《The Boxer {h.s.}》Chapter Sixteen


My blood boils as I storm away from that house. How dare he just sit and talk about me as if I'm not even there. Fuck him. My breath comes out raged as I finally reach the car opening the door. My body slides in and lay my head down on the seat.

"Babe?" Harry voice is soft as he approaches me. Probably scared I'm going to freak out on him.

"I'm sorry" I apologize for blowing up in front of him especially on his family.

"Don't be, he's an ass. Are you okay?" Harry rests his hand on my hips so I'm facing him. We are eye level since I'm sitting in the vehicle and he is not.

"Yeah. I just hate when people talk about me like that. He was acting like I wasn't even fucking there! And he called me a whore! What even have him the fucking impression that I was one! Harry for gods sake I'm wearing a dress with fucking flowers on it!" I finish my rant and see Harry smiling biting his lip to contain a laugh. A twinkle of adoration in his eye.

"It's not funny!" I huff pushing him. I purse my lips trying to hold my own smile back.

"You're so cute when you're mad" Harry pulls me closer to him as I try fighting him off.

"Leave me alone." I giggle. Harry picks me up lifting me from the car so I stand on my feet.

"Ok so obviously we are leaving. I'm gonna go say goodbye to my mum. Then we are going back to my house." Harry pecks my lips softly making me smile.

"If I remember correctly you said something about cuddling" My smile grows as Harry's cheeks burn bright pink.

"Of course baby" His lips press on my cheek before I watch his tall frame travel inside of the house.

I sigh putting my seatbelt on when I crawl back into the car. I just want to forget about this part of the night.


Harry flat is familiar and still just as clean as last time. I smile admiring my outfit in the mirror. Harry's black shirt and his sweatpants. I throw my long hair into a messy bun before walking back to where Harry is laid out on the couch holding a big bowl of popcorn. A fuzzy blanket over him.

"Get over here baby" Harry's nickname makes me blush. He holds up the blanket for me to get under. I immediately do so curling up next to him soaking in his warmth.

"What are we going to watch?" I mumble taking some popcorn stuffing it into my mouth.


"I was thinking about The Notebook but that is so cliche" Harry dramatically rolls his eyes.

"We are so not cliche" I roll my eyes giggling. Harry smiles wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer. His lips brush against the top of my head.

"What do you want to watch?" He asks. I crane my neck to look up at him.

"Lemme see the remote" I take the remote from his hands scrolling through Netflix.

"Oh this looks good" I click on 'Stuck in love'.

"A romance movie really" Harry shakes his head groaning.

"Let me watch my romantic movies and be happy" I rest my head against Harry's chest watching the movie.

"Happy wife, happy life" Harry whispers making me giggle.


Harry fell asleep with his head on my lap about an hour ago. I'm on my third movie now and it just finished, but I don't want to wake him up. My fingers comb through his brown curly locks. His plumb pink lips slightly parted. He is so beautiful. How did I get so fucking lucky? I lean down pressing a light kiss to his cheek. Harry rolls over hiding his face in my stomach. I giggle slightly resting my hand on his back.

"Mmm Are you ready for bed?" Harry asks not opening his eyes just yet.

"Yeah" I nod.

"You are so comfy though" Harry groans making me chuckle.

"You can go sleep in my bed. I'll take the couch." Harry lifts his head releasing me. I nod standing up.

"Goodnight Harry" pressing one last kiss to his cheek before going to his room.


I wake up to the sound of thunder. Fuck. I fucking hate thunder. Why isn't it god damn snowing yet? I toss and turn for a while trying to fall asleep, but I can't. I pull the covers off me slowly walking towards the living room. Harry is sprawled out on the couch. I smile at the sight of him.

"Harry" I whisper trying to wake him. He groans but stays asleep.

"Harry wake up." I say a bit louder shaking him. His eyes shot open fear flashing in his eyes before relief floods in them. He sighs wrapping his arms around me.

"You okay?" I hug him back.

"Yeah- um I had a bad dream. Did you uh hear me or something?" Harry sounds very nervous like he is keeping something from me.

