《REVENGE PAWN - Taehyung ff》My wife


A ᴋɪss ɪs ᴀ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ᴛᴏʟᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴏᴜᴛʜ ɪɴsᴛᴇᴀᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴀʀ..


Y/n:- What was that?

Taehyung:- What was what?

Y/n:- You were the one who wanted to keep it as a secret and why did you suddenly-

Taehyung:- Because I felt so.

Y/n:- Have anyone told you how annoying you are?

Taehyung:- No, But someone told me how much she liked me.

Y/n:- Who?

Taehyung:- You don't remember being drunk and confessing?

Y/n:- What? Stop spouting nonsense. As if I would do that.

Taehyung:- Ah, So that means you don't remember our kiss too. I'm disappointed.

He said with a pout.

Y/n:- W-What? Did we-?

Taehyung:- Yeah, we did.

Y/n:- How-?

Taehyung:- I'm sleepy. Let's talk tomorrow.

Y/n:- Kim freaking Taehyung, come back here!

He went to his room with a playful smile creeping up his face. On the other hand, she was extremely shocked at his statement. The thought of his lips on hers was enough for her to have butterflies all night.

She woke up earlier than usual. Actually, she never slept. His statement about their kiss constantly replayed in her mind. She couldn't meet his gaze and he didn't fail to notice it.

Taehyung:- Since everyone in the office know about our relationship now, Let's go together.

Y/n:- No need of that, I'll take a cab or something.

Taehyung:- I wasn't asking you.

Y/n:- Ugh. Why are you so bossy?

He went straightly to his cabin not even paying any slightest attention to others.

But for her, this whole situation was uncomfortable and the people behind whispering wasn't going to make it any easier.

Taehyung:- Your eyes- Didn't you sleep yesterday?

Y/n:- Oh- I didn't get any sleep.

Taehyung:- What happened? Ah, I get it. You were thinking of our first kiss.

Y/n:- Stop lying, Tae. I don't remember us kissing.

Taehyung:- You are hurting my feelings. Should we do it again to brush up your memory?

Y/n:- What's with you lately? Since when did you become this flirty?

Taehyung:- Look at you acting all innocent now when you were the one who kissed me first.

Y/n:- Yaa, Kim Taehyung! Do you have a death wish?

Taehyung:- Okay Okay, I'll stop. What do I have in my schedule today?

Y/n:- Meeting with Jim- I mean Mr. Park at ten.


Taehyung:- Okay. Go ahead and arrange it.


She approached Se Young and Jungkook but their expression wasn't quite pleasant. They ignored her presence and continued talking.

Y/n:- Hey?

Se Young:- Oh Mrs. Kim, How may I help you?

Y/n:- I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. Please don't me mad. I'll explain everything to you.

Se Young:- Fine.

She narrated the whole events to them and they were stupified beyond words. They felt all sorts of emotions hearing her explanation.

Jungkook:- Marriage for revenge? That's crazy.

Se Young:- He dated your sister?

Jungkook:- He is your brother's best friend?

Se Young:- Your first love too?

Y/n:- Both of you, stop shouting. People are staring at us.

Jungkook:- You deserve better, Y/n.

Se Young:- I agree, But I don't understand why your brother did that.

Y/n:- Someone made him do that and that person is now after Tae. That's all I know.

Jungkook:- Does he know that?

Y/n:- We tried to convince him but he refused to believe us.

Se Young:- Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Let's go back now or your "Tae" will eat us alive.

They let out a giggle and went back.

She texted Jimin and asked him to meet her.

Jimin:- Y/n, Let's talk.

Y/n:- Okay.

Jimin:- I thought we were best friends.

Y/n:- Jimin, Sorry. I'll-

Jimin:- Is he treating you well? Didn't he date Eun Bin Noona?

Y/n:- You remember him?

Jimin:- Of course I do. I remember how you were drooling over him.

Y/n:- I didn't.

Jimin:- I hope he's nice to you or else I'll steal you away from him.

Y/n:- Steal me away?

Taehyung was observing them from afar. He didn't like it when she smiled at him. This was all new to him and it bothered him so much to the point that he wanted to smack the life out of Jimin.

Se Young:- Aww, just look at them. How cute! I ship her with Mr. Park.

Jungkook:- But I'm rooting for Mr. Kim.

Se Young:- What? Why?

Jungkook:- He likes her, Se Young. He was clearly jealous. Why else would he reveal Y/n being his wife?

