《I Just Want To Be Yours // Javon Walton》✩Eleven✩


Javon pov:

Serenity is leaving tomorrow and I decide I am going to do a little something for her. I quickly get dressed and head straight out of the door. I get in the car and start to drive to the mall. Half way there I get at text from Serenity.


Wanna where are you?

Im out doing something

Oh well want to hang out later

Sorry I can't

Oh ok

I put my phone down feeling a little guilty. I park and head straight into the mall roaming the stores.

Serenity pov:

I put my phone back down and plop down on my bead groaning. Well I still haven't packed so I better get to doing that. I turn on some music and grab my suitcases. I grab two crewnecks just incase it rains and turns cold, but other than that its supposed to be warm. I grab a whole bunch of bathing suits and neatly place them into the suitcase swell. I grab 7 pairs of shoes: 4 pairs of Jordans, two pairs of sandals and a pair of running shoes. I walk to the back of my closet and continue to add tee shirts and shorts into the suitcase.

Javon pov:

I walk out of the last store feeling a little hungry so I grab some chickfila for to-go and head to the car. I need to grab a couple go things from target so I drive there. I rush inside target and head strait towards the grocery section and grab some strawberries and lots of chocolates. I also grab a heart shaped cake. I grab some strawberry soda. I also grab a couple of thing needed to set up. I lastly stop at starbucks and grab her a gift card and some croissants. I checkout and rush to the car looking at the time. I drive all the way home without stopping. I hurry to my backyard a begin to set up.


Serenity pov:

As soon as I am done packing I hear someone calling my phone. I look at my phone to see who is calling and see it was Javon, I immediately answer.

I thought you said you couldn't hang out.

Never mind that be ready in 30 minutes, wear something nice

I don't get to say anything else because he just hangs up. Well ok then. I get up off of the floor and roll my suitcases to my door and walk back into my closet. I spot a White bodycon dress with puffed long sleeves. I hang it up beside the shower and grab a towel.

Serenity's outfit



After I'm done taking a shower I hurriedly put go the Dress making sure there are no wrinkles. I grab some white chunky heels and a bracelet and put them both on. I spray a little perfume before hearing a knock on the door. "Hold on" I shout before leaving my room to open the door.





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