《Lover-Javon Walton》~Part 19


~time skip a week later~

"Do you have the candles" Jayla asks, "uhm yeah there right here" Amaya reply's pulling out candles and placing them on a blue and red cake.

"Shh be quite" I whisper to Jayla and Amaya as we walk into my room where we all slept last night. Jaden is sleeping one way on the air mattress and Javon is sleeping the opposite.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" we all scream waking the twins up. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" I start laughing pointing the camera around the room as Jayla lights the candles. "HAPPY BRITHDAY DEAR JAVON AND JADEN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" everyone but Jaden and Javon start laughing.

"Leave me the fuck alone" Jaden says laying back down, Javon doing quickly after doing the same. I jump on the bed "blow out your candles" I say, Jaden kicks the back of my leg making me fall on top of Javon.

"Sorry" I quickly apologize "it's ight ma" he reply's smiling. "Now blow out your candles, and get up it's literally 10:45 am" I say getting off the mattress.

They both get up and blow out the candles. "Now can I go back to sleep" Jaden quickly asks, "no you gotta get ready for your party" Jayla says. "Whatever" he reply's then starts making his way downstairs.


"Wait so why won't your mom let us have a conjoined birthday" Javon asks tying his shoe. "Because it's my sweet sixteen and she wants it to be huge and all about me, and those were her exact words" I explain, writing a note to tell mom I'm going to the Waltons to get ready.

We all get in Jaylas car Amaya in passenger seat me and Javon and Jaden in the back. Javon puts his hand on my inner thigh, I am a little surprised at his actions. I look over at him "happy birthday my love" I say kissing him, he smiles at me. "Either stop all that annoying couple shit or get the fuck out" Jaden says annoyed making me and Javon laugh.

We quickly arrive at the Walton's, we all get out the boys go to their rooms to get ready and the girls all go to Jaylas room to get ready.

When we get done getting ready me, Jayla, and Amaya take pictures to post on insta.





"Mom stopp" Javon and Jaden say at the same time as their mom kisses their cheeks. I quickly grab my phone and take a picture. "Delete that" Jaden says pointing at me, "no I think I'm gonna keep it" I reply.

"Javon tell your little girlfriend I said to delete that picture" Jaden mocks. "Aww are you afraid you Snapchat hoes are gonna see it" I say pouting my lip then laughing.

"No I dropped all of them" he says like it was obvious. We all turn and look at him "who did you fall in love with" Jayla asks. "No one" he says while blushing a little.

"We can see you blushing we're not blind" Javon says. "No for real no one, they don't even know I like them" Jaden says quickly catching what he just said. "So you do like someone" Jayla teases.

I turn over and look at Amaya who's mood has completely changed, I mean she's smiling but I can tell it's fake. She quickly walks away when Javon and Jayla start questioning their brother about his crush.

I get up from the couch to follow her into Jaylas room. When I get in the room she is sitting on Jaylas bed just staring at her shoes. "Amaya what's wrong" I say bringing her into a hug. "no puedo escucharlo hablar de alguien que le gusta porque me gusta" she quickly blurts out.

"I don't know what you just said but I know it had something to do with Jaden because of the way you were acting when he was talking about liking someone"I say causing her to giggle a little. "I mean I don't wanna listen to him talk about liking someone because it probably isn't me he likes" she says looking at me for validation in what she said.

"Well you will never know unless you tell him how you feel" I say hugging her. "I guess your right" she says smiling at me. Then we both walk out the room going downstairs to meet everyone to go out for dinner.


Before leaving we had to wait for the triplets to get here. "I can't wait to give you your gift" I say cuddling up against Javon on the couch. "Can you just tell me what it is" he asks, "no then that would ruin the surprise"I say kissing him.


"Eww get the fuck off each other" Chris says walking up to us, Matt and Nick not far behind him. "Shut the fuck up" I say rolling my eyes. Javon gets off the couch "bae I've missed you" he says in a high pitched voice dabbing up Chris. "Wowww" I say laughing "what are you jealous that I stole your man" Chris says laughing. "Yeah a little" I say pretending to be hurt.

"Yo what's up Matt" Jaden says dabbing him up. "Not much, happy birthday bro" Matt replies. "Nickkk" Jayla yells running up to him and hugging him. "Jaylaaa, my favorite". "So does everyone just live my brothers more than me" I say laughing. "Yeah pretty much" Jaden says. "Whatever that's why Daleo is my favorite" I reply. "Woww so I'm not your favorite" Javon says sitting back next to me. "Nope sorry" I laugh as he grabs his heart.

"Ok so who's riding with who" Matt asks. "I'm riding with Jayla" Nick says. "Ok so that gives us enough room to take the rest" Chris says, we then get up to make our way to their van.

"Let Amaya and Jaden sit in the back" I whisper to Javon. "What why" he says opening the van door. "Don't say anything but Amaya likes Jaden" I whisper he just laughs a little. "Ok fine" he says letting them get in first and get in the back. Then we get in me first then him.


We arrive at the restaurant it's very nice looking I know I've never been anywhere like it. "Wait so what kinda good do they have here" I ask Javon. "Mexican food and some other stuff but mainly Mexican" he replies. I grab his hand as we make our way to the table.

I'm sitting next to Javon then on the other side of me is Jaden and next to Jaden is Amaya. On the other side of Javon is Matt and Chris. On the other side of the table is Dj, Jess, and Daleo then Jayla and Nick.

We all order our drinks and food, "When they were like five Jaden would keep on stealing Javons deserts so one day he went to go do it and Javon punched him dead in the nose and he was bleeding everywhere". Jess says laughing.

"What can I say don't mess with my food" Javon says making the others start laughing harder. I look over to Jaden and Amaya and they are on the phone so I decide to text her.

When I send the message I look over at them waiting to see her reaction when instead of the phone she is holding getting a notification his does.

~Jadens pov~

Everyone is laughing when me and Amaya decide to take pictures on each other's phone so I give her mine and I get hers. I take a couple pictures before getting on crossy road, she gets a text and I don't wanna snoop or anything but it's from Astride so I read it.

I quickly turn my head and look at Astride. I start smiling really hard. "Are you pranking me"I whisper to Astride "yeah it's a prank" she says forcing a laugh and biting her nails.

"I can tell your lying you bite your nails when you lie"I say starting to smile even harder. "So you do like her" she says. "What no I don't like her" I say a little to loud.

Amaya gets up and goes over to the bathroom looking sad. "I'll be right back" I say getting up from the table and making my way over to her.

"What's wrong" I ask her stopping her from going into the bathroom. "I heard you say how you don't like me and I don't wanna sound like that girl but it did hurt" she quickly blurts out.

"No it's not that, I do like you it's just I don't want everyone knowing who I'm with or who I like because there are some toxic people in Javons little fan base". She looks looks me in the eyes "but why did you say that to Astride she's not in his fan base"

"Oh that was because she's a horrible liar" I giggle a little which makes her smile. "So you do like me" she asks "yes,but for now can we just see how things go before telling anyone" I ask. "Of course" she says, we both walk back to the table and no one is paying any attention to us their all just laughing.


A/n:I'm really sorry for being so inactive, I'm trying my best.

Give me idea for how to end this book.

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