《Haruhi's Cousin (Hikaru and Kaoru x f!Reader)》Day 2: fans? Fans


(2021 Note: Yes I know the man looks so done. I am also sorry for him)

The sun has shine once again revealing a new day for you to roam. You got up and do your normal morning routine and decided to take your time in the bathroom. You decided to wear your blood-red amulet to school, thinking that it's a good accessory to wear. You head down your wide marble staircases and proceed to walk to the dining room.

Your breakfast is already waiting for you on the table. You sat down on one of the red velvet chairs and ate the serving. After you finished the food you decided to walk towards your personal library and picked up a book. It was an old literature book that was passed down from your father, it's rather dusty, but it was your favorite. You sat it down in your bag and head out from the room.

Just in time, your butler came and inform you that the limo is ready. You nodded and the butler proceeds to lead you out from your mansion. He opens the wide tainted door and proceeds to open the limo's door. You stepped inside the vehicle and it drove off to the destination it's taking you. Ouran High.


Club Activities are only allowed once in the last period. But here in Ouran High, they take away 2 hours of class and add 1 more hour for students to attend their club or visit others club. Honestly, it's like a waste of good learning time for you, but every school is different.

As you reach your class, you could only find 3 female students chattering in the corner of the class and Haruhi sitting in front, where her desk is.

"Morning Haruhi, why is there only you and some girls here? Where's the others?" You ask looking around in the dead class. She looks up at you and began to look around also. "I don't know, I guess rich people don't wake up early." She spoke and focused on her book.

You decided to sit down next to her, considering it is your seat. You place your bag on the desk and opens your sketch book and pencil case. You picked up a pencil and began to draw on the sketch book. Silence filled the room and you can't help but yawn in boredom. You crossed your arm on top of your desk and rest your head on it.

"Um, excuse me..." A female voice Suddenly appears. You jolt up and looked to the source of the soft-spoken voice.

"Yes?" You answered. A group of 3 girls came to you, one looks back, flushed and her friends began to giggle. "A-are you one of the new hosts?" She asked in a shy small voice. You smiled and nodded as a response. The girls then squeal and turned back to jump in happiness. She turned to face you again and began to ask various questions. Then, her friends began to join and ask many more unique questions. You answered lightheartedly and only smile softly at the girls who looks very into you, thinking that you are a male student.


"Y/n- Kun, did you know that you have your very own fan club?" One of the girls stated. You lightly gasped and just said no. The girl then began to explain more. She said that your fan club already has 6 hundred fans and is planning to search for more. "Hm... I see..." You replied shortly, then as time passes by. The deserted classroom began to fill up with students chattering here and there. Soon enough, the teacher came and the school began to start its first period.


School has ended and it's time to attend our own club activities. You exited the room with Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi by your side. You had your luggage already so you got a head quickly. The twins then finally caught up with you with Haruhi already next to your right.

"Hey Y/n, do you think that there would be more girls that would come to your table?" The ginger's ask in unison, tilting their heads. You looked up, placing a finger on your chin. "Maybe, who knows." You answered shortly as the first grades arrived at the music room.

The twins opened the door, revealing a Romanized room filled with various of roman decorations. From vases to paintings, all of them seem very luxurious. The host that already arrived is wearing somewhat of an emperor's clothing, complete with the gold leaf's crown. Haruhi and you froze, looking shocked at how it could actually fit both of you. The twins already got their costumes as you and Haruhi got yours. Both of you changed your self in the female changing room and glance at the wide blue mirror.

You let your amulet dangle around outside your clothes. Haruhi sigh and glace to face you,

"At least it's not that open, right?" you giggled and nodded. As both of you exit the curtain filled room, a herd of girls came rushing to both you and Haruhi.

"Wow Haruhi- kun you look so cool!"/ "No way! that red touch suits you so much Y/n- kun!"/ "Is that an amulet? so classy!"/ "You both look so amazing!!"/ "The clothes make you look like twins!"/ "Wait, are you twins Haruhi- Kun? Y/n-kun?".

your eyes widen in shock as the high pitch female voices filled your eardrum. As Haruhi slowly approaches you, you could sense she's in distress as well. You cleared your throat and suddenly, the waves of question and praises stop, as if you're now controlling the situation. You arrange your voice to reach the lowest note it could get, convincing the females to listen.

"Please, let us continue this session in our separate places." You nodded towards Haruhi and walked separately, towards your table's followed by the crowds of girls.

