《The girl I used to know (Hikaruxreader)》The girl that I used to know ( Hikaruxreader)


Ouran Highschool Host Club does not belong to me.

Normal Pov

Today is my second day here at the Host Club. Not only that but it's Friday!The theme today is a beautiful and spectacular Arabian Kingdom. *At least that's how Tamaki described it...* The door to the Host Club creaks open and a young boy sticks his head in. "Welcome!" "What? It's just a kid." "And a boy too." I look at Hikaru and Kaoru. *Really?* "What's the matter are you lost? Or did you come to my palace for something?" "A-are you the king...?" Did Tamaki's eyes just light up there or was it just me? "King.." Yep they defiantly lit up :/ "I am Junior section grade 5 class A's Takaouji Shirou!! I would like to apply as the Host Club king's apprentice!" *What the hell is going on?" After all that happened guest started arriving one after one. I would occasionally look over to Tamaki's table and notice Shirou watching as Tamaki put on a show for his guest. I decided it's best to leave him be. So how is everyone's day! "It's great Haru~kun, thanks for asking!" "Haru~kun?" Yes, Kira~chan? "Oh I was just wondering who is that boy sitting at Tamaki's table?" That's Shirou, he wanted to be Tamaki's apprentice for some reason. "Tamaki~sama you idiot!!!!!" Huh what's going on. I turn around to see a girl running out of the Host Club. "Kaoru don't be an idiot, even if I searched the world I wouldn't find anyone that would compare to you..." "Hikaru...." *blushes* "kyaaaaaaaa!!!!" "Homo and incest too!" "Did they scare you?" "Wait are you a transvestite?" "Shiro~chan let's have some cake together! I have chocolate and strawberry!" "Annoying.....what grade are you in anyways? Ahhhhh! It's a giant!!!" "Noisy brat isolate him!" "Yes sir!" "Hey let me out!" "I don't have time to play with a kid like you..." "I'm serious!! Please I don't have much time. You're a genius right? King! "Looks like you are serious! I have just the role for you. From now on your the naughty type! To be the naughty type you must wear shorts, draw wound marks, run like you have somewhere to be, to top it off fall down and brush it off." "I've had enough you baka!" Wait Shirou. I quickly run after him. Finally, I catch up to him. Hey, Shirou! "What do you want?" My name is Haru I didn't get to introduce myself earlier. "Haru? That's a pretty girly name." *This kid is starting to piss me of! He's being a jerk!* If you decide to come back again. Could you please be a little more considerate of the guest and the hosts.


Hikaru's Pov

"Could you please be a little more considerate of the guests and the hosts. *Without even thinking a ran right after here. But why?* "Just leave me alone!" "Wait Shirou! Shirou please come back! *sighs*" umm, _F/N_ I mean Haru. The boss needs us back at the Host Club. "Hikaru..... Did you hear what Shirou said when he was in that cage?" No not really why? "Well, he had said something about him not having enough time left.... What do you think he meant by that?" I don't know. We might have better luck asking Kyoya. "Right...." Come on let's go. We walk back to the Host Club. The whole way _F/N_ seemed distracted... "Hikaru, _F/N_ there you are!" Tono where are the guests? "We closed up early to figure out more about Shirou." Boss the kid left we should just forget it. "No Hikaru! We have to know why Shirou wanted to be Tamaki's apprentice in the first place!" "I agree with _F/N_." "My two daughters have a point."

Time skip to the elementary school

Normal Pov

Haruhi, Honey~sempai, and I made our way down the hallway. For whatever reason the guys forced Haruhi and I to dress up in middle school uniforms. While Honey dressed in a elementary uniform. Hey, Haruhi isn't this Shirou's classroom? "Ya that's it." I open the door peaking my head inside making sure that it's clear. Come on we an go in. We walk in and so does the rest of the Host Club. What are you guys doing here?!?! "Following you." Are you saying we didn't need to dress up in these uniforms! Yaaaaaa about that you did need to wear them or else we wouldn't be aloud in during school hours :D." I hate you guys right now. "All of you zip it, someone's coming!" Someone was definitely passing by the classroom...that was a good save Haruhi! I wouldn't have even noticed them. "No problem." Wait a second! Now that I think about it we don't have classes right now... Therefore they would've be fine if we came to the elementary school for a visit. "Sorry _F/N_~chan we really wanted to see you and Haru~chan in the middle school uniforms." It don't even care anymore I just want to hurry up and find Shirou. "Aha, I have just the plan!" As everyone gathers around Tamaki I decide to sneak off to find Shirou. I walk until I find a small group of girls in the hallway. Umm do any of you know a 5th grader named Shirou? "No, sorry sempai, unless you're talking about Takaouji Shirou. Yes! That's exactly who I'm looking for. "Oh, sorry I should have known. Well at this time he should be in the music room." Thank you :D! I bow my head and walk towards the music room. Peering through the window I see a young girl talking to Shirou. "Takaouji~kun have you practiced the new piano exercise piece yet?" "No.....not much." "Then I'll teach you, so let's play together ok? Why don't you take the grand piano?" "That's fine...you can use it Kamishiro. I'll just listen from here." *she seems so.....hurt* "Ok...then, just tell me when you feel like playing..." Wow she's great! Not even I can play that good. "Hello young lady, do you mind telling me about that girl in there." *Why now I just got away from them!* I turn around slightly to notice the Host club talking to a girl. "Kamishiro will be moving away soon." *Huh, so all Shirou wanted was to make her happy. No matter what I need to help Shirou!* "_F/N_ there you are! Boss and us were looking for you on our way here." Hikaru where's Kaoru? "He went back with the rest of the Host club and Shirou." What!?!?! *Did I space out?* "Damn, no need to get so loud." Sorry....I guess I spaced out and didn't notice... "Whatever it doesn't matter. Let's just get back to the Host Club." Hikaru are you feeling alright? I take my hand and gently press it on his forehead. Your a little warm should we go to the nurse. "I don't need to go to the stupid nurse!" Alright, I'm sorry for saying anything. I'm going to the Host Club I'll meet you there :(. *Why was Hikaru like that?* I continue my way down the hall. A single tear that I didn't even notice drops to the floor. "Hey _F/N_ are you ok?" I turn and face Kaoru. "Are you crying?" Huh. Finally I notice that I was indeed crying. I use my sleeve and wipe my face. I must have gotten something in my eye. What's happening in the Host Club? "Everyone left except Tamaki, Shirou, and us. Tamaki is teaching Shirou how to play the piano and I'm waiting for Hikaru." Hikaru............ "Sorry I didn't hear you." No it was nothing I better get home see you tomorrow. "That's right we're going on the date tomorrow!!!" Ya, I better get some sleep then. "Ok bye _F/N_! See you around 10am!" Kay see ya then.


Hikaru's Pov

*Dammit! What's wrong with me?! I was such a jerk to her....* I steady my pace down the hall to the Host Club. "Hikaru!" Hi Kaoru..... "Is something wrong Hika-." No nothing's wrong... "Oh alright if you say so..well enough talking we should get home and prepare for our date tomorrow!" Date?! "With _F/N_ of course!" *Thats right! I hope she still comes............*

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