《The Boxer {h.s.}》Chapter Twenty-Seven


"Hello Ava, this is your mother, oh shit you have caller id okay well whatever. I just wanted to call you and let you know that I'm getting out of the hosptial today. I will be staying with your dad for a few days before I settle back into my apartment. Its not ideal but it will do. I love you!" My mothers voicemail brings a huge smile to my face. A since of happiness washes over me. I wrap my arms around Harrys neck startling him.

"What did I miss?" He chuckles but hugs me back nonetheless.

"My mom is getting out of the hospital!" Harry smiles at the news.

"Thats amazing, sweetheart."

"I'm gonna call my mom brb" Harry chuckles at my text slang.

"Ttyl" Harry replys smiling. I pull out my phone finding my mothers contact and pressing call.

"Hello?" Her voice makes me feel relaxed as I sit down on Harry's bed.

"Hey mama!" I grin, enjoying talking to my mother.

"Oh hello sweety! Your father is just helping me get my things into his home. You should come by, I think P is coming over for dinner. Bring Eric also I miss that little dipshit." I laugh at mom's colorful language.

"What time? Also do I need to bring anything?" Harry walks in the room quietly grabbing some clothes out of his dresser. He mouths 'shower' to me. I nod in response.

"Well actually be here in like 20 minutes. You called me back very late missy, that Harry boy may come also your father said." I groan at my mothers short timing.

"Okay, I need to get ready. Ill see you soon. I love you." I smile into the phone. Harry hasn't left yet still in search for something.

"I love you too, darling." I shake my head hanging up. I quickly text Eric.

I lock my phone shaking my head.

"What did your mum want?" Harry ask spinning around.

"Oh my dad is throwing like a dinner thing since my mom is out of the hospital. We're invited, but we have to be there in like 20 minutes. So chop chop boy get your little ass ready." I giggle slapping his butt.

"Wow, just wow. My ass for your information is not little." Harry points an accusing finger at me.

"Neither is mine now go we have to pick up Eric." Harry rolls his eyes and reaching a hand behind me returning the action and slapping my butt. He presses his lips to mine pecking them before going to get in the shower. I will never get used to his touch or the the feeling of his lips on my own. My lips tingle as I walk over to the dresser.

I quickly pick out my outfit. A simple gray tank-top and black skinny jeans. I put on my open toed high heel boots completing the outfit. Its december, it's going to be cold dumbass. I pick out a black cardigan laying it on the bed.


"I'm coming in" I say opening the door to the bathroom. Harry pulls back the shower curtain just revealing his face.

"Thats what he said." Harry has a cheeky grin on his face making me roll my eyes. I quickly put on some natural makeup and my eyebrows look fucking amazing, as usual.

Harry steps out of the shower in all his glory. His tone muscles glistening under the light. I swallow trying to control myself. Damn he is fine. Harry runs a towel through his hair before wrapping it around his waist. He smirks walking over to me. He pulls my into his chest by my waist.

"Enjoy the show?" His ego growing by every second.

"Very much so." A large smile over coming my face. He grins pressing his lips to mine.

"We...have...to...go" I whisper between Harry kissing me.

"You look so beautiful, as always." Harry smiles resting his forehead on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck pushing some of his hair out of his face.

"I know, I'm just hot as fuck." Harry chuckles removing his arms around my waist to go get dressed. He turns before walking out the door.

"You're not wrong, Kitten" Harry grins from ear to ear at his nickname before walking into his bedroom. I giggle shaking ny head.

When I walk out Harry's drying his hair and styling it up into a quiff. His body adorn in black skinny jeans and a white top. His tattoos visible though it making me groan. He is so beautiful it hurts. I feel my phone vibrate next to me.

I laugh at our messages and put my cardigan on before following Harry outside.

"Why don't you have a coat on?" I scold him as we walk outside to it snowing.

"Cause im not a girl." He throws me his car keys so I can drive, since he doesn't know where we are going.

"Hell no, it has be proven that women are more tolerant to pain than men. Not wearing a coat is not proving masculinity it's proving stupidity, Bear." I slide into the driver seat fake glaring at him.

"Damn women, remind me never to insult your feminine shit again." Harry chuckles turning on the heat as soon as I start the car. I laugh lightly and adjust everything before I start driving Harry's car.


I honk the horn when we have reached Eric's apartment. I roll down the window as soon he steps out his house.

"You're riding in the back, lil bitch." I yell.

