《Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)》22
Min Young wakes up to someone knocking on her door. She opens her eyes to see that Yoongi isn't there beside her before turning her head to look at the time. She sighs softly and covers her face with a hand before calling out to the person at the door.
"Hey Min it's time to get up. Breakfast is ready." Jungkook said popping his head into the room.
"Okay I'm coming down just give me about 20 minutes." She said rubbing her eyes, still sounding sleepy.
Jungkook nods his head and ducks out of the door before instantly reappearing.
"You wouldn't happen to know where Yoongi could be could you? He isn't downstairs and he isn't in his office or his bedroom."
"No I don't Kookie. Have you checked any of the workout rooms or the firing room?"
"Hmm no I haven't. I'll tell Hyung where I'm going and go and try and find him down there. Thanks Min." He ducked back out again and Min Young can hear him rushing down the stairs as he probably wants to find Yoongi and eat his food. Min Young chuckls to herself as she gets out of bed. That boy really loves his food. He is close to taking Seokjin's position for being a foodie.
She rushes into the bathroom and splashed cold water multiple times on her face before throwing on black clothes, remembering she was going to the meeting with the others. She hurries down the stairs before someone else comes into her room asking her what is holding her up.
Min Young walks in to see that Jungkook has found Yoongi and they are sat at the table eating breakfast. They quickly review the plan over breakfast going over any last details that may have been missed the night before. They quickly clear up the food and dishes before moving underground to where the weapons are held.
Min Young thoughts are whirling. She had noticed that Yoongi was occasionally glancing at her throughout breakfast and could see something that she couldn't describe in his eyes. She decides to try and push it to the back of her mind because she is finding it difficult to concentrate on the job at hand. She had realised she had feelings for Yoongi the night they were by the pool. She didn't want to tell him though because she was sure he didn't like her and only thought of her as the girl he took from her shit life.
When she reaches the weapons she grabs two guns and places one at her lower back and the other one in her boots. She then grabs some knives, testing them, making sure they were perfectly balanced and felt right in her hand when she swung it in the air. She places one in her jacket and two more, one each in her boots. She also grabs some extra bullets and stores them in her jacket as well. Once she finishes she stands and waits for the others to get what they need or want before they head back up to the mansion where they pile into two vans.
They drive to the destination which takes nearly forty five minutes but arrive thirty minutes early like they had planned. They immediately vacate the vans apart from V who climbs through the seats to the back section where his "toys", as he calls them, are. He quickly places them on Min Young, Suga and RM where they would not be seen.
They leave V in the back of the van and Suga nods to Chim, Jk and Jhope for them to go search the area while the others walked into the building, leaving Jin standing outside to wait for the other gang.
"Alright Min Young, you know what you need to do?"
"Yep I'm ready to bring Demoness to the front when it's closer to the time and then make some noises or whatever is necessary to scare the gang we are meeting with. Then when they are standing in front of you, to show myself and sit at your feet watching out for anything suspicious."
"Good girl," Suga says patting her head.
They turn to leave her close to the door where she will be able to see them arrive but they won't be able to see her. She hides behind the boxes that are by the door. It would be easy to stay hidden and move from place to place. It's like a maze but there are gaps that can be use to get from one side of the gang to other without them seeing her. This means that it could sound like the noise is coming from the left of them and then be coming from behind or in front of them. This would confuse them and set them on edge.
Min Young smirks into the darkness thinking of the fun she was able to have. While she is daydreaming she hears V's voice coming through the earpiece.
"They are going to be here in about ten to fifteen minutes guys so keep an eye out for any one approaching. Min Young start bringing Demoness to the front."
"Got it V. Thanks."
"No problem good luck in there and keep the boss safe."
"I will always keep my master safe. Don't worry about that."
"Good to hear it."
Once Min Young finished speaking to V she let her psychotic side take over. Demoness doesn't take long in coming to the forefront and quickly looks at the hiding place. She crouches down and pulls out a special knife. Yoongi gave it to her while they waited outside the mansion door for Jin and J-hope to pull the van's round. He grabbed her hand and placed the knife in it. She looked down at her hand and then at him in surprise. He smiled and leaned down to ear. "I made it specially for you," he whispered tucking a bit of stray hair behind her ear as he leans back up. She smiled up at him and climbed into the second van.
