightest."
As I walk back to counter I saw him speak to a trustee before the cell door closed. They were doing some hand signals, and I saw him point over to Zarian's cell. Once the doors closed he was walking towards me.
"What was that about?" I question him as I lean against the counter.
"I found out 'Nothin's' name is Zarian. What an ugly ass name, sounds like a damn medicine." Worth shook his head, and I had to conceal my smile of amusement as I look away.
Only to see Worth run in front of me and smirk.
"Why are you trying to hide the fact that I'm funny? You know it's true, a two-hundred milligram pill of Zarian." He wiggled his eyebrows and I snort at his silliness. "There it is, a smile because I'm funny."
"I smiled because you're so goofy." I chuckle, seeing him shrug.
"Rather be goofy than loony. I'll be turning twenty soon, so I gotta get all of this childish energy out!" He exclaims, causing his friends to cheer him on. I raise my eyebrow at that.
"When do you turn twenty?"
"In a couple of days. This Saturday, to list an exact day. People will be giving me their commissary. Why do you think so many had so much?" Worth points out, my eyes widening. "Yep. There might even be some in here who'll try to sexual favors. I can't wait wait for that."
I look away from him now, not really surprised he'd say such a thing. It's still kind of weird to think about...that people would really go that far. I mean, he is a very attractive guy, but at the risk of who?
Does he even wear a condom?
"You'll be there for my party, right?"
I frown, wondering what he means by that.
"Party in the pod?"
"No, headquarters. The Chief said he'd allow it for me, my older brother will even be there, so..." He drifts as I think my facial expression gave me away.
"Is this by choice?" I question him calmly.
I saw him nod, not saying anything. He was good at hiding his emotions and what he was really feeling, so I couldn't depend on a nod. I just could tell he didn't like that aspect, then why do it?
"It's the only way to see my brother. He's like a father to me, I need to see him. Plain and simple, and if I need to do what I gotta do to see him, I'll fuck a few asses. It's not my asshole getting loosened; it's theirs." He says so nonchalantly and I stay silent. "I'm inviting you so...you can come. You might see some stuff you don't like, but-."
"I get it." I interrupt in irritation, hearing Worth snort at me.
"It's all for a bigger purpose, it's not because I want to do it with them. I hate them with a passion. I do it because they're easily manipulated, and that's the way. It works out this way, and it's better this way. I don't expect you to understand...but it's my way, okay?" He tells me quite softly to my surprise.
I could tell he didn't want to argue and hoped I'd accept it. To be honest, it angered me talking about it so he didn't have to worry about me bringing it up again.
Looking away from him, I don't give anymore acknowledgment to the very subject.
Worth seemed to almost take offense to me having no more to say to that. Based on his expression, I knew he was probably overthinking it in general.
I sigh, looking at him, "Okay, it's your way. I just wish you didn't have to go to that point. It's mainly them I'm mad at...not you."
When I tell him this, I saw that offense leave his face instantly. He ended up nodding and grinning at me.
"You don't need to care for my sake. It's more like...I manipulated them into this arrangement to keep them from trying to get me to snitch."
"Snitch?" I frown, and he seemed to realize what he said. Only to shake his head as he grins at me again. "Snitch on who about what? I literally don't know what's going on. They don't tell me anything. Because they told me that you're kept here, no charges on you yet. Why are they doing that to you? Is it because they want you to snitch on somebody?"
Worth just looked at me, and this was the first time that he genuinely looked pissed off. Before, yeah, he seemed to feign anger; but this felt real.
"Don't ask questions to things you know nothing about." He sneers, and I glare at him.
"What are you-?"
"Or I'll suspect you along with the others who came up in here trying to get something. Like I said, you get paid to be professional snitches. Anything I tell you is because I trust you aren't in on it. Don't piss me off and have me regret having ever trusted you-."
"Woah!" I exclaim over him. "I literally know nothing of what's going on! They said unless you tell me about it yourself of what's going on, I can't know anything. They're keeping it in their inner circle it seems...I'm not lying. I don't lie for dumb shit."