"And I was gonna bring Buddy out to you wow." I gasp jumping out of the car like a kid at the candy store. I quickly run up to Buddy holding him to me.


"My baby! Aww I love you so much!" I giggle kissing him on the top of the head.

"Aunt Ava loves you" I kiss him one last time before handing him back to Eric. He chuckles following me toward the car.


"By the way Harry is the only lil bitches I see" Eric whispers making me burst into laughter.

The car ride consist of me stealing Harrys sunglasses, Harry taking pictures of me driving his car say I look powerful and sexy. Eric groaning at our affection, then us just turning the radio up really loud and me singing as loud as I can.

When we reach my dads house I groan at how late we are.

Only 25 minutes late, go Ava.

My dad greets us at the door, and of course my mother also. I see an unhappy sister with a very happy Rose. I smile picking her up craddling her in my arms before walking over to Eric.

"Aww let me see the champ" Eric coos taking Rose from me. I giggle watching how gentle he is with her. Eric might seem like a tuff guy but when it comes to kids or dogs he is a big wimp.

"Dad will take a picture of us." I say referring to Eric, Rose and I. Harry is chatting with my mom, but he seems to perk up slightly when he hears me. Eric puts Rose between us and I hand my dad my phone.


"Oh sweety! I got those pictures of Harry and you done! Come look." My dad gushes making me smile. Harry intertwines his hand with mine following me over to the wall.

There at the most recent picture of me is Harry and I from the day at the diner. Its a collage of us. Its actually pretty cute.

"You guys like it?" My dad is so overly excited. I giggle nodding.

"We love it " I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him into me before whispering,"thank you, dad."


The dinner is going well actually besides my sister making snide comments to my dad. We all just awkwardly ignore her, and we continue with the night. We are currently playing just dance. Well actually my dad and I are playing and everyone is laughing at us.

"Okay my turn. Come on Ava time for me to beat your ass." Eric sighs standing up from the couch walking over to me. I grin taking off my jacket and heels.

"Fuck off." I laugh pushing him lightly.

The game starts and Eric unfortunately does win. I roll my eyes at his bragging.

"Eric fight me." I stick my tougue out at him. My chest rising and falling quickly because of all that damn dancing.

"Totally would, but one I wouldn't want to hurt you and two you have a champion boxer for a boyfriend." He points his thumb at Harry. I grin at Harry seeing him smirk.

"I would hate for you to hurt her and me have to kick your ass, mate." Eric chuckles putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I would never hurt my favorite sister." He coos. I cringe leaning away from him.

"Don't touch me." I snicker at his hurt expression.

"I'm leaving. I have had enough." My sister stands up bluntly and grabs Rose from my mom putting her in her seat.

"Oh thank you for coming." My dad says standing up going to walk her to the door.

"Didn't come here for you. I came for mom. You are a sinner." My sister says angerly. That escalated quickly.


"No! I don't want to talk to you. I have bit my tougue the whole night and I can't stand being around you any longer." She spits in my dad's face. Thats absolute bullshit. I'm getting real sick of her thinking she is so better than everyone. Her fued with our dad is ridiculous.

"Oh get over yourself! You are calling dad a fucking sinner. Look at you! You have a daughter and you don't even know who her father is!" I yell standing between her and our dad.

"Oh fuck you Ava! You act like you are little miss perfect. I hope you get knocked up and Harry just dips on you! See how that impacts your fucking life. How can you not be made at him?! He destroyed our family!" She yells pushing me.

"Do you honestly think I was fucking pissed off at him? I was so angry at him! But I have a big enough heart to realize that I only have one dad. I am not giving him up when he loves me so fucking much. If the worst thing he has done is love the same sex then he is doing a pretty fucking stand up job." Harry is standing next to me slightly holding me back by my waist.

"I can't! He ruined everything! Our family was perfect before he went and fucked everything up!" Penelopes anger is radiating off her. She thinks our family was perfect? I groan putting my hands in my hair. Its like talking to a brick wall I swear.

"You are so fucking stupid! Our family was so far from perfect! I was-" Eric cuts me off his eyes widening as he picks me up. He carrys me toward the bathroom. Eric quickly shuts the door behind us. The tears fall from my eyes uncontrollably. Eric immediately wraps his arms around me holding me.

"Thank you for stopping me." I mumble.

"No problem Ave" A light knock on the door makes me jump. Im relived to see Harry. His arms go around me as Eric releases me.

Harry's arms around me make me feel safe and secure.

A/n P is a bitch. Anywho idk how I feel on

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