Eventually the second gang arrive and Demoness prepares to do her job. As soon as they take a couple of steps into the building she moves from her stop to behind them. She kicks some loose stones softly but loud enough to make one of the men jump and some of them turn around. She quickly moves to the right side of the group and lets out a small giggle before humming and running to the other side. She then sings a song she had made in her head while she was waiting and begins to sing it while she was moving in a circle, scraping her new knife along the floor and some metal polls.
She lets out a maniacal laugh and watches as they hurry to Suga and RM. Once they are standing in front of them, Demoness moves to a place close to them but still hidden and throws a stone behind them causing them all to look. While they are distracted trying to find the source of the noise, Demoness slips out from her hiding place and moves to stand in front of the leader who turns back to say there must be ghosts to Suga with a laugh. Once he turns and sees Demoness standing so close to him, he and his men jump back from her seeing the sardonic, crazy look on her face and in her eyes. She lets out a childish giggle at them being scared and pleased she had managed to.
Not taking her eyes away from the leader she walks backwards and turns to face towards him when she reaches him. He grins at her and cups her cheek, placing a sweet kiss on her forehead. She grins back at him then turns around and sits on the floor in front of him watching the other gang. She grips the knife in her left hand and presses the tip into her right index finger.
The meeting quickly gets underway, with everything running smoothly. Suga begins to wonder if maybe the tip-off they got about the gang may have just been someone trying to make them suspicious and not trust them any more to cause problems.
The leader, Sungmin, is talking about the shipment of some weapons which is suppose to be arriving in a couple of weeks, when suddenly Demoness begins to growl loudly. The leader looks at Suga startled before he looks down at her with Suga, RM and the men who arrived with the other leader doing the same.
She is intently glaring at one of the men, growling deeply and baring her teeth. She has one foot on the ground while the other is still bent under her as if she was prepared to spring up and attack at any moment. Her knife is gripped tightly in her left hand and her muscle are tighten so she can lash out with her weapon in an instant if she has to.
They follow her line of sight to see that the man standing to the far right of Sungmin was staring at her with his eyes slightly narrowed but a small smirk was on his face. He seemed amused by Demoness' actions and didn't seem willing to let his eyes break the contact and wander away from her.
"Tell your man to stop staring at her or I will give her permission to attack him."
"I'm sorry Suga. The boy has only just joined us and is very cocky and arrogant."
He walks behind the guy and roughly grabs him by the back of the neck and jerks him back, standing in front and blocking his line of sight to Demoness who stops growling so loudly when he is blocked from her vision. She can't stand strangers staring at her as it reminds her of the time her kidnapper stared at her with lust in his eyes.
"Stop staring at the female this instant or I will shoot you right here and right now myself. Your showing disrespect," the man growled right up in the man's face.
The male just nodded and bowed to Demoness saying sorry to her. She settled back in her place throwing him one last glare. The meeting picked back up as if nothing had happened. The talk turned to drugs, what drugs were being imported, when they were arriving and where they were going to be dropped off. The meeting was quite boring to Demoness and was beginning to look around the warehouse when she picked up on something. There was a man who was on her right and the leaders left who seemed to be really nervous, fidgety and sweaty while everyone else was being really calm. She became suspicious of him and wanted to know more about him without making him suspicious and making him more panicky and nervous than he already was and without interrupting the meeting. She stood up and whispered in Suga's ear.
"I'm just popping out quickly to see V. Will you be okay? I'll send Chim in if you want?"
"No we will be fine just don't be long."
She nods and walks towards the exit, speaking into her earpiece telling Jin she is coming out and telling V to expect her soon. She walks to the second van and knocks once on the doors. V opens them and motions her inside. She climbs in and sits down.
"I need you to run a check on someone."
"Sure who is it?"
She looks towards the computer screens and points to the man.
"That one. He looks way too nervous and suspicious."
V squints at the monitor and turns around to another computer behind him. Demoness keeps an eye on the monitors watching the meeting in the event it looks like she might be needed.
"Oh shit! This isn't good!"
"What's wrong?" She turns around quickly and bends over him to see his screen.
Her eyes open wide when she sees the information that V had managed to pull up on his screen about the man.
"Well if this hasn't just gotten interesting?" She smiles widely thinking of all the fun she is about to have.
"Thanks for the help V."
"What are you about to do?" V turns around to face her with a little spark of amusement in his eyes.
"Your about to watch it hun."
She jumps out of the van and speaks into her earpiece to Suga and RM.
