《Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)》13



Today I am making breakfast for myself. Normally Jin would make some but because I had over slept having slept through my alarm clock well.... I ended up having to do it. The house was quiet apart from the pans occasionally banging when I moved them across the worktop and the stovetop. I decided I would make myself some pancakes. They were easy to make and I was too lazy to make anything else. I happily hum away to myself, enjoying the peacefulness of the house. Sometimes living with 7 other men can be very exhausting. Especially when one has a deep fascination to you.

I am too wrapped up in my own words that I don't hear movement behind me. I was thinking of how my training would go today and I knew Yoongi had said he would be training me in hand to hand combat. I don't know if I would be trained in how to use a weapon as no one mentioned that and for that I'm glad, I don't know if I would be any good with a gun.

My mind wonders to what happened the night of the pool when I eventually start to hear noises coming from upstairs. I frown slightly having thought there was no one in the house. When I eventually hear nothing else after a couple of minutes of standing and listening, I shrug to myself and turn back to my food until I heard noises again. I put the pan with the pancake mixture to the side so they don't burn and make my way to the bottom of the stairs calling up to see if it's any of the boys. They may have just popped home and didn't say hi to me. When no reply comes my frown deepens and I start to make my way up the stairs. The noises didn't sound like they came from any particular place in the house so I made my way down the West wing first where Namjoon and Seokjin's bedrooms are. I come to Seokjin's bedroom first and start to look around. I can't see anything out of the ordinary so I back myself out of the room and head to Namjoon's. Again nothing seems wrong with his room.


I quickly check Jimin and Hoseok's bedrooms on the South side and Jungkook and Taehyungs on the East side but come up with everything looking clean and tidy and nothing appearing to be disturbed or anything. I start to criticise myself as the noises could of been my imagination. I mean I am in a big house all by myself and houses do make noises from time to time. I begin to walk towards Yoongi's room but was not expecting the site I saw.

His room was trashed.

Like a hurricane had come through his bedroom.

Clothes and hangers were all over the floor, the bed had been turned over, lamps and ornaments and other things scattered about the place. I quickly start to panic. There is someone in the house. Someone who is looking for something. Someone who shouldn't be here. Even though it was foolish I run to check on his office. I knew I wasn't allowed in there by myself and without permission but I have to make sure. As soon as I fling the door open I am met with pretty much the same sight as the bedroom. What I didn't sense though is the person standing behind me until it's too late. I can feel my body growing heavy and tired before I begin weaving from side to side and eventually dropping to the floor. Before my eyes fully close I heard someone chuckling darkly.

"Well what a pretty gem we have here. No wonder Bangtan kept you. I'm sure I'll have lots of fun with you precious."

Those were the last words I heard before the entire world went black.

Yoongi's pov

Me and the guys had eventually managed to drag ourselves home after a horrible day. Being the biggest mafia in the country does have is cons but it also has its pros. I can't wait to go to sleep. Even though we are all tired it doesn't stop the others mouths from continuously moving and teasing each other. Once I open the door I notice how quiet the house is. I call for Min Young expecting her to come out and greet us but nothing reaches my ears.


I become nervous and stop the boys from talking and to stay by the door. I wonder into the living room. I could be all wrong and she could just be sleeping but I had thought she would want to say hi to us when we came home. I don't see her in the living room so I make my way to the kitchen. I begin to frown when I feel how hot the kitchen is and see the stove is still on with food that looks to be half way cooked, cook and still needing to be cooked on the work side. I turn the stove off and open up the window to let some of the heat out. I make my way back to the boys quickly.

"Something is wrong."

The all look to me with frowns etched on their faces.

"What do you mean something is wrong?" Namjoon says with concern in his voice.

"Well I walked into the kitchen and the kitchen was roasting and the stove was turned on like it had been on for hours."

"There is no way she would just leave the stove on."

"My thoughts exactly."

"Check upstairs guys all of you check your bedrooms. I'll check mine and Min Young's."

They all give me a curt nod before we quietly head up the stairs and head down our separate wings. I first pop into her room just to make sure she isn't sleeping in her bed. I start to grow cold when I don't see her in her bed and I don't hear the shower running. I walk towards my bedroom. I take a deep inhale and exhale slowly. I push the door open gently to only stand in horror and then anger. I move to stand in the middle of the room and turn around slowly.

While I'm turning the events of what could of happened begin to form in my head making me more angry. I faintly hear the rest of the members coming to my room and stopping at the door. I turn to see them staring around with their mouths wide open.


"All our rooms look to be untouched but they were clearly searching for something. How is your study?"

"I don't know I haven't been in the yet. Namjoon go check for me please."

I hear him quickly walk away before coming back just as quick.

"Your study is the same. But it doesn't look like the intruder got it."

I nod. "Good. No one can get it. We can afford them having it."

"I did find this though."

He passes me a rag that smells of chloroform. I begin to get excited. We could hopefully find some DNA on the rag if the person didn't wear gloves.

"We need to get this to Mark. He may be able to find what we need. Jungkook please take it to him."

He quickly scurried away to carry out the order. They could see I was angry and it was best to do what I said instantly.

"What do we do now boss?"

I sigh is frustration and pinch the bridge of my nose while closing my eyes.

"First thing first, we are going to have to move and, incase Min Young manages to break free from her kidnapper, we will keep someone here hiding so they can bring her to us."

"We can move to the safe house for now. We can also increase the security around the place, such as card access, monitors on the windows, cameras in the trees, etc."

I nod in agreement and begin to tell them to begin packing anything and everything they might need with Taehyung packing Jungkook's things and Seokjin and me packing Min Young's things. Eventually everything is packed and we are on our way to the safe house. All I can do though is hope and pray our princess is okay and not in a lot of pain because when I find out who the fucker is who stole her from us... well let's just says I'll personally rip him to pieces after long weeks of agonising torture.

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