《VENOM||Bonten》C H A P T E R - 5


"You are lying."He blurted out and I looked at him with a frown.

"Huh?Why would you say that?"

"It's obvious that you want to hide your real identity...Job,name,age...You are a smart one.How were you even able to predict my men's movements?"Ran asked.I shrugged.

"Luck,I guess."I looked the other way.

"Mhm...What about the gun?How do you know how to use a gun?"

"It's not that hard."I sighed.

"Yeah but...You didn't miss once...How is that possible for a beginner?"

"Why are you so curious about me out of a sudden?"I asked and looked at him."Shoudnt you like...Go and kill other people?Find the real traitor or something?"

Ran was silent,but then spoke."Well...Its me who got you here,so I thought I should at least...You know...Get to know you a little bit..."

"You are criminals.Why don't you just go on with your day?"I asked.

"Well...Maybe I should...Ill visit you tomorrow."He said as he left the room with a wave.I scoffed and looked around the room.It was mainly empty.The room was cold.

Thank God I am wearing a hoodie...The skirt wasn't a wise choice tho...

I looked at my legs.I shivered.

Yup.The skirt was a bad choice.At least I have longer socks...

I shrugged.

How did I even got here in the first place?

I asked myself and started recalling the moments before I lost consciousness.


I stopped walking and cursed mentally,then blacked out after being hit in the head.

"Boss,I got her."A girl said.I then felt myself being picked up and carried somewhere.That voice is kinda familiar...



I widened my eyes when I realised that Sasha,the hottie that I had a make out session with,was the one who knocked me out and brought me here.

"Kinda bitchy if you ask me."I mumbled.

"You figured it out,huh?"I looked at the door where the voice came from.

"Hmm...I am still trying to understand why I am here,but mostly yes...I still don't know who you all are but don't worry,I'll surely find out."I winked and she chuckled.

"You know...You are a nice kisser."

I scoffed."Hmpf...Just nice?"

She laughed."I mean fantastic."She playfully rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms to her chest."You are a hot one.I like you."

"Well I liked you too,that was until you hit me in the head.You know,it still hurts..."I said and looked at her with a fake pout.

"Sorry for that,babe,but it's my job...Glad to know you are ok now."

"I am not tho...I will be kept here until I dieeeeeee!"I groaned and she smiled.

"Is that what Mikey said?"She asked and I nodded.The girl sighed."Then,I don't know what to say or do.He is our boss,we gotta listen to him or we will die."She said with a sad face."But don't worry,I will make sure you get out of here alive."She said with a bright smile.I frowned.

"Since when are gangsters so nice to normal people?"

"Oh,love,you are not a normal person...You literally made out with me like no other person did,so I won't let you die.We still need to finish what we started."She winked and left.


Damn she is hot.

I smiled,but then it soon vanished."This chair is uncomfortable as fuck."I groaned and tried to move a little bit,but since I was tightly tied up,I couldn't do much.

No shit.

I gave up and looked at the ceiling."I am wondering what hour is now..."There wasn't any window in the room so that I can see what hour it was,which was even more annoying."UGH!"I groaned and closed my eyes.

I am tired.

I opened them after 2 minutes."I am hungry..."I blurted out,still looking at the ceiling."UGHHHHHHHH!"I groaned again."Gotta do something about it,I don't wanna die on an empty stomach."

"What took you so long?"Rindou asked when he saw Ran going up the stairs from the basement where they kept you.

"Just wanted to have a chit chat with the girl..."He said and sat down on the couch.

"Why would you?"Kokonoi asked.

"I don't know...Just felt the need to...She is a tough one tho..."

"Well...She killed your men in like...Seconds...Of course she is a tough one."Rindou stated.

"I don't mind tho."Ran shrugged with a smug grin."She looked hot while pointing the gun at me."

"Woah woah woah...Dont tell me you like her or some shit."Rindou looked at his brother with wide eyes.

Ran was silent,the grin still on his face.

"You asshole.You are the reason she is kidnapped and you have the guts to like her?"Rindou asked,offended.

"It's not my fault my heart beats faster everytime I see her."Ran said and Kokonoi fake gagged.

"Cheesy."He mumbled.

"Exactly.Stop being so cheesy.I bet she hates you."Rindou rolled his eyes.

"She doesn't.She actually talked to me."

"I bet she just tried to be nice."Kokonoi mumbled and Ran scoffed.

"You are just jealous she didn't talk to you,Kokonut.I know that."Kokonoi rolled his eyes at Ran's remark,but stayed silent."I KNEW IT!"Ran yelled and pointed at the white haired male.

"Stop screaming."Sasha said in an annoyed voice as she threw herself on the couch.

"Where have you been,Sash?"Kakucho asked while smoking.

"I visited my girlfriend..."She blurted out.

"Oh...Girlfriend,you say?It escalated quickly..."Kakucho said with a smile.

"Back off,thot,she is not yours."Ran glared at the brunette who looked at him with a weird face.It was silent,but then she showed him the middle finger and turned to her phone.

"You are just jealous that I had a make our session with her and you didn't."She sticked her tongue out at him.Ran huffed in annoyance.

"Do you think we should kill her?"Sanzu asked out of nowhere while cleaning his katana."It will be easier for everyone."

Ran and Kokonoi looked at him with wide eyes,Sasha was about to smack him,but Kakucho held her back,while Rindou rolled his eyes.

"No one is killing anyone,Sanzu."Mikey said as he left the kitchen with a dorayaki in his hands.

"Awww...But it's boring...I bet she will complain and be a stubborn bitch...All girls are the same."Sanzu said.

"I am not like other girls,Sanzu-san."


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