《Actors in love pt 2- Javon Walton》chapter 1: august 2022


It's now been exactly 1 week since my 16th birthday. Javon and I are on great terms. I love him so much and I know he loves me too. Of course there a moments were we have disagreements or small fights but we always forgive each other after like 10 mins because we feel too bad. This is how I know that our relationship is stable.

Javon, Jaden, Jayla and I had just got back from school. I'd been hating school recently and so has Javon. Every day was the same. People staring, flirting, being cunts and learning boring shit we will never use in life. We just wanted a break. Currently I was lying down on my amazing boyfriends bed watching tiktok. ew why am I thinking this that was cringy. I cringed at the weird thoughts I was having.

"God I want to kill our English teacher," javon laughed. "I know. can he keep his ass out of my face when his talking to people, oh my lord." I said almost pissing myself from laugher. Javon and I were lying there, holding our stomach's in pain from how much we were laughing. "wait no look at this," javon wheezed. He pulled up a photo of our teacher helping someone in front of javon.

"NO! OH MY FUCK," I said bursting out in laughter which made javon laugh even harder than before. After like 5 fucking mins we had finally calmed ourselves down but would still let out a small giggle every now and then from just thinking about it.

We had been cuddling for a while on our phones when we both got an email from Sam Levinson. I took a second look at the notification that had just popped up on my phone before sitting up in shock, almost in unison with Javon. We both looked at each other with our mouths open. "wait what," I said confused but shocked. "it's directed to both of us," Javon said double checking the notification. "read it!" I shouted, jumping closer to him so I could see the email. He opened the mail app and started reading the email out loud.


We both sat there, speechless in complete shock. Finally I spoke, "OH MY GOD!" I squealed, looking over at javon who had a huge smile on his face. "I thought we were never going back," he smiled. "SAME!" I yelled. "WHOOOO HOOOO!" he yelled back, making us both laugh. We then heard people running towards our room and quickly opening the door. The door opened for us to see Jaden, Jayla, DJ, Mumps and Jessica standing there confused. "what happened?" DJ asked confused. "are you guys okay?" Jessica asked low key scared. Javon and I looked at them, and then looked back at each other. I couldn't hold it. We both bursted out laughing at the look of all of them standing there with confused looks on their faces. "tell us what happened!" Jayla yelled. "sorry sorry," I giggled. "Come here," javon said waving them all over towards the bed.

They all sat down at the end of the bed and started listening to javon as he read out the email. After he finished reading out the email I looked at all of them. Their mouths all open, even Daelo's. "wait so you're not dead?" Jaden asked. "apparently not," I smiled. They all gave us hugs and congratulated us. It made me so happy, how happy they were. I called my dad to tell him the news. He was beyond amazed and proud of me.

We sent an email back to Sam to tell him how excited we were.

Almost immediately, Sam emailed us back informing us about plans for filming and whatever.

After reading Sam's response, we replied and then decided to hang out with Jayla and Jaden. I then had to head back home as we had school tomorrow. When I got home I called Alexa so that we could get excited together. I really missed her and with school and everything, I hadn't really been able to see her since the first episode premier except for my birthday where Sydney, Angus and Alexa all came to my house to celebrate which was so much fun. I was so excited to start filming again as last time was so fucking good. Like imagine basically living and working with your bestfriend's everyday. And not to mention, working with Zendaya was fucking amazing. I looked up to her like an older sister and she taught me so much about acting just by watching her act.

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