《Actors in love pt 2- Javon Walton》chapter 3: cast day


Sam had planned a fun little cast day for today so that we could have some bonding time and do something fun before we dug into rehearsing and filming. We were all going to laser tag, an escape room and then a dinner.

Javon and I had just woken up and it was 11am. The bus/mini van was taking us to laser tag at 12, so we had an hour to chill out and get ready. We went downstairs and grabbed some breakfast and then went back up to my room to get ready. I felt that javon and I had become really comfortable with each other, so I decided just to change in my room in stead of the bathroom this time.

I took off my baggy t-shirt that I had worn to bed, and threw on a white crop top. "Yo ma," javon giggled, covering his eyes. "You can look silly," I said, throwing my t-shirt at him. He uncovered his eyes and studied my body as I changed into a pair of jeans. I then felt strong, muscular arms wrap around me which gave me butterflies. "You're so fit," javon whispered in my ear. I giggled and turned around to give him a short kiss on the lips.

I sat back down on my bed and watched as javon went over to his bag and grabbed out a pair of tracksuit pants and a hoodie with a jacket over it. I stared at his abs and couldn't take my eyes off them which made him giggle. He then threw on a hat, putting it on backwards.

I then walked over to my vanity and started doing some light makeup. I felt javon's arms warp around my shoulders from behind. "You know you don't need makeup," he said, looking at me in the mirror. "Yeah right," I giggled, going back to applying my mascara and fixing up my hair.

Javon and I were laying in my bed when we heard someone knock on the door. "Yo can I come in?" a man said from outside the room. "Yep," I replied. I looked over to see Angus walking in my room. "Are you ready? the bus bouta come," he said. "Yeah we'll be there in a sec," javon replied. Angus nodded his head and closed the door behind him. Javon and I got up from the bed and headed downstairs. We met the rest of the cast out the front and all hopped in the mini van/bus.


When we arrived at laser tag, we were put into 2 teams. Red and Blue. I was on red team with Zendaya, Dominic, Alexa, Angus, Barbie and Austin. Austin plays Ethan in euphoria and was going to have a bigger role in season 3 so he replaced Algee (playing McKay) who wasn't as big of a role in season 3. The other team was Javon, Sydney, Jacob, Hunter, Chloe, Maude and Storm. Sam had rented out the whole place so it was just us cast and instructors. The instructors explained the rules.

"Every player and their weapon starts the game with 100 Health Points and five lives.

When a player is shot by an enemy, they will loose health points.

One successful shot will cause 20 damage points which will go towards the other team.

There is 1 team safe zone which must only have 2 people at a time in them.

If a player looses all health points, they will become a spectator."

We were all given guns and vest things which had the targets on them. "May the best team win," javon giggled at me. I gave him a scary look and giggled back. We went to our teams corners/area's and waited for the clock to count down. "3, 2, 1!" We started running around and hiding behind corners. I stuck with Alexa and we tried our hardest not to laugh and give ourselves away.

I followed Alexa around a corner and lost her. "Lex?!" I whisper shouted. But no response. I turned back around the corner and heard myself get shot. "80 health points," the gun said to me. I looked up to see javon laughing at me. "Fuck you j." "sorry ma," he giggled. Alexa then popped around the corner and shot javon. "Alexa!" he shouted. "gotta protect my bestie," she laughed, going back to the game. I flipped javon off, laughing, and walked to the reload zone.

Throughout the game I was shot another 2 times by Sydney and Jacob but I also shot Storm and Javon which was really funny because javon was pissed. The alarm starting going off for the end of the game just as javon was trying to shoot me again. "Good try," I laughed. He rolled his eyes at me and we went back to instruction area.


"The winning team is... drum roll please," the instructor said. "The winning team is.... RED TEAM! by 1 point," he said. We all got excited and the blue team looked salty as fuck. I went over to javon, "sorry J. I guess you're just not good enough," I laughed. "fuck I should have shot you," he whined. After giving back our gear, we went to the food area in the laser tag to get some lunch. We all sat down and ate together, talking about random shit.

It was now 3pm and we just arrived at the escape room. We were lead into a dark room and then suddenly red lights turned on to show a kitchen that was destroyed, with papers all over the floor. There was a chair in the corner of the room with a figure on it. "Is that an actual person?" Alexa asked. "I don't know," Jacob said. Angus went over to the figure and it quickly stood up and ran out a door which made all of us scream. "FUCK!" I yelled, grabbing onto javon. We all started laughing and started the escape room.

It took us more than an hour to complete it but we finally did. Javon, Angus and I weren't much help and mostly talked or studied the weird things in the room. Zendaya was very good and was the one who finally got us out of the escape room.

We were then taken back to the houses to get changed and ready for dinner. Dinner was at 6 and it was 4:30 so javon and I hung out for a bit before he went back to his house to get ready. I had a shower got changed into a white dress and slightly curled my hair.

We got picked up for dinner and went to a really nice restaurant which had a private back part which was organised for us. Sam also came to the dinner so he could brief us on the season. We got our food and Sam started telling us about the plans for season 3.

"Season 3 will be a huge season for everyone. Lot's of work and concentration will have to be put in but make sure you're still having fun. The season will mostly be based off how Ash and Mackenzie escaped death and how they lived without Angus. Angus will be released from jail in episode 1 to find ash and Mackenzie still alive." He then went on to explain what season 3 brings for all the other characters.

After dinner, we went back to the houses and I said goodnight to javon before heading to my room. I got changed into some pjs and got under the covers in my bed. I opened the email that Sam had sent to us with the episode 1 scripts. I only had a few days to try my hardest to memorise everything. Episode 1 was a big episode for javon and I so I had to spend every minute I could rehearsing with him.

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