"I'm coming back in but I need you both to pretend as if you haven't noticed me but when you see me I want you Suga to pull your right ear and for you RM to tap your fingers against your thigh so I know you have seen me. I've just found some interesting information. So when you see my gun pointed at someone I need you to point it to them as well. Hopefully you got all that because I'm coming in now."
Demoness walks quietly and softly into the building. She keeps herself hidden incase one of the men turns around and sees her. She doesn't want this to be blown. She carries on hiding in the shadows on the side the male is on, not allowing the gang to see her including Suga and RM until she wants them to.
When she us close enough, she pulls herself out of the shadows and sees Suga and RM do exactly as she said. She raises her gun up that she kept by her side in her hand and points it at the man and walked forwards so the muzzle touched the back of his head softly. Suga and RM instantly whipped their own guns out and trained in on the man.
The members of the other gang, except for the leader, panick and start to move when they see the guns come out. When they see its not pointed at them they calmed down to turn to look at who it is pointing at.
"Well look at what we have here," Demoness said with a calmness that seemed out of place with the situation.
"What did you find out?" Suga said to her not moving his gun or his eyes from the male.
"A lot thanks to our computer genius. Tell me does your gang leader know your true identity?" She stays behind the guy so that he won't be able to turn around and try to escape.
"I don't know what your talking about," he calmly replied and crossed his arms in front of himself not giving anything away, the nervousness quickly fading.
"I'm sure you do Officer Choi Seoyun. I mean that is your real name isn't it?"
The male keep quiet while everyone else grows angry and suspicious. Sungmin walks in front of the officer and looks him straight in the eyes.
"Are you part of the police?" He carries on looking him in the eyes looking for any lies or any movement of his face that will tell him whether the man is lying or not. The officer keeps quiet which is all the answer that any of them needs.
Sungmin nods his head and forcefully backhands the male causing him to fall to the floor, blood flowing quickly out of his nose. Seoyun spits the blood in his mouth and wipes his face. He just looks up at Sungmin with a raised eyebrow.
"Do whatever you want to this traitor just make sure he doesn't live and tell the other officers what he has heard today." He looks up at Demoness as he said it.
"Oh don't worry he will be delivered to the station in a box unless I decide I want to decorate one of our rooms with his body parts. I'm not sure yet." She looks at him with a bloodthirsty smile before she sends a kick into the ribs of the officer.
Sungmin turns to Suga and they both bow to each other and plan to contact each other in a couple of days for another meeting. They walk out of the building grabbing their weapons from Jin before driving away in their cars.
Suga looks at the male and tells RM to bring him outside. Demoness walks out with Suga. The other members have gathered around the door. Suga explains what has happened. They decide to quickly get back to the house and put the officer in the back of the van that doesn't have V's computers in it and knock him out using the butt of a gun. They take different routes to the house incase there is anyone that may be following them. They pull the cop into one of the rooms and splash cold water on his face to wake him up.
After nearly two hours of torture and interrogation, Demoness kills the male. They decided that they would send the officer back to his precinct in a box with a note, warning them not to send another officer to try and infiltrate another gang.
Min Young and Yoongi take the box to the station and place it outside on the bottom step and wait around the corner in a car, waiting for an officer to find the package. They don't have to wait long. In about ten minutes there are officers all over the street looking into the box and reading the note. They will try to find things to help them catch whoever had sent the package but Yoongi and Min Young know they won't find anything as they wore gloves and hats so there would be zero hair fibres and fingerprints on the body and on the box. They wonn't even be able to pin it on the other gang because they wrote in the note that it wasn't the other gang who had done the crime.
They had been talking about their lives while they were waiting for the police to retreat back into the station before they head back to the house and were able to drive away into the night thirty minutes after the first police officer found the mutilated body. Demoness fell asleep during the drive feeling safe and happy being around Yoongi. Once they are back at the house, Yoongi kills the engine and walks around to Demoness' side where he quietly opens her door and carefully picks her up out of her seat. He walks into the house and saw Jungkook and Ara talking on the couch cuddled up. They turn when they hear someone and smile when they see who it is before saying goodnight to Yoongi and turning back to each other.
Yoongi carries Min Young to his bedroom and places her on his bed and covers her with the duvet being careful to not wake her up. He kneels by the side of the bed and runs the back on a finger down her cheek admiring her sleeping form before standing up and walking out towards his office.
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