《Rejected By My Mate(Completed)》Chapter 12(Edited)


I felt someone put their hand on my thigh and I let out a low growl and i turn to see it's my sister's hand. "I see the pregnancy hormones have kicked in already hey." She says nudging my arm with her elbow and i just laugh."So sis,mom and dad hosting this competition and their will be prizes." My eyes go wide and my sister laughs at me. I feel a sharp pain all the way up my spine and I gripped my sister's hand tight. "Jesus Tam your grip is tight. Are you okay there." "Yeah I'm fine. Just got a small pain in my spine thats all. It's nothing major." I wave my sister off with my hand.

Another pain shot through my spine and it's worse then the first time."JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. JUSTIN IT HURTS!!!" My mom runs over to me and touches my shoulders with her hands. The pain is getting worse by the minute. "Mom its hurts. It fucking hurts." "Listen to me sweety. Your going into labour and we have to get you to the pack doctor." "That's impossible mom. My boys were supposed to only be born next month."

I slowly stand up and I feel that my legs are wet."Justin where the fuck are you."

"I'm right here baby. Keep calm and just breath."

"Don't fucking tell me to keep calm and breath. Jesus fuck.We're not having anymore children after these two boys Justin. It fucking hurts like a bitch!!!" I yell at him and grip his hand. I think i broke it. Justin picks me up and takes me to the pack doctor. He kicks the door open and runs into the house,down the halls and into the infirmary.


He opens the door and puts me on the bed. "Ayy Doc my wife's in labour. Get my boys out of there because I can't bear to see her in pain." Doctor Adams walks in and he sees me on the bed. "Oh hey Luna."

"I'm not your fucking Luna. Now get these fucking babies out of me and get this over and down with." I yell at him and he rushes over to my side. He puts on gloves and a face mask and sits at the end of the bed and talks to me.

"Okay Tammy I'm gonna need you to push so when I tell you to push,then push okay?" "Okay,i got it."

"On the count of three you push.One.Two.Three.Push!" I push as hard as I can. "Okay i see the head. One more push and your eldest son will be out. Okay push." I push one more time and i hear the most beautiful sound of my baby crying. The doc puts the baby in the cot and it's feels like I have to push again.

Justin keeps my hands and whispers sweet nothings into my ear and it doesn't work. I'm gonna regret saying this but I have to do it anyway. "Justin your not gonna like this,but you have to fetch Stephen." He looks at me and there's rage in his eyes. "No hell no. I'm not getting that asshole that broke your heart. Not in a million fucking years." I scream again and squeeze his hand tightly. "I'm afraid that she's right Gamma Justin. She needs her mate with her at this moment cause she's in immense pain and it's getting worse." Justin groans and kisses me on my lips.I touch his cheek and whisper to him. "I love you and only you Justin. That shit face means nothing to me." He smiles and kisses me passionately and I kiss him back. He stops kissing me and smiles.

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