《✔️I'm already YOURS | J.K》-17-


Jungkook just do a little thing, and she would smile the whole day. Thinking about him. She imagine so many scenarios with him.

She was painting with again, this tiem with her. Which is a reality now.

"I wonder when you will make my painting." Taehyung exclaimed.

"Hm, one day." She replied.

"You always just say ome day. But doesn't draw me. This is not right." Taehyung pouted," At least draw me as a simpson character? I want to hang it on my room."

Y/n laughed, "Okay, okay I will."

"Oh and look what I brought." He showed her a small container which has some pills in it.

Y/n looked at them."What are theses?"

She hasn't. "You know, our plan. Its now or never. You must trap him before he leave you."

"Taehyung! You were serious about the drug things?" She asked.

"Yeah, you love me alot, I can't understand what is wrong in doing this."

"True, I love him a lot. That is why I will not."

"Y/n, there are so many people. Who just keep getting hurt by one-sided love. I don't want you to go through the pain, I know how much it hurt to love someone who you know will never gonna love you back." He said.

"You know?" She lift her eyebrow.

"Just leave this, you are going to use this pills. This is the only way."


Taehyung has really messed up her mind, now she thinks she really needs to sleep with him.

It would be so embarrassing, if the drugs didn't work. And if Jungkook got to know. What if he felt disgusted? She was scared of everything.

Jungkook sat on the couch, his hands were on his head, he was massaging the sides of his head. "Welcome home." Y/n spoken.


"You are still up? I thought you would be sleeping." He said.

"Are you okay?" She asked,

"Yeah, just went out with some business officials, then end up drinking." He exclaimed. "Can you aak a maid to bring me water?"

"It is fine, I will do it." She exclaimed. She went to kitchen and filled the glass with water. She looked at the container, she needs to some how give these to him.

Her hands were trembling, she couldn't do that. She left the container in the kitchen and went back.

"Here," she smiled.

"Thank you panda." He said and drink the water. He loosen his tie and take off the coat.

She should just sleep, he is back home. Nothing gonna happen. She thought and was to go bed for sleep but Jungkook hold her hand, pulling her and made her sit on his lap.

Her body become stiff, "Where were you going?" He asked.

"I was going to sleep." She replied.

"Without a kiss?" He said. Y/n shrugged her shoulder.

"Thought you weren't comfortable." She replied.

"But I am craving for you." He kissed her lips.


I know its short, but I have no time and just have 1 hour to sleep 🥲

But what do you think Jungkook is trying to do?

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