《Wattpad Rushed Combat Collab》Mad German American doctor vs Kamen Rider Diend




At Pekilo

Matt realized he was in hell, but he's kinda good of at medicine since the last time he met Lucifer after his death during Team Fortress 2 Ring of Fire.

Matt: Okay, this is not hell, but why are there many buildings?

Matt is confused about this place, he saw on the sky was a ritual or gateway, then there were lots of city skyscrapers, and he realizes he was in a different dimension.

Then a mysterious person approached the person with the medical suit, his name his Kamen Rider.

Kamen: Excuse sir?

Matt: WAHAHAHAHAHAHA a demon!!!!!

Matt used the medigun and fired at Kamen, as his response to his medigun, he summoned his armor and proceed to attack Matt. He used the sword while Matt used the saw for a melee battle. As they clashed with each other, Kamen grabbed him and fly through the city as they both clashed with each other, then Matt used his medigun with a full charge.

Matt: I am fully charged you a flying thing! Because I have the power!!!

Unfortunately, Kamen threw the sword at the medigun backpack causing him to explode the body, the body parts of Matt or the Mad German American doctor are scattered throughout the city. While Kamen Rider Diend cheered himself for his victory.

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