《Friends to Lovers | Javon Walton》SICK


We were back from vacation and for the past 2 days i have felt like complete shit. Javon had been staying downstairs in the living room to check on me and help with my grandma because I physically do not have the energy to stand up. I haven't even woken up yet but I hear the door creek open I turn around and I see javon coming in with some soup and water. "thank you" I said not facing him "i didn't even know you were awake" he said walking over " I just woke up" i said turning around " how are you feeling?" he asked sitting down and rubbing my back " still like shit" I responded. I grabbed the remote and turned on Netflix, started watching Outer Banks again. I watched 3 episodes before I started getting tired and it was only 2 PM. I noticed that Javon was asleep, so I just decided to go to sleep too. I woke up before Javon, I checked the time and it was already 10 pm, i turned around to try and fall back asleep but I couldn't so I decided to FaceTime Angus.

(Angus is in bold italics your in regular)

Nothing Javons asleep

Like shit. Wyd?

Wait what?!

Prolly?! What you mean by that!?

Why can't you just stay a little longer?

Oh ok. Goodnight ig

We ended the call

i got up to wash my face and refill my water bottle. I got down to the kitchen and decided to take melatonin to help me sleep. I got back up to my bedroom and fell asleep

It was the next day and I woke up to Javon complaining about his head and stomach hurting. I was on my way to get the thermometer when I felt the need to throw up, I ran to the bathroom and threw up (no she's not pregnant! Im not making her pregnant) once I was done throwing up I went to go get the thermometer so I can take his temperature. After the thermometer went off I looked at it and it was 103.4 , same temperature as me. "Javon tell your parents your sick and you have to stay here longer" I said as he nodded his head "you got me sick" he said sarcastically pouting "maybe you shouldn't have slept with me" I said hugging him. Since we were both sick all we did was lay in bed and watch outer banks











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