"No I um wanted to know if you would like to come sleep in your bed with me. I sort of hate thunderstorms." I mumble embarrassed. Harry smirks nodding. Is Harry ok?


Harry's POV

I shouldn't of even asked if she heard me. She thinks I'm lying to her. I'm not lying to her exactly I'm just not telling her everything. We aren't even dating yet I don't need to tell her about my nightmares. I haven't told anyone about them. Her hand wrapping around mine breaks me from my thoughts.

Her cuteness makes me smirk as I follow her back to my bedroom. Her legs bare besides my shirt falling down to her mid theigh. Fuck she is gorgeous. Her brown hair is messy in that bun and she tiredly wipes at her eyes. When we reach my room she returns under the covers looking up at me. The most innocent look in her eyes.

"You're so cute" I whisper getting under the covers next to her. Her lips curve up and she wraps one of her arms around my bare torso. Her head goes to my chest making me sigh. Her warmth is comforting and relaxing. If I could do one thing for the rest of my life it would be this. Just to be with her and to be close with her. I wrap one of my arms around her pulling her closer to me, falling into the best sleep of my life.


Ava's POV

A slight pressure is on my stomach. I groan putting my head to the side digging it into the pillow. When I finally decide to open my eyes I'm blinded by the light. Squinting to try and save some of my damn eye sight. Why is it so bright?

Harry groans and I realize his head is on my bare stomach. My- well his shirt must of got bunched up in my sleep. Harry's snoring makes me slightly smile. I lay my head back down closing my eyes and running my heads through his hair.

"Good Morning, babe" Harry's morning voice makes me feel some sort of way. Fuck he's hot. His arm tightens around me his eyes staying closed.

"Morning sleepyhead" His lips curve up at my nickname. I smile slightly and continue running my hands through his hair.

"I don't want to get up." He mumbles opening his eyes enough to look at me. I prop myself up on one elbow so I can look at him.

"I have to train today though." He groans. Harry swiftly kisses my stomach before rolling off of me. My stomach turns when his lips touch it. I immediately lift the covers up covering me up from the chin down. The warmth from the blankets completely surrounding me.

"Are you staying in my bed all day" Harry chuckles lifting a black shirt over his head.

"So tempting" I giggle and sit up sighing.

"I love your hair" Harry chuckles and sliding on a pair of skinny jeans.

"Ok not fair I fixed yours" I jump out of bed stretching and rubbing my eyes. Harry's eyes going up and down my body. He is in front of me before I even realize. His hands grasping my hips.

"You should come train with me. I could teach you a few things." Harry smirks.

"Can we run by my apartment first" I lay my hands around his neck. He nods kissing my forehead. I put his sweatpants on.


"You are going to have like half my clothing before we even hit one month." Harry chuckles. I smile slightly.

"Well technically we have already passed one month of knowing each other."

"Really?" Harry seems surprised. I nod as we pull into the gym.

I'm wearing black spandex pants and a bright pink tank top and my trusty sketchers. My long brown hair sways in its ponytail when we walk in. I swear every girls fucking attention goes to Harry when we walk in. I roll my eyes following Harry farther into the gym.

"Ava?" Eric's so familiar voice calls from behind me. I feel myself being lifted into the air. Why does everyone feel the need to lift me into the damn air? I like the ground.

"Eric Jesus " I slap him making him put me down.

"What are you even doing here?" He asks. Harry's arm has now found its way around my waist.

"Here with Harry" Eric nods in response.

"Ok hey don't forget that wedding tonight." Eric starts walking away. My eyes widen. Oops I forgot. It's not my fault though I have had a pretty hot distraction lately, named Harry Styles.

"You already fucking forgot. Jesus woman!" Eric scolds me.

"Sorry" I smile trying to act innocent.

"Just be ready by like 3." Eric shakes his head.

"Yes dad" I yell after him.

"Who's wedding is it?" Harry asks as we walk to where we were going before.

"Uh his sisters I think."

"How do you not even know who's wedding it is." Harry chuckles jumping inside the ring. I just shrug in response.

"Put one foot up here then give me your hands" Harry explains. I reach one foot up to the top of the ring. Harry pulls me up the rest of the way. This should be fun.

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