I look at him seriously and he still looked iffy. Just from his stance I could tell that was causing others to become prepared for something. He needed to calm down because I seriously knew nothing of why he was kept here.
I don't know what they want out of him either. I've never been so kept out of the loop before. We're coworkers and you won't even tell me something like that?
It's because they know what they're doing is wrong.
Suddenly Worth's stance relaxed, and he looks away from me.
"I believe you." He says calmly.
I sigh in relief almost as he looks away from me again. Hopefully that didn't change anything...me having asked him those things.
"There's past CO's who have been sent in to try and get information out of me. Why do you think so much of them want my dick? I shut them up and kept them from asking, by going that route. I have nothing to say, I just need them to charge me so that we can get this shit over with." He sneers, but I knew it wasn't at me.
My lips tighten, looking away from him awkwardly.
"I don't really...get it." I mutter, sitting down behind the counter now. I saw Worth rest his arms on the counter and just smile.
"You don't need to get it, let's just keep it this way," He ends up telling me, "I don't say that to make you upset or offend. It really...isn't that important, okay?"
I just look at him, and he grins. I keep my lips sealed because I knew I wouldn't be getting anything out of him.
Getting him to snitch on somebody...that's not what I'm focused on. I just want to know why they're keeping him here. I can tell he won't be saying anything on it anytime soon... That's where getting along with him comes into play.
Because if he isn't supposed to be here, I want him to leave. It's basically false imprisonment and I wouldn't wish this life upon anybody.
Worth...doesn't come off as a bad person, he can be dominant and very headstrong at times. There's something about him that you want to fear, but...he really isn't that bad. I think it's just perception more than anything if anyone finds him scary or a 'gangster' in their eyes - how some would put it.
"What do you want to be charged with? Is it bad?" I try to ask cleverly, and he seemed to wonder if I was trying to ask underhandedly; and I was. Except he just looked me head-on with no expression.
"Multiple homicides, robberies, gang banging, grand theft auto, assault with a deadly weapon, causing great bodily harm-."
"Okay." I smile awkwardly, causing him to chuckle. "You...at nineteen, did all of that? You're trying to tell me I should believe you did all that shit?"
"Yeah." He says calmly, my lips tightening together. I saw him grin at my expression like he wanted me to be afraid of him. Except I didn't get the vibe that he...did the stuff he says he supposedly did.
I don't believe it.
"Well...if you did all of that stuff, why aren't you in seg? Your crimes are considered too high-risk to be placed amongst normal criminals. Am I going to have to report that and have you moved?" I found myself teasing, but I pretend like I'm serious.
I saw him just look at me with this unreadable look again. Raising my eyebrow, I wait for him to acknowledge what I just said. Only for him to shrug.
"Have me moved then. I'll guarantee you they'll move me back here, into that same cell. And I bet someone will want me to fuck them right after as contribution. It's a repeat cycle. Things won't change just because of that one choice, only be brought to how they used to be." He says simply with no life.
The both of us kept our eyes locked on each other's as if to see who'd break first. It was weird because I still...wasn't getting this sense of him being a threat.
I could look at him and be...not afraid.
"Fine." I finally speak, and his eyebrow raises. "Stay here. With how corrupted everything is, that is likely the case. It'd be a wasted effort."
"You wouldn't want me gone from here anyway," Worth says calmly, "If I wasn't here, everyone would've been already have cornered you and shanked you to death. You have some enemies in here Officer Nate. I wonder why."
I roll my eyes because he did know why. It was when I treated everyone like scum of the earth. I'm trying to not do that anymore so...but some of them make it real fucking hard.
"Oh, there he is!" Worth exclaimed, and I look as Zarian was walking out of his cell. I could tell he looked startled as if he was trying to get out cleverly. "I told your ass, everyday you get a welcome beat-down. I wasn't fuckin' playin-."
"What the fuck do I have to do for you to not do that? What the fuck? Why are you even doing this? I didn't do anything to your ass!" Zarian snapped at him with so much frustration and animosity.
I see Worth glance at me and I don't say anything, and he seemed to like that I didn't.
"Have something you want to give me?" Worth just says.
Zarian looked confused and I immediately knew he was talking about his birthday. I could tell Zarian didn't know of it even though in his hands he held some newly bought commissary.
"I don't gotta give you shit-."
"Then to your welcome beat-down it is." He smiles, going towards him only for Zarian to drop his unmade cup of ramen and a soda. The irritated expression on his face said it all as everyone now saw him get punked basically.
Worth gladly picked it up, smiling happily.
"Thank you for my birthday present. You're so kind." He mocks him and Zarian looked like he wanted to fight. "You good-?"
Out of nowhere I saw a fist fly for Worth's face. And I was quick to try and rush over to stop the issue.
Only for Worth to dodge it in time and sock him in the throat. That took Zarian aback immediately as he gripped his neck, looking at Worth in shock for doing that.
I had to pull Worth back, nodding up at his cell.
"You'll have to be locked down, it's getting out of hand." I advise him. He didn't argue though as he grabbed the stuff he dropped.
"Can I make this ramen first?" He ends up asking and I nod.
As he was walking off I saw Zarian look so done with his shit. Even though it hasn't been that long, but I know he's older and he probably can't stand being punked by a younger dude.
"Look at that shit...you made Worth your bitch. Listening to everything your bitch-ass says-."
"Lock up, now." I snap, going towards him as I grabbed his arm. Pushing him towards his cell, only for him to suddenly twist around and shove me harshly onto the ground.
I instantly grabbed my taser as he dove down towards me, only for him to be able to hit me in the face once. That didn't faze me as I was able to grab my taser. Except right when I was about to tase him I saw him being kicked in the side of the ribs.
His body completely flying off of mine as Worth was rushing at him. It was like seeing a completely different person when he had Zarian pinned to the ground. Absolutely pummeling his face, I was at a loss for words to see the way he was just...beating his ass.
No one was stopping him as I found myself looking around. Only to realize, I was the one who was supposed to be stopping this!
Standing up, I pointed my taser at him reluctantly.
"Worth, stop." I found myself saying, but I didn't sound imposing. I sounded...nervous and not serious at all.
He wasn't listening either as he punched Zarian again in the face.
"Worth stop or I'll have to tase you!" I shout at him, but that wasn't reaching him. That was the second time...
One more chance.
I try to think fast...why was he doing this... Think!
I began to feel the throbbing on my cheek and I remembered.
"It's okay!" I cry, and I saw Worth freeze. My lips tighten together when he looks at me now. His knuckles bloody and bruised as he looked at me. "It's...it's okay. It doesn't hurt, you can stop now."
Worth didn't seem to believe me, but he got up. I saw him come towards me now and I had to keep myself from showing fear. Yet again, I realized, I wasn't afraid at all.
I just felt his fingers graze my cheek, only to pull them back.
"It's bruised, badly. You're not okay."
"I'm fine, promise." I nod surely, forcing away the throbbing sensation at this point.
"Why lie?" He questions me, actually sounding upset.
I don't say anything, but when I was about to speak the doors to the pod opened. Seeing some officers rush in, I saw inmates at the telecom.
They went to Zarian who was already knocked out, bloodied, and pummeled. No one gave mind to Worth even though it was obvious it was him. He didn't seem to care as he kept his eyes locked onto me.
More like, my bruised cheek.
I could tell he just didn't care. He was only focused on what was going on for me, which he doesn't need to worry about me. I'm fine...
"Worth?" I say his name, and he doesn't budge. "Why do you care about me so much?"
His silence was almost startling because he seemed to still be...in that fighting mindset. Or was he mad that I lied...?
"See you at headquarters." Is all he says, walking away from me as he went up to his cell. Locking down inside, I look away.
I'm not sure I want to see...that.
Because I know what will be happening.
...I don't want to see that.
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