《Can We Keep Him》Chapter Nine: New Home, Same Problems



Soon after leaving Lovelock we drove to Liam's old hometown so he could tie up loose ends, much to his displeasure.

"Honestly, I think this whole mates relationship thing is moving far too fast, I just barely learned about all of it, and both you are already trying to push me right into all of it" he stated as he stood in his living room, his arms crossed over his chest. I internally chuckled at his facial expression, it was one of determination and annoyance.

It reminded me of a kitten trying to be a lion.

And all I could think about was pinning him down and showing him that he belonged to us, and that fact would never change no matter how much he tried to deny it. I understood that he was confused and his human side was still at war with his beast, but sooner or later he would have to give in.

"Liam, no matter what you say or do, it won't change the fact that you belong to us and us alone. So you can try this whole 'this is going to fast' act for however long you want, but know this; you will be coming home with us, whether you're willing or not" Blayde growled, his wolf coming close to the surface.

"Calm down Blayde," I told him, coming up behind him and wrapping my arm around his shoulder, pulling his body flush against mine.

"He's coming with us no matter what" I whispered into his ear before nipping his earlobe, making his eyes slip closed as I continued to tease him with my sinful lips. I nipped and kissed my way down until I came to my mating mark that lay proudly on the junction between his shoulder and neck.

He moaned softly as I licked my mark, making his entire body shiver with the pleasure that flowed through him from that simple action.


"Look who's enjoying the show" I whispered, making Blayde open his eyes only to find that Liam was staring at us intently with an obvious bulge in his pants.

"Come here" I purred, watching as his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, slowly walking forward, coming to a stop in front of me with his head bowed and his cheeks tinged pink.

"Look at me" I cupped his cheek with my hand, raising his head until his eyes met mine, the soulful depths of his blue eyes instantly awakening the beast within me.

"You're ours, understand?"

"Yes" he answered almost robotically, his pupils dilated and his eyes glazed over in lust. I could tell from just one look that his beast was right below the surface, making him so agreeable. But that fact didn't matter one bit to my dragon who was begging me to throw him on the bed and make love to him until he couldn't walk straight.

"Let's go home" Blayde rumbled, picking up Liam's duffle bag as we all walked out the apartment together, stopping by the Landlord's house to drop off the key.

The drive to Colorado was long and all around unpleasant, after all, when you're part animal, you don't like being caged in any way, shape, or form. I could only imagine what Blayde must feel like considering his beast hated being caged more than mine. And with Liam being a newly turned vamp, it wasn't hard to see that he was having trouble controlling his beast and his desires.

"I'm thirsty" he announced as soon as we passed the threshold into the living room of the house, throwing himself on the couch as we took the seats beside him. I tugged him into my lap so that he was straddling me, my hands firmly wrapped around his thighs, causing his breath to hitch in arousal.


I leaned in close, my nose brushing up against his as I nipped at his lips that were slightly parted in anticipation. "Drink from me" I whispered, teasing him by capturing his top lip in-between my teeth and tugging before letting go and pulling back. His grunted in protest as the loss of my lips before leaning in towards my throat, which I bared willingly to him.

His lips ghosted over my skin, his fangs barely scratching the surface, causing a shiver to run the length of my spine as the barely-there touches slowly inched downward. Satisfied that he had found the perfect area, he proceeded to obsess over that area, nipping and kissing as he teased me.

I know he could feel my hard shaft pressing against him as I ground our lower halves together, grunting when I got some much-needed friction on my erection. He gasped before sinking his teeth into my neck, gently pulling blood from me, and moaning at the taste of it.

"Fuck that's hot" I heard Blayde whisper as he palmed his erection through his jeans, his eyes firmly fixed on Liam and I as he fed.

After drinking his fill, Liam pulled away after sealing the bite with a lick to the small puncture wounds and laying against me. A familiar floaty feeling came after he fed, it was a sedative in Vampire saliva that caused a calming effect while the Vampire fed to ensure that the victim didn't panic or feel pain.

"Come here" Blayde panted before tugging Liam into his lap and placing Liam's hand on his crotch.

Blayde took his lips, kissing him with such passion the Liam being to whimper and moan at the force of it. I loved watching them go at it, especially when I got to witness the submissive side of Liam be brought out by the pleasure he received from us.

Only us

My dragon purred as he enjoyed the show alongside me.

Yes, only us. I agreed, making him release a pleased rumble from the response. Blayde gently pulled away from Liam, giving me the perfect view of both their swollen lips and glazed over eyes.

"You know, this could work after all" Liam murmured, a very slight blush settling over his cheeks.

"Oh I don't think so" a singsong voice called from behind us, making Liam face snap over to the hallway entrance where whatever he saw made the color drain from his face.

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