《Friends to Lovers | Javon Walton》Vacation


This idea was from @sxnnybeth

i went over to the waltons because i was bored and had nothing to do. i walked in and daelo runs up to me and hugs me "wassup bestie" i said hugging him back "javon is in his room" he said pointing upstairs. i go upstairs and open javons door and hes not there. "JAVON" i yelled. i heard noise from the bathroom, the bathroom door opens "when did you get here?" he asked while hugging me "just now" i said. i see a suitcase with clothes in it "where you going?" i asked "well first i was gonna pack stuff to keep at your house and then my parents told me were going on vacation" he said packing his clothes "to florida" he said before i could ask where. i got downstairs to see Dj and Jessica "hey y/n we were just about to send javon to ask if you wanna go on vacation with us" jessica said smiling "sure i'll go" i run back upstairs smiling at javon with a huge smile "what made you so happy?" javon askes staring at me "im going to florida with you" i said jumping on his bed "hold on im almost done packing, i'll go with you" i went into his closet to get one of his hoodies.

"hey isn't that my hoodie?" javon asked while smiling "maybe" i said while javon chased me out the door and to my house. he finally caught me and gave me a big kiss on the lips. i started packing while javon put the things he wanted to keep at my house away. i was almost done packing "pack a bikini, its gonna be warm" javon said looking through my drawer for one. he was looking for a good minute when he finally found the one "why do you have so many?" he asked with a sarcastic tone "because i can" i said walking into the bathroom to pack my makeup and skincare products "this is the one" he said holding it up


"thats my favorite one, i just got it" i said smiling. he put it into my suitcase "were leaving tomorrow so you can just stay at my house" he said zipping up my suitcase "let me go tell my grandma" i went downstairs and my grandma said it was fine. i go and i see javon already downstairs with my suit case. i try and grab it from him but he yanks it away "let me take it" he said slapping my hand away "no you already do so much for me" i said pouting "its a suitcase, its not much" he said sarcastically, i shrugged my shoulders and walked out following javon. we got to his house and went in his room. i was just laying down and javon was on the game sitting on the bed. i was starting to doze off so i didnt hear the door open. it was jayla taking a picture of us. i had completely fell asleep

it was the next day around 5 a.m and i woke up to javon poking me in the face "javon stop let me sleep" i said in my tired voice

"we have to leave" javon said as soon as he said that i shot out of bed and started getting ready. i went to brush my teeth and do my skincare. i put on a white top and some of javons shorts

"are those my shorts?" he asked smiling "yea" i said laying back down. Javon picks me up and throws me over his shoulder "JAVON PUT ME DOWN" i screamed bloody mary. we got outside me still over his shoulder "you know this is a nice view" i said laughing and slapping his butt. he slapped my butt before gently setting me down in the car. we started driving and me and javon were watching "supernatural" on netflix "dean is really cute" i said smiling, javon gave me disgusted look.



we had been in florida for about 2 hours and Javon was asleep so i decided to go to the beach. i left a note so he wouldn't worry. i got my bikini on and started heading to the beach with daelo following me. we finally got there and found a place to sit, some boy comes up to me "is this your kid cause i dont have a problem being a dad" he said sitting next to me and daelo "nope" i said trying to ignore him "can i have your phone number? he asked handing me his phone. I took it not putting my number in it but to out my name as "FUCK OFF"

i woke up and saw the note from y/n so i decided to go to the beach. once i got there i saw her sitting next to some dude. i walked up and told daelo to be quiet "wow y/n i invite you and you cheat on me" i said hurt "javon its not what it looks like. i walk away fighting tears, she chases after me. she went and tried to hug me but i pushed her off "can we talk about this at home? she asked

We got to the place we were staying at "why were you hanging out with that guy" i said kinda yelling "i wasnt, he came up to me" she said in a calm voice. god shes always so calm and sweet "yea so you werent holding his phone" i yelled "n-no thats not how it went" she said on the verge of tears "you know y/n i cant believe you would cheat on me when i take you on vacation" "I DIDNT CHEAT HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU" she yelled with tears in her eyes while slamming the door.

i walked outside to see y/n with her head in her knees "y/n im so sorry" i said hugging her "why would you think i would ever cheat on you?" she asked "because your the first girl i actually like and i let my insecurities get the best of me" i said while looking at the ground. she looked at me, hugged me and gave me a kiss " i would never cheat on you" she said still hugging me


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