《Love Live! Yuri One-Shots (Requests Closed)》Kanan Matsuura x Neko! Reader


Requested by: JakeIlagan7

Sorry for being late!

(Story takes place on a AU where mythical creatures exist)


Title: Nya?

-Your POV-

*scratch scratch*

You got up, really annoyed on who is even scratching your door. You lazily make your way as you yawn, having woken up from your peaceful slumber. Whoever that is, will definitely get a full blown fit from you.

"Who in the hell-" You we're cut off by something falling on you from the door. You yelp as your cat ears and tail perks up in shock. "What the heck... "

You examin what it is and notices that it's actually a human being! *sniff sniff* ... Yep. Confirm.

"What is this human doing in our village...? " You notice her clothing. "Hunter perhaps...? Either way... " You tried to push her away from you but her slightly muscular body against your tiny one is just too much. You decided to shake her.

"Wake up, human-! "

The bluenette stands up, pulling out her sword as she looks around. Spotting you, she points her sword at you. "Who are you...? "

"It's not nice to point a sword at someone who wanted to help you. And you also interrupt my slumber.... " Groaning, she transform in her cat form and just lay on the ground, curling up. "Feel free to leave. "

"It's snowing... " The girl said as she looks out. "... Really hard. "

"Oh, a blizzard? " You stands up and stretches, still in cat form. "Well then, come in. You would prefer to be inside than the outside if that's happening. "

The girl looks unsure but nods anyways as she follows you inside. "May I ask who you are....? I know now that you are a Neko since... "

"Well, it's pretty obvious. " She giggles. "And I'm (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you. May I know your name as well? "


"Kanan... Kanan Matsuura"

-Skip, a month -

Kanan have been staying with you for a while now. She started to help all the nekos in the town, also defending it from dragons who tried to attack it. The village's elder nekos are really thankful too... I don't know why she really stayed... Like, she pointed a sword at me a month ago.

You look at her as she help some of the elder nekos... Her blue hair flowing in the air, smiling brightly at them as she carry their stuff around. I seriously don't get why she stayed when she said she needs to go on her adventure. I don't get it!

You sigh as you go back to your work just to get bugged by your friend, Chika Takami who pokes your (ce/c) (cat ears color). You yelp as you turn to her, blushing madly.

"D-Don't just poke my ears like that...! You know that they are sensitive.... " You grumble as you calm yourself. Chika only giggles and looks at Kanan.

"You've been staring at that hunter for a while~" She pokes your cheeks as you puff them.

"What? No I'm not!"

"Really~?" Chika giggles as she pick up the stuff she needs. "Just admit it already, you like her right~?"

You looks at the bluenette hunter as you blushes.

"Fine... Yes, I do like her... "

"Then tell her! " Chika exclaim as she giggles. "Its better to say it than nothing. "

Your ears perk up as you hear the elder and Kanan talking.

"Why did you decide to stay in our town, young hunter? " The elder said as they smile at her. Kanan blushes a bit and chuckles.

"Let's just say that I fell for someone whom I pointed my sword at. " She chuckles.


"What a silly story. Youngsters now a days... " The elder chuckles.

Kanan only giggles as you are now being shake by Chika.

"Heeey! (Y/n)-Chan you're so reeed! "

"What?! Chika just do what you need to do...! "

After escaping Chika's teases, you move yourself to go back home. You sigh as you open the door, your tail waving behind you.

"I'm home... " You tiredly grumble as you spotted Kanan on the couch, reading.

"Oh, welcome home milady~" Kanan teases as she chuckles.

"Not you too... Enough with the tease.... " You grumble under your breath as you slump down on the couch. "I need my beauty rest. "

"Wait! Not yet! " Kanan moves on top of you, pinning you on the couch as you yelp, blushing brightly.

"W-What are you doing?! " You hiss as your ears perks up in alert, tail wrapping around her.

"Just what the elders adviced... " She grins as she stroke your ears which made you freeze up, blushing even brighter.

"H-Hey... Stop that... You're not suppose to touch that... "

"Because only someone who nekos love are only allowed to touch that right...? Means you don't love me... " She sigh and backs away. "I knew I don't have a chance. "

Your eyes widen as you sit up, blushing bright red. "W-Wait Kanan! I-I um... "

"Yes...? "

"You... You can touch it again.... "

"Eh? "

"My ears. Touch them again. "

Realizing what you are talking about, Kanan blushes brightly. "W-Wait.... You...? "

"Yes, Kanan... " You looks up at her and moves to kiss her lips.

'I love you, Nya. '


"When a-are you gonna s-stop..? "


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