《VENOM||Bonten》C H A P T E R - 18


You widened your eyes when you heard the voice.You slowly turned your head with a stoic face.

"Yuri.You?"You raised your eyebrow while fully turning to face him.Sasha was dancing by herself without any care in the world.

"Hanma Shuji."He smirked."Would you accept this dance?"He formally said which made you chuckle.


You started dancing on 'Livin' La Vida Loca' by Ricky Martin.

"This old hag is so annoying.I don't understand while we still keep him as the manager of the club."I said in an annoyed voice as Rin and I got out of that old man's office.

"Let him be.He will die soon anyway."He said calmly.

"I miss Y/n."I blurted out.

"You met her a week ago."I could feel Rin looking at me with a done expression

"So what?"

"You literally called her a bitch numerous times during your first encounter with her and now you say you miss her?You even get jealous when she gives Sasha a nickname.Its a nickname for fuck's sake."

"Things change,brother.And yes,I called her a bitch because I thought she was that slut.But she was not.I apologized.And have you seen how she looks at that thot?How she smiles and blushes?Its so annoying."I said and heard Rin sigh.

"You are just acting like that because of yours and Sasha's shitty competition."

"Y/n is not part of the competition.I would never do that."I said and turned to him with a glare.

"And why is that?"He asked with an raised eyebrow.

"I-I...I think it's because I feel bad that I am the reason why she is in danger.If I wouldn't have kidnapped her,then she would have been safe."He kept his eyebrow raised with a small smirk."Ok...Maybe I do like her.I mean of course I do...But have you seen how beautiful she is?She is special.Very smart and talented.And sexy too.Have you seen her torturing that Sato asshole?How she played games and made everything so exciting.She is...She is just...She is fantastic."


"You think so?"He asked and walked away.

"Of course I do."I said and reached up to him."I don't understand why you would hate her."

"I don't hate her.I never did.I don't know why you are saying that.She is nice and smart,but I am not the one who is head over heels for her."

"But I am not."I whined.He nodded teasingly.

"Yeah yeah...Thats why you get mad at Sasha for even glancing at her,right?Because you just 'admire her'.Mhm."He said with sarcasm.I rolled my eyes.

"I can't let that bitch near her.She will do everything to annoy me.She uses Y/n,clearly knowing that she is my weakness."I said.

"Weakness,huh?"Rin smirked.

Well fuck.I just admited that Y/n is my weakness...Its true tho.

"I mean...She kinda is if you think about it."Rin chuckled.

"I knew you had a thing going on for her.Just confess already.Sasha might steal her from you...If she didn't already."He said and stopped walking.Rin looked at the dance floor.I looked there too and saw Sasha and Y/n dancing.More like making out.And damn,was I jealous.

I glanced at Ran who was burning in jealousy.This boy...I mentally chuckled and looked back at the two girls.Not gonna lie,Y/n was hot making out with Sasha.The way her hands caressed her cheek and held her by the waist,her lips were moving in sync with Sasha's.I gotta say it was hot.

Not Sasha tho.That brat is the most annoying person someone can ever meet.I hate her.I think everyone in the gang does...Well except for Y/n.

Now that I am looking at them,I do think that Y/n is hot.Its just that...I don't know...Ever since I first saw her knew she was a smart one.She knew what she was doing and always had a second plan prepared.She was nice,yes,but also secretive.I don't blame her tho,who would tell something to a bunch of men who kidnapped you?


But the way she fights...I saw her in the day when we attacked her for the first time.Her fighting technique seemed extremely familiar.No.It was something else...But I can't understand what it was.

When she tortured Sato back then...She had this aura around her...It wasn't bad or anything...Just...It was weird.The way she changed emotions so easily.How simply she told Sato to eat his own eye as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Her torturing technique is more about abusing them mentally...Manipulating them.She plays kids' games with them and makes them think that she doesn't know what she is doing when it's the exact opposite.She knows everything.She is aware of everything that is happening around her.She knows that she is in danger,but she stays calm because she knows very well what to do...Y/n is strong and she is very much aware of that.She knows she is smart and doesn't bother hiding it.But yet,she is hiding something...

I sighed and looked at Ran who was clenching his fists and jaw.He was glaring somewhere.I looked to the direction and saw a certain blonde and black haired man approaching Y/n.I widened my eyes.

What the hell is Hanma doing here?

"This shit."Ran mumbled and was about to intervene,but I held him back.

"Ran...Just trust Y/n.She knows what she is doing."

"I can't just sit here and watch how that bastard is touching her.He knows that she is from Bonten and is most probably trying to hurt her."

"You will stay here and watch.Y/n knows that.Do you...Perhaps... Underestimate her?"I asked with an eyebrow raised.He widened his eyes and his fists unclenched.I mentally praised myself.

The two of us just sat there and watched as Hanma and Y/n laughed and danced together.He was touching her too much for my and Ran's liking honestly.When the song came to an end,he brought her closer to him,their faces inches apart.

This bitch.

I glared in their direction.Y/n just smirked and slowly inched closer to Hanma's face.He had an ugly smirk on his face.I clenched my fists,but immediately widened my eyes.

She really is fantastic.

As your dance with Hanma came to an end,he hold your waist and brought his face closer to yours.You smirked and did the same until your noses were touching.He smirked,but immediately widened his eyes when you pointed a gun at his head.

The people around you were too busy to notice the weapon.Even Sasha...She was still dancing like a crazy woman and shouting lyrics of the songs being played while drinking shots.

"Now now,Mr Hanma..."

"What are you planning?"


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