《That bakery girl [Gojoxreader]》The meeting - part 1


The raindrops were hitting the glass of the window violently, the sound reverberating through the bakery, before slowly sliding down its smooth and cold surface, pooling on the windowsill before finally falling onto the street beneath.

The village always seemed so peaceful under the water. But I knew I had to go to my part time job, and even though it was the middle of April I could easily tell that a very few number of people would've ended up at the bakery i worked at. After all it was just a small village, not very known among other people with a small number of villagers.

The village was located quite far from Tokyo and it had only about 100 people living there. With one high school school, two markets, one bakery and a hotel it didn't cause much attraction.Strangers passing through the streets without looking from side to side only straight ahead missing out on the beauty of the place.

I'd never expected it to become my part time job if i had to be honest, but it paid well enough and it allowed me to be surrounded by one thing I deeply cared about - food. Besides, it's not like I had to pull some strings in order to get it, considering the relatively little number of people wanting to get it and I found out about my love for cooking.

The warmth of the cup in my hands easily spread to my cooling skin, the heat of the bedsheets long gone.

Sometimes I stopped and wondered how I'd gotten to this point, years having flashed by and having taken me away quicker than lightning before I could acknowledge what was going on. The only soothing reassurence I had was that I'd gotten away from the past, even though I knew it took a hold of me at the current time.


And then, everything had stilled. It was as if someone had stopped the watch, and all of a sudden I was stuck, the road between the past and the present not being as walkable as it once was. I didn't feel stuck though , because I knew that such things are complicated to understand, so it didn't feel like an end, but more like a temporary stop.

The truth was, I'd never felt as free as I did at this moment, which may have been seemed odd considering I was stuck in a job with no possibility of making a career out of, but I couldn't help but feel like a bird ready to take flight.

One sound from the doorbell and I was brought back to the reality. A boy around my age with pinkish wet hair and strange lines underneath his eyes walked into the bakery. What truly interested me though was the strange aura and scent I got from his pressence, like there were two people and not one.

"Good morning! I'm sorry for walking in wet, it's really pouring outside.", is what woke me up from thinking. "That's quite alright, so what can I get you??" with a polite smile and a small gesture I looked at the boy in front of me. "Woaah, all of these look delicious, did you make them??". "Thank you and yes, I'm very interested in pastry making so sometimes I like to experiment with it!", I said with bright eyes and a happy smile.

"No wonder they look so good, then I'll take two croissants, three kikufukus, a roll and a bag of cookies." "Sure, do you want me to pack it for you or you will eat here??" "You can pack it, it's not only for me anyway", he said with a laugh. "I haven't seen you around before, are you just passing through here?" the boy suddenly stifled. "Uh no I just have some bussiness to do here...". Strange,what could he do here?? "I see, well thank you for buying, have a nice day!" I waved as the boy left the bakery.


The rest of the day went by quickly, with a few people walking in and out. Finally my shift ended and I started taking off my apron and untying my hair as I took my stuff. As I was walking down the street I smelled a weird scent coming down the street.

I started going towards it only to see the boy from the bakery with two guys and a girl. They were fighting a curse and the white haired man with a blindfold was standing behind watching when he noticed my presence. Why is he wearing a blindfold? Oh maybe he is blind or something...

Suddenly the curse went straight towards me at full speed, and then...


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