《Actors in love pt 2- Javon Walton》chapter 14: first day


I woke up from being shaken awake from a flight attendant. "Honey the plane has landed," she smiled. I nodded my head in response and grabbed my carry on before walking through the boarding exit. I was now wearing Javon's hoodie which carried the scent of him. After collecting my suitcase, I found a taxi and told him the address of hotel that I was heading to.

Once the taxi stopped, I payed the driver and thanked him before grabbing my bags and heading into the very fancy hotel. "Hi I'm here to check in under the name y/n y/l/n." "Ah yes miss y/l/n, your room is room number 275 on level 5," she smiled whilst handing me a gold set of keys. I thanked her and walked towards the elevator which took me up to level 5. I was the only one in the elevator so I decided to call my dad and let him know that I had landed and was at the hotel.

"Hey honey you made it?" he asked

"yeah I'm at the hotel now."

"Is it fancy?"

"very," I giggled. "well I'm about to head into my room so I'll call you back later."

"okay love you kiddo."

"love you too dad."

I placed my phone back in my pocket and opened the door to my new room for the next few months.

The room was huge and super nice. It was almost like a fancy apartment. There was definitely no issues with me living here for the next few months. I started to unpack my stuff and get settled into my hotel room. I had an hour or so before I had to meet up with my new manager (Lucy) for lunch before she took me to the agency for a shoot so I decided that I should call Javon.


"Hey ma have you arrived?"

"Yeah I have. It's amazing here!"

"really? give me a room tour." I stood up from my bed and started to show Javon around my new hotel room.

"Room 275," I giggled.

"fuck it's fancy."

"yeah I know."

"What's your plan for today?" he asked

"well I have a lunch with my manager at 10:30 and then she will take me to meet with the other teen models and the agency."

"sounds like fun ma."

I continued talking to Javon before I had around half an hour until I had to meet up with my manager for lunch so we said goodbye and hung up so I could go get ready. I got changed into a relaxed pair of jeans, a white crop top which I put a green flannel over. I also put on my green Jordans.

I grabbed my phone and room keys before heading to the restaurant that I was meeting Lucy at. After a 10 min walk, I had arrived at the lunch place where I sat down at a table to wait for my manager. Soon after I sat down, Lucy came and sat with me. We greeted each other and ordered some food whilst talking about everything that was going to happen.

It was now 12:00 and we had finished our lunch and Lucy was driving me to the venue for our first run down and shoot. Once we arrived, she took me inside a building and into a meeting room with the overall manager and 8 other girls and their managers. I met them all and started to become close with these girls named Millie and Alice. They were really nice and we found out that all of our rooms were on the same level.


After we were given a run down on everything, we were taken to the hair and makeup area for our first shoot. We had heaps of shoots for the first 2 weeks and lessons to help improve our walk and stuff like that before the first runway show and then another one in the final week which was really important. Today we had a group shoot with all of us. I was sat down in a chair where I had 2 people working on my makeup and hair.

My hair and makeup was now finished. My hair was softly curled and I had light makeup on. I then walked over to wardrobe where I got changed into my outfit, trying my hardest to not ruin my hair and makeup. I was given a rosy pink flowy dress and red converse. Others were given different coloured suits and dresses.

After getting changed, we all made our way over to the set which is where the photos were going to be taken. We started the shoot and were told to pose in many different positions with each other with wooden chairs.

(ignore storm reid pretend she's not actually there) ^^^

Once we were finished taking heaps of photos, I changed back into my original outfit and said good bye to Lucy before leaving with the rest of the girls back to our hotel.

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