《I Just Want To Be Yours // Javon Walton》✩Fourteen✩


Serenity Pov:

I put my phone down after texting javon and look out of the window having short conversation with my mom and Bryson messing with me. "Is Javon gonna come to the airport" she asks while looking trough the rearview window. "Yeah, Jayla and Jaden are coming too." I say while resting my head on the door. She nods and tell me we will be there in forty-five minutes. I put my AirPods in and drift to sleep.

"Wake up we are here," my mom says while shaking me a little. I rub my eyes and nod. I get out of the car and stretch. I grab my suitcases out of the trunk and pull them over the curb. " Alright lets get you though security so you won't be late boarding." My mom says while ushering us to the entrance. I go through secutiy and go to a Starbucks because I'm hungry. "Hey may I Have a croissant and a caramel iced coffee" I ask when its my time to order. "Yeah, that will be $6.45" I grab my money but before I can pay someone gives the casher some money. "I could have pay-, Javon!" I say while turning around seeing the person who paid for me was Javon. I hug him life my life depended on it. I walk over to the place where you pick up your drink and wait. "I knew you were coming but not when. "Yeah I wanted to catch you before you left." He says. "Well my flight isn't for another thirty minutes" I say while grading my drink thanking the barista. " Enough time for mild shopping" he says while smiling. "Wait Jayla and Jaden are here?" I say as we walk up to them. " You really though you were gonna leave and not say bye." Jayla says while hugging me.I laugh and then hug Jaden. "Lets get shopping." I say while walking toward a target. I go straight towards the blanket section and pick out a couple of comfortable blankets. Then I go to the snack section and grab a couple of my favorite snacks.


Its has been like twenty minutes so we begin to walk to the boarding exit. My stomach starts to churn as we get closer and closer. Once we get there we begin to say our goodbyes. "I promise we will be on a plane any time you are free," Jayla says while hugging me. "Ma, we will face time every morining and night, and like Jayla says we will visit any time we have a chance." Javon says while giving me a quick kiss and hugging me. "Don't forget to text me when you land and call me every morning or at night." My mom says while giving me a big kiss on my cheek and hugging me till I can't breath. "Mom, I can't breath," I gasp and she lets me go apologizing. Me and my brother awkwardly hug. "Don't get me wrong I m gonna miss you bugging me ren," He says while ruffling my hair. I hear my gate number get called and walk off waving.





A/N: the next few chapters there are gonna be some new characters coming into the story. {Not edited}

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