《Running >> TWD, C.G》Twelve


a run with Otis for medical supplies so Hershel could do the surgery and save Carl's life. Addy hated the fact that she had a bad feeling about Shane, call it the Dixon instinct. But, Shane had been through something traumatic and she was accusing him of things and she didn't know if they were true? She felt awful for it.

However, her train of thoughts were interrupted as the familiar rumble of her father's motorcycle sounded throughout the area.

As soon as he stopped and got off, Addy wrapped her skinny arms around his waist. He gladly accepted and placed his hand on the back of her head as Rick, Lori and the rest of the Greene family stepped out of the farmhouse.

"How is he?" Dale asked.

"He'll pull through. Thanks to Hershel and his people and -"

"And Shane," Rick added, "We'd have lost Carl if not for him."

Shane, who was wearing a button up shirt and overalls that where far to large for him, looked up. Dale looked shocked for a second before bringing Rick into a hug, Carol doing the same with Lori.

"How'd it happen?"

"Hunting accident. That's all, just a...stupid accident."


"Blessed be God, father of our lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis. For his span of years, for his abundance of character. Otis, who gave his life to save a child's. Now, more than ever, our most precious asset. We thank you God for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. He died as he lived, in grace."

Addy never was one for being religious. None of her family was, so naturally she wasn't either. Nevertheless, she listened closely as Hershel read a passsage from the bible he held in his hands.

"Shane, will you speak for Otis?"

"I'm not good at it. I'm sorry."

"You were the last one with him, you shared his final moments. Please, I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning." Patrica sobbed.

Shane sighed and thought for a moment, thought about his bullshit story he was going to tell.

"We were about done. I almost shot at him but we were down to pistols by then. I was limping, it was bad. Ankle all swollen up. 'We gotta save the boy,' see, that's what he said. He gave me his backpack, he shoved me ahead. 'Run', he said. He said I'll - I'll take the rear, I'll cover you. - And when I looked back - if not for Otis, I'd have never made it out alive, and that goes for Carl, too. It was Otis. He saved us both. If any death ever had meaning, it was his."



"Why don't you pull that arrow out, dummy? You could bind your wound better."

Merle. Of course it wasn't really Merle, Daryl knew that, but he presumed the arrow in his side was making him see things.

"Merle." He let out a soft scoff, trying not to disturb his wound. Merle chuckled and nodded,

"What's goin' on here? You takin' a siesta or somethin'?"

"A shitty day, bro."

"Like me to get your pillow? Maybe rub your feet?"

"Screw you."

"Nuh-uh. You're the one who's screwed from the looks of it. All they years I spent trying to make a man of ya, this is what I get? Look at ya, lying in the dirt like a used rubber. You're gonna die out here, little brother. And for what?"

"A girl," His answer was quick, "They lost a little girl."

"So you got a things for little girls now? Because I noticed you ain't out lookin' for old Merle no more."

"I tried like hell to find you, bro."

"Like hell you did. You split, man. Lit out first chance you got."

"You lit out. All ya had to do was wait. We went back for ya. Rick and I, we did right by ya."

"This the same Rick that cuffed me to the rooftop in the first place? Forced me to cut off my own hand? This the one we talkin' about here? You his bitch now?"

"I ain't nobody's bitch."

"You're a joke is what you are, playing errand boy to a bunch of pansy-asses, Uncle Toms, and democrats when your supposed to be lookin' after your little girl? You're Nothin' but a freak to them. Redneck trash, that's all ya are. And they're laughing at ya behind ya back. You know that, don't ya? I got a little news for you, son. One of these days, they're gonna scrape you off their heels like you was dog shit."

"Hey, hey!" Merle slapped his brother's chest as he let his eyes droop, "They ain't your kin, your blood. Me and ya kid are, that's all there is to it. Hell, you had any damn nuts in that sack of yours, you'd go back there and shoot your pal, Rick, in the face for me."

"Now, you listen to me," Merle grabbed Daryl's chin, "Ain't nobody ever gonna care about you 'cept me and little Addy. Ain't nobody ever will. Come on, get up on your feet before I have to kick your teeth in. Let's go."

Daryl wanted to get up, he really did, but the crossbow bolt in his side was preventing him from doing so. Merle's figure eventually faded and the sound of something bitting at rubber filled his ears. Daryl looked down, surprised to see a Walker at his feet, chewing away at his boot.


