《Love Live! Yuri One-Shots (Requests Closed)》Fallen Angel! Yohane x Archangel! Reader x Yoshiko


(Part 1)


Note: Yohane



"Now now, my Why are you here in the depths of hell? " ask with a sly smile. She is in her usual black dress as her black wings majestically flaps behind her, some of her black feather falls around both of you.

"I'm just here to say that stop making Yoshiko Tsushima suffer from bad luck. " You said as you look at her seriously. Yohane just laughs at you.

You watches her walk as you closes your eyes and sigh, your (h/c) slightly swaying on the wind along with your white feathers in your wings.

"Because I just want you to do it. "

"And I demand a good answer.... " Yohane

You opens your eyes and stares at her red eyes as she stares intensely back.

"I love her. " You said seriously at her. Yohane's eyes widen as she looks at you.

can'tY-You'll become a fallen angel exclaim as she grips your hand tightly. You simply looks at her eyes.

"I rather be honest to my feelings. " You said before you started to walk away. "And you better remove her bad luck immediately. "

"Yoshiko-chan~" You suddenly appears beside her as she jumps and yelps, surprised.

You giggles before pinching her cheeks. "Aww... Yoshiko-chan is being a tