《His Worth | MxM》four
I didn't expect for Worth to stay in his room for as long as he did. Because for two straight days, he never once came out. No one ever went up to see him either and I was advised before I started my shifts to not go near his cell.
I really don't know what's going on, but it's kinda...weird. Not kinda, it's one-hundred percent weird!
Everyone is sleeping right now, so if I was to check his cell...it wouldn't matter. No one can go and say anything to me about it. Can ask him what's really going on.
As I go up, I get to his cell door. Except when I look in I gasped to see he wasn't even in there. No one ever told me he was being put on segregation though. So...that worried me even more.
Not worried about him escaping, but worried about what the hell is really going on here. Why...did they tell me not to check his cell the whole time if he really wasn't here then? Like they were trying to fool me and just hide something altogether?
As I wondered I rushed down to my counter and was about to alert someone. Except I was getting this feeling that I shouldn't. This was just odd way too much. It actually made me...worried somehow.
Maybe because of what happened two days ago when I tried to be nice to him. Barely worked in my favor because he acted like he hated my guts still. I mean, whatever, he lost out because of taking his anger out on others.
Now he's missing though so...I don't even know. Should I be worried, concerned? I don't think I should be since they all tried to trick me into thinking he was still there. Except why go that far though? He doesn't seem to have charges; so therefore he has no trials to attend...
Are they interrogating him?
They would've said that. The thing is that they didn't tell me anything. They are definitely hiding something, one-hundred percent.
I'd ask around, but I highly doubt anyone would tell me anything. Ever since that time when he almost knocked that guy's head off with the basketball, people don't really speak to me. More like they're avoidant of any possible confrontation.
I haven't been able to talk to Matthew either, he's been "busy". More like avoiding me if anything for some reason.
The more I think on it the more I feel like there is just some sketchy, underhanded shit going on. It pisses me off because I know there's something happening... What though? I don't even think these people know either.
The people Worth was affiliated with was everybody really! There were obviously the people who he was around, but they definitely won't talk to me. Got into it with them my first day on the job.
I'm just feeling a little nosy is all. Except it's my job to fight against corruption and crime! I can smell...so much corruption, it's clogging up my nose.
...or probably the putrid scent of some of these men.
Suddenly the cell block door opens, and I look in surprise. Only to see the Chief of the whole facility right beside Worth. He had no cuffs on either, just was walking casually.
I was surprised, because the Chief...isn't supposed to be over here. I don't think he is... Why is he escorting him and not someone of my rank or one higher?
"Chief!" I rush over, and I see him grin up at Worth as he pats his arm.
"You can go back. See you in a couple of weeks." He tells Worth who didn't even acknowledge him.
I watched him walk off with almost this dejected expression, causing me to look at the Chief now. Only for him to sigh almost in peace.
"What...what's going on? Why did officers lie to me and act like he was here, when he was with you? Also, I have another question. Why doesn't he have a wristband, that would mean he's in the system. Why doesn't he? Another thing-."
"Just mind your business and get back to work." He interrupted me, and I flinched.
I watch him exit out fast, the doors closing. A glare was set on the door as I turn away.
I couldn't help myself as I rushed up to Worth's cell. Only to arrive there and he was gathering up stuff to shower.
"Oh...uh..." I found myself stammering as he looked at me; and I don't know why. It shouldn't have been this awkward, but since I was trying to be sympathetic I had to hold back how I would talk usually to him. "Where were you?"
Worth didn't answer, just pushing past me as he went to the showers. That kinda pissed me off because I didn't know what his issue was.
I end up following to the very counters that exposed the showers for everyone to see. He happened to be the only one back here as he removed his shirt.
"I tried talking to Chief, but he told me to mind my business. I just don't get why they'd lie about you being here, when you weren't. I've been meaning to ask you, what are you in here for?" I question him, and he pulls his joggers down.
My eyes widening at how nice his body was, actually. On a friendly perspective, I'm curious as to what his workout routine is in here. I'm going to ignore...that pole hanging between his legs.
Except I frowned when he pulled something off it, and when he threw it down I realized it was a condom. Why...did he have a condom on?
"You're staring fucking hard," Worth finally speaks, and I look at him to see this pissed expression, "What now? Another one of you wants to try and get close to me to get information? To ride my dick in the end and get nothin' but a dick in your ass-?"
"Woah! What the fuck?!" I snap, and he looks away instantly. "I don't know...what's going on, but I was just asking what the hell is going on. This doesn't seem right, and after what you said I know something is up."
"Always has been. You're not the first to pick that up, Sherlock Holmes." He mocks me, and he turns the water on as he starts to shower. "Corruption is everywhere, but it's worst here. Especially towards me."
I stay silent, and I see him stay still under the water. He didn't say anything to me for a bit and I felt kind of bad just looking on. I wasn't gawking at anything, but he wasn't bad to look at.
"Why towards you specifically-?"
"Don't act like you don't fucking know." He sneers, his fist banging against the wall harshly. "People who play dumb piss me off the most."
"I really don't know what's going on so fuck off with that shit! I'm tryin' to be nice to you and you're just being an ass!" I shout now, and he snorts. "And what's so funny now? You always seem to find something funny."
I see him pull his fist back from the wall, and I clearly see that his fingers knuckles were fucked up. He looked at it some and I shook my head.
"You're going to need to go to the infirmary." I say calmly.
Only to see him shove them all back in place and I had to stop myself from throwing up. That was the nastiest thing I have ever seen and I could only imagine the pain. Except it was like he appreciated the pain like it was distracting him from something else.
Once they were all back in place normally, he glanced at me.
"I'm going to need to go where?" Worth mocks again, beginning to wash himself.
I was silent, looking away as I stood at the railing. Overlooking everyone, there was just this odd shift in the pod now.
I already know it's because of Worth.
He had that power and he didn't even need to enact anything. I want that power, for people here to respect me and curb that corruption. Lower the drugs that possibly get into this pod, and no one getting hurt.
It's just...I don't think I can do it alone. Clearly after everything I just saw down there?
I don't know what happened with Worth and Chief, but with what he has said... I hope he's not alluding to the idea of them having had sex. Because that would be corruption at its finest.
Just why?
"Officer Nate!"
I frown, looking as I saw an inmate actually just call my name. Looking at him, he points off to the side and I look. Only to see an inmate behind my counter.
"Hey, what the fuck?! Get from behind the counter, now!" I shout, rushing down as they looked up at me as I came down. Except something felt off because why would anyone call for me?
That's being a snitch...and being a snitch in here gets you killed, or close to being killed. This didn't feel right at all...
I stop, at the base of the stairs, holding my taser as the guy began to come back from behind the counter. Only to reveal nothing in his hand. I was confused because he was holding something in his fist.
These were also...Worth's friends, I think. They've been around him - wait.
'Worth, do something to that bitch! Who the hell he think he talkin' to? Seg is nothing to Worth you know, beating your ass will be nothin'.'
I remembered this guy saying that to me on my first day. Now he's here and suddenly wants to act tough? Because Worth is back, even though before he was a no-show?
"Drop whatever is in your hand, now." I demand coldly, and I saw some of the guys walk from behind the stairs. Surrounding the sides, I stepped back since no one was behind me.
There was an odd silence now. No one spoke and all eyes were on me. Sinisterly...that look that wished death upon me...
They all want to do this now since Worth is back? Pathetic pieces of-.
"Now!" Someone shouts, and I saw so many people running at me.
I was quick to run up the stairs as I pressed my emergency button on my radio. Only to see it was disconnected and now I knew why he was behind the counter.
"Stop! I will tase the fuck out of you all, back the fuck up!" I shout, hearing the fear in my voice as I reached the top.
Someone grabbing my arm tightly and I yanked it away, sprinting down the hall towards the showers. Only to see Worth walking out and I couldn't...help myself.
I ran behind him and he looked over his shoulder at me in confusion.
"What are you-?"
"Worth we got 'em! We defend our own against those talkin' shit!" Someone shouted, and I felt someone reach around him and grab my arm.
Right when their other hand came flying down with something in it, I saw Worth grab his wrist. Only to see him do an underhand maneuver and twist it behind his back harshly. Causing him to cry out as he crumbled to the ground, a shank falling from his fist.
He stood in front of me now, and I grabbed the shank from the ground. This was a weapon and I needed to turn this in. So many of them seemed to have shanks.
If they had gotten to me...I know I would've probably been stabbed to death. They were ready, especially since almost all of the pod are in on it. Just a couple of people weren't participating in this.
"Who set this up?" He questioned them, and no one said a word. I saw his eyes go over all of them in absolute anger. "Answer me, snitch or be a bitch. Yeah, I called you all a bitch, gonna shank me now?"
They didn't say anything, some of them just looking down at the one who was on the floor. That said enough without them needing to put it into words.
"No one's really responsible, we all took part-."
"Shut the fuck up." Worth sneered at him, and the guy lost all of his confidence. "I'd roll out if I were you."
Instantly, the look on the guy's face was absolute terror. Like he didn't understand what was just said, yet he did.
"Roll out? I...I can't!"
"Roll out, or I get to handle you in a cell. Choose one."
I found myself amazed because of the absolute terror he seemed to put into everybody. I was really curious as to who he was now. More than I was before.
Why...does he have this power? Who is he outside of this prison? That'll probably tell me more than enough if I can figure out who he was on the outs.
"Take it...into a cell." The guy groans, causing everyone to rush off. Except I knew I couldn't let him do that.
My job is to protect the inmates from one another and deter crime. I can't let him beat him up. Even if it's for my sake...I think.
"You can't fight him." I tell him, and he looked down at me. "That goes against my job and what I signed up for to protect you guys from each other as well as yourselves. If I let you beat him up, I'm corrupt."
Worth didn't say anything, just looking away.
"I have to now. If I don't, I won't be a man of my word. If you were smart, you'd roll him out by demand - not by choice. You're the 'pod boss' right?" He mocks with a sneer, and I don't say anything. "Aren't you?"
I nod hesitantly, and he snorts.
"Sure you are." He walks off from me, and I rush back down. Turning back on my connection, I call for the DART team to do an inspection of the whole pod.
To take those shanks out, but to also remove the coordinator who planned the attack against me. He definitely needs to be moved to a different pod not just because of what he did to me. Mainly because I can tell Worth will bring harm to him.
I am appreciative of his defending despite everything. I am certain it's because I am trying to be nicer. Less...cussing him out and calling him out his name.
I think...
By the time the DART team arrived, there began to be shouting as they had everyone lie on the ground. I couldn't see where Worth was as everyone was being taken and placed into the rec room.
It was kinda off-putting because I saw that guy who arranged everything being removed out of the pod with a black eye. I already knew Worth clearly got a hit on him at least.
I tried...
Except as I'm looking for him I saw a DART member standing at his cell. They were talking to someone inside and the way their expression was told me it was motivated by something. It wasn't threatening or nothing...but quite flirtatious.
That's when I go up the stairs, trying to act like I wasn't listening in as I go to the cell next door. Opening the door, I pretend to look inside as I listen.
"I wasn't able to see you yesterday...I'm sorry," I heard the DART member apologize, "I had to raid a pod for a whole day looking for drugs and shit. The Chief told me you were out of the block and up in the headquarter chambers. I was busy so much...it's so irritating. How many people were you able to fuck?"
I flinch, looking around as I saw the member grinning up at Worth.
"Not sure...I wasn't counting. I know it was more than ten of you bitches." He seems to flirt back, and I saw a hand go forward fast. A hand gripping the member's face, they were blushing as I saw Worth lean forward.
His lips inches from theirs, I saw him smirk.
"I didn't have anymore cum left, so you'd be disappointed that you couldn't swallow any." He husks, causing the member to bite his lip. "I am still tired from having fucked all of you, so if you want me to do so to you... How about you be quicker next time?"
"Oh...I will." He nods fast, bolting off past me.
I saw Worth watch his retreating back with the most disgusted look on his face. Only for his eyes to move onto me, startling me.
"If you're gonna eavesdrop, make sure I can't see how disgusted you look through the cell window." He informs me, and I don't say anything. "Don't act too surprised. This has been going on for some time. It's the only way-."
"How is it the only way?!" I shout now, slamming the cell door as I go to his. "You fucking my subordinates and higher-ups, and for what?! Is that why you don't have a wristband? Are you doing this so that they don't press charges against you or what?! This is wrong! How could you engage in such a thing?! It's wrong!"
"I know it is," Worth smirks, looking away from me, "That's why I do it. Inmate, remember-?"
"It's more than you being an inmate. There is something more at play here, but what?" I question him, and he doesn't respond.
I could tell just from how he reacted at the showers that he must've not enjoyed sleeping with them all. There has to be a reason why he's doing it.
Because he acted flirtatious with that DART member, then when they retreated he looked at them with utter hatred. It's like he's choosing to act a certain way for a main purpose.
What is that purpose though?
Why even go that far?
"But nothing." Worth finally speaks.
"But something! There is a reason you're doing this, but why?"
"Because I like fucking those who put me in jail and having them wrapped around my finger, that's all there is to it." Worth looks me straight in the eye and shows no faltering.
I still didn't believe him though.
"You're...you're lying." Is all I say, Worth glaring down at me.
Only for that glare to dissipate abruptly.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." He says back softly to my surprise. Only to walk around me now.
I suddenly feel lips near my ear, a chill running down my spine.
"How about you figure it out?" Worth whispers, walking away now.
...I will! I will figure it out!
Watch me.
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He did not love her. It was a loveless marriage to him. In his eyes, she is just a burden who cooks food for him. And in return, he will earn money and place it in her bank account. But she fell for him the moment she had laid eyes on him. It was love at first sight. She would lovingly cook him breakfast, but he would not even glance at her in the morning. In attempts to get him to glance at her, she fooled and embarrassed herself in front of him. She was close to giving up. A small part of her had hoped someday he would change the way he views her. But the fragment of hope diminishes very quickly. Little did she know that one simple action will cause everything to change. That one day he going to start feeling something for her, when her heart is broken. That he is going to start feeling something for her, with a dark past.Will she have to continue to wonder whether it will always be a loveless marriage or a new journey where they fall in love with each other together instead of one-sided love. Will he be able to love her like she loves him?
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