Daryl grunted and pushed himself away, kicking the Walker in the face. However, It doubled back and Daryl reached for his crossbow beside him, but the Walker grabbed at him and he was forced to get a stick to beat the thing down. He bashed the stick into it's face, eventually killing it.

He threw the stick to the side and noticed another Walker swiftly heading his way. The man took a deep breath and began to pull the arrow out of his side, grunting and groaning in pain as he did so. Thankfully, he managed to pull back the crossbow sting back just in time and shoot the Walker under the chin, the bolt sinking deeper into into it's head as he fell.


Addy squinted as she swung on the grey swingy chair outside the RV. She turned her head as Glenn opened the RV door, smiling at her and ruffling her long brown hair as he walked by. She huffed and patted it back down into place as Andrea suddenly shouted,

"Walker! Walker!"

"Just the one?" Rick walked up, holding a hand over his eyes in an attempt to block the harsh sun. Andrea picked up her binoculars and looked through them,

"I bet I can nail it from here." The blonde woman said as she raised her gun in the direction of the Walker.

"No, no. Andrea, put the gun down." Rick told her calmly but firmly.

"You'd best let us handle this." Shane said, walking forward with a bat in his hand, T-Dog not far behind.

"Shane, hold up. Hershel wants to deal with walkers."

"What for, man? We got it covered."

"Damn it."

Rick ran and grabbed his revolver from the RV, mumbling a quick, 'stay here,' to Addy as he ran past, catching up to the others.

Addy wasn't worried, she knew the man could handle it, especially if it was just one Walker. Andrea sighed and raised her gun once again, then laying down on the RV's roof and aiming her gun at the Walker.

"Andrea, don't!" Dale chided. Addy agreed with the older man, if she was to shoot it, the loud noise would only attract more walkers.

"Back off, Dale." She told him firmly, getting ready to fire her gun.

A few moments later, Andrea fired the weapon. Addy jumped, but Andrea seemed proud of herself. Until the three heard Rick's yells.

"No! Stop!"

"Rick!" Lori yelled after hearing the gunshot and Rick's shouts, fearing for the father of her child's safety.

"What on earth is goin' on out here?" Hershel shouted.

Addy frowned, not seeing why the man was upset. The two adults hopped down from the RV, so Addy ran after them. And after running for a bit, the girl realised who it was.

"Dad!" She screamed in horror. This couldn't be happening, the only person she truly cared for was possibly dead? No way.

"Oh my God, oh my God! Is he dead?" Andrea asked worriedly, panting as if she had run a marathon. Like you care.

"Unconscious, you just grazed him."

Andrea went to touch Daryl's shoulder, but Addy promptly pushed her hand away.

"Don't touch him!"

"Addy.." Daryl growled lowly. He wanted to scold her, but he couldn't find the strength in him. And, if he was being honest, Andrea deserved the harsh treatment.

"But - look at him, what the hell happened? H-he's wearing ears!" Glenn pointed to the piece of string tied around the man's neck. When Addy looked down, she noticed that he indeed had a necklace of ears hung around his neck.

Had he finally gone crazy?

"Let's keep that to ourselves." Rick said as he snatched the necklace and shoved it in his pocket. T-Dog stopped behind them holding up a doll,

"Guys, isn't this Sophia's?"


It was later in the evening, and Addy didn't want to go to the dinner downstairs, as much as her father persuaded her to. She was half asleep on an armchair next to the bed Daryl was resting in, her body in and out of consciousness as she replayed the day's events in her mind. She was just about to drift off to a comfortable sleep when the door creaked open.

Daryl pulled the covers up as Carol walked in with a tray of food and a drink.

"How you feeling?" Carol asked politely, setting the tray down on the nightstand.

"'Bout as good as I look."

Addy listened closely while pretending she was asleep,

"I brought you some dinner. You must be starving." Daryl didn't say anything, just turned to look at the food the woman gave him.

"Does Addy need anything?"

"Nah, kid's fine."

Carol nodded, hesitating for a moment before bending down and planting a kiss on Daryl's temple. The man froze and looked back up at her as she walked towards the door.

"Watch out, I got stitches."

"You need to know something," Carol sighed, "You did more for my little girl today than her own daddy ever did in his whole life."

"I didn't..do anythin' Rick and Shane wouldn't have done."

Rick, maybe, but definitely not Shane. It's like he's given up ever since he came back from that run with Otis last week.

"I know. You're every bit as good as them. Every bit."

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