《I Just Want To Be Yours // Javon Walton》☆Twenty-One☆


Serenity outfit↓

I am so excited to go back home. I have been here for what feels like forever and I miss my mom and suprisingly my brother. About a week ago Javon, Jayla and Jaden came to visit it was nice. We took the ferry to see the statue of liberty and went out to eat after. The morning before we just hung out at the hotel pool. Unfortunately next week I start back school, but I might do home school, we will see. I grab the last shirt off the closet hanger and put in neatly in the suitcase. I do one last room sweep before grabing a couple of buck leaving them on my bed for house keeping.

I exit the elevator turning to the mini cafe In the lobby to get a coffee before I check out. I grab the coffee off of the counter and go the the receptionist. "I am here to checkout," I say as I fiddle with the room key in my hand. "Ok just I've me one second," the reseptionist says with typing on her computer. "Ok, may I have the room key?" She asks looking at me once more. I give her the room key and thank her before exiting the hotel through the revolving doors.





Twenty minutes before the plane lands I get a text from my mom saying she is right outside my gate exit. I text her back a quick ok before gathering my things. prepare for landing please. I hear the fight attendant say before asking a couple of people to take their seats.

I grab my carry on bag and exit the plane after I hear the flight attendant give the ok. I walk off of the plane searching for my mom. I see her waving me down and I wave back. I rush over too here and give her a big hug. "Your hair has gotten longer." She say while pulling away. "Yeah I guess so," I say slightly playing with the curly pieces. "Ok lets go get your bags, Bryson is in the car waiting." She says leading me towards the baggage claim conveyor belt. Once I grab my bag I go through security again then we leave the airport. "My car should be over here somewhere...Oh there it is." She says pushing her key button the honk the horn. "Hey Serentity," Bryson says while getting out of the car. I give him a hug and whisper a hi back. Once we pull away I observe that the has a different appearance. "Ive been kinda training with Javon since you left," he says rubbing the back of his neck. "You look good....I guess," I say while devilishly smirking. "Shut up," he says shoving me to the side.


"Bryson come on but your sisters bags in the trunk, we've gotta hurry before Atlanta traffic gets crazy," she scolds my brother. I stick my tongue out at him playfully before getting in the front seat. I put in my AirPods and look out the window as we drive off. Taking in the beautiful Atlanta scenery.


A/N: this was a filler chapter. {Not edited}

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