As you sat down, you were greeted by the questions of many and praises. One of them asks if you and Haruhi are twins, you answered no. And then they ask what's your skin care routine, you answer as normally. All the praises and questions keep flooding in, until, the bell finally rang. Meaning that club activities are over. Just by that, the girl all say goodbye to you and walk out of the room. As you wave goodbye, you could feel your body trembling and decided to sit down once again in fatigue.


"Tired huh?" The twins suddenly appear in front of you. You jump a little and nodded just to confirm your answer. "Here." Spoke Haruhi as she hands you a cup of tea. "Thanks." You thank her as you sips the tea lightly and sat it down on the table in front of you. You took off the crown, setting it down on the table also. You wiped your forehead lightly as you observe your cousin closely.

Haruhi doesn't seem tired, she seems to be enjoying the time while quietly giggling to the clubs shenanigans. You sat back straight, picking up your cup and sipping the warm tea. "Haruhi, how are you not tired? This must exhaust you doesn't it?" She looked back towards you and smiled softly.

She slowly turned her head, facing the boys again. You heard a soft sigh escape her lips as she proceeds to watch them play. "Sometimes it does, but once you found the real reason you joined this club, it becomes nothing but a small memory behind your head," She spoke, mostly focussing on the blond king, arguing with the gingers. Her smile became larger as she turns to face the shocked you, never seeing your usually silent cousin.

"Besides, it's fun here!" She exclaims before joining the group, leaving you to rest on the couch alone. You silently put the cup back on the table, admiring your now cheerful cousin, joining her friends. You observe the club, full of energy even when it's time to go home. You decided to join in and sat up, walking towards the group and standing next to Kyoya, currently writing in his notebook.

"Your income has become significantly bigger Y/n," He spoke, looking up from his book to greet you. You look up towards the male and hover over his book.

"Really?" You asked, as he violently closes his black notes making you jump, off guard.

"Yes, and I hope you can maintain that, new member." He said before giving you a small smirk, you rolled your eyes as you focus more on the rest of the club. You began to talk more to Kyoya, considering his father's business is connected with yours as well. You banter with the glasses boy quite long, discussing about the upcoming event and collaborations the two of you will take participant in.

"Hey, the two of you! Quit standing there and join us!" You jump as you heard the cheery male voice of the gingers, speaking in unison.

You sigh and decided to leave Kyoya alone, but before you could walk, he pulled you back towards him, whispering something to your ear. You almost fell, but he already held your body onto him. You could feel your cheeks redden as you apologize to Kyoya and quickly retorted towards the group. As you got close, you could feel dagger glares coming from the twins as you turned towards them. You decided to brush it off and talked towards the groups' leader, Tamaki.

"Good news Y/n! I heard they already made a fan club for you!" Exclaims the blond as you shrug and smiled nervously. "Yeah, seems like it." You giggled and began to talk more. "Well? how does it feel?" Ask the small third year holding his dear bunny close. You smiled and looked outside the wide blue window. Your thoughts run wild as you figure a good answer for the group.

"It's just nice to have some people who care about you," You spoke, making the twins turn simultaneously.

"Hey! we care too Y/n!" They jump behind you and hugged your small waist, making you jump and blush furiously. "Yeah, we do!" The whole group then joined while Haruhi and the twins being the closest.

"Gah- hey wait- Guys!" You speak as they hug you here and there, making you unstable. They finally let you go before you fall and hurting yourself.

"That's not what I mean you know." You scoffed as you rub your waist. The twins then widen their eyes and a smirk began to form. As you looked up, they were already in front of you, inches away from reaching the tip of your nose.

"Oh, do you need more attention than that?" They ask playfully as both of them got closer, making you flush in red and your eyes widen. You moved back slowly to back away from the twins, but they come closer and closer to the point you stood in place.

"That's my cousin your playing with," Haruhi spoke clearly as she hits the ginger's heads in unison and they both retorted back down.

Haruhi then grabbed your arm and pulled you closer behind her smaller body.

"If you want her, you'll have to get through me." She exclaims before earning a smirk from both Hikaru and Kaoru. They both bowed like a knight and spoke in a royal-like mocking tone.

"As you wish, queen of Tamaki- senpai." As they spoke that, Haruhi's face reddened and began to come back at the twins with another small sarcastic insult. You can't help but laugh at how lively the club could get. You wipe a tear from your eye as Mori- senpai came closer behind you.

"Have they always been this lively?" You ask as giggles still escape your lips. "Since Haruhi came here, yes," Mori Answered making you shock by the tone of his voice. You smiled back down to the chattering group and sigh.

'Haruhi, you always do change everyone and everything.'

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