《Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanfic》Prisoner


I sat on "my bed" trying to think what should i do next.

I was the prisoner of Feanor the "Hight King Of Noldor" and according to his speech i would spend a whole night without of food or heat. Because i couldn't remember how the heck i end up here.(basically he got angry because I said I didn't accept his friendship but nevermind he was such a coward)


Now how im supposed to escape?"

I thinked.

But even i could escape i had nowhere to go. Doriath was far away from here and i (definitely) couldn't go there just by foot.

I was "traped" there to starve untill the next morning.

The good news was that my head

didn't ache anymore but the bad news was that my stomach started aching.

Never i had stayed so long time without eating or drinking anything.

"Maybe i can ask the guards for food" I thinked but in no time I kicked it out.

It was dumb to ask them something like that. Nonetheless i was too shy to ask someone I didn't know, especially now who was Noldor elves.

Then a heard a male voice from outside. "Let me pass! I want to see the prisoner" said the voice.

I turned to the opposite direction from the door quickly.

I didn't want to speak to Feanor about anything.

Feanor sat on the other side of the bed without saying anything yet.

"You'll continue looking at the wall?! "

"I told you anything i know! And i denied your friendship.What do you want now?I don't want to talk to you!" I said and I crossed my hands without looking at him.

" I came here to discuss for some thinks .But if you don't want to talk to me I'll not pressure you to do it."


Puzzled I turned around to see who I was talking to. The voice was too gentle to be Feanor.

I didn't see Feanor but one of his sons.

" I'm sorry . I thought you were your father. But why you came here? Am I supposed to be your enemy"

" That's my fault i didn't tell you my name first! I'm Maglor, Feanor's second son!My father takes some times other's words personally!And after what happened in Valinor he's very suspicious of everyone. I don't think a girl should be our enemy or want to!"he said and smiled.

"Well i dont like your father behaviour that's why i denied! I was telling the truth and he continued yelling at me!What a girl could di against him?! A lost girl! "

"Thats what i thought!So i came here because I want to change my father's mind. "

" Wow! That's difficult!Want do you think is gonna change his mind?"

"Well I readed your thoughts while you were talking. You didn't lie to us .But i can't understand the reason you're here now."

"I've no idea! My mortal mind can't think anymore because of the hunger."

"Maybe Valar send you to us! To helps us!But father is gonna be angry if this us true! Is it?"

"I haven't see Valinor in my life!And I don't think so the Valar even know about me except ,maybe ,Mawne"

"I believe you! But even if we dont know how you ended up here with us, after your denial in my father's proposal it'll be difficult to change his mind about you . I'll try though to change his mind about you. If my father decide to visit you tonight don't shut him down. He may hurt you with his behaviour before and that's because he's already hurt by something else. Try to understand him."


"I will to be patient . You're right i shouldn't have denied his offer but i was angry. I'll fix it."

"I have to go now. Take this!"

He said and he took of his blue cape and then he placed it on my shoulders.

"The night is cold there! Stay warm!"

He also gave me a small flat packed (lembas obviously) "Don't tell anyone I gave you to eat" he said and he turned his back to go outside.

"Wait!"i almost yelled.


"I have to warn you about something!"


"Morgoth know you're there! You must be prepared for his attack!"

"How do you know this?"

"Human super powers!" I lied hopping that he wasn't reading my mind this time. I couldn't just tell him i had read Silmarillion.

"We'll be careful! Don't worry!" He said and disappeared.

"Alone again..."I monologued.

Maglor was good guy.He took more from his mother character. Fortunately.

I wrapped myself with his cape and i stared eating my lembas.

Everything was quiet..


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