Se Young:- That's not it, Jungkook. He just wanted to rub it in Mr. Park's face.

Jungkook:- Wanna bet?


Se Young:- Ok-

:- How about I bet on your job?

Both Jungkook and Se Young jumped up and gasped in horror witnessing an annoyed Taehyung behind.

Se Young:- We- We're really sorry.

Taehyung:- If I ever catch you good for nothing slackers roaming around again during working hours, I won't hesitate to fire you and I'll make sure that no reputed company hires you.

They ran away from him with the speed of lighting since they didn't want anymore trouble.

Taehyung then, approached Y/n and Jimin. He interrupted their conversation by grabbing her by waist. She was surprised at the sudden change in his behaviour and stood there frozen.

Taehyung:- Where were you? I missed you.

He kissed her cheeks and then shifted his gaze and flashed a victorious smirk at Jimin.

Taehyung:- I'm sorry Mr. Park. Didn't see you there.

Jimin:- It's alright, Mr. Kim, I was just leaving.

Jimin left the office but he was unsure of Taehyung's intention. For some reason, his intuitive thoughts were getting the best of him. He yanked all the thoughts away since he knew how much she was in love with Taehyung.

Jimin:- Y/n, Who is Taehyung? Why did you write his name all over your notebook?

Y/n:- What? Ah, I just wrote it.

Jimin:- Is he your crush?

Y/n:- No, he's my brother's best friend.

Jimin:- Waah , You like him. Look at you blushing like an idiot.

Y/n:- I don't and stop mocking me.

Jimin:- What happened? Why are you crying? Y/n.

Y/n:- He likes her J-Jimin, Tae is dating unnie.

Jimin:- Cry your heart out, Y/n and quickly get over him. Why do you girls always go for the wrong one?

Jimin pulled her into a hug caressing her head.

Y/n:- Here are the files of the debtors.

Taehyung:- What were you two talking about?

Y/n:- Why are you so interested in our conversation?

Taehyung:- I don't like my wife flirting with other men.

Y/n:- I'm not flirting with him and even if I am I don't think that concerns you.

Taehyung:- Are you talking back to me?

Y/n:- Yes I am. I'm not afraid of you. It's not like you're jealous-Wait are you?

Taehyung:- Why would I be? You belong to me. You're my wife, "Kim Y/n"

Y/n:- Now, that I think of it, you were not the jealous type while dating Unnie.

Taehyung:- I'm not jealous, Okay? Why would I even be jealous of your "Jimin". What does he even have that I don't?

Y/n:- A nice personality?

He got up from his seat and grabbed her wrist and engulfed her between his arms. His eyes were shooting daggers at her. He tightened his grip around her waist and leaned close to her.

Y/n:- What are you doing? Leave me, Jerk.

Taehyung:- Jerk?

Y/n:- Leave me. People will misunderstan-

She tried to wriggle out of his grip. He shushed her and lifted her chin and made her look at him. She got lost in his mesmerizing eyes for a moment. He nibbled her earlobes causing her to have electrifying sensations through her body. His lips then made it's way to her soft neck and behind her ears. Then his eyes shifted to her lips, he touched them slowly and placed his lips over it. The kiss was gentle at the beginning which soon turned into a passionate one. He was devouring her lips like a hungry beast.

Namjoon:- Taehy- Oh, I'm so sorry I should have knocked.

Y/n:- Uh- I need to go.

To say she was embarrassed would be an understatement. She quickly ran away from his cabin.

Namjoon:- Taehyung-ah, Should I come later?

Taehyung:- It's fine Hyung. Tell me.

Namjoon:- I wanted to know your decision regarding the meeting. We made a huge profit this time and I really feel like this alliance is going to elevate it more.

Taehyung:- Hmm. Mr. Park doesn't seem trustworthy to me. But I guess you're right. Let's give it a chance.

Namjoon:- I'll go back then. And Taehyung-ah, I hope you are not playing with Y/n.

He said in a stern tone before leaving and Taehyung didn't have an answer to that because he himself was unsure of his feelings.

She couldn't get their kiss off her mind and she felt that her heart was about to explode out of her chest.

Employee:- Ms. Park, The CEO is asking for you.

Y/n:- Huh- okay.

What does he want now? Why am I still thinking of our kiss? I just can't get it out of my mind but did it mean anything to him? Or was he just messing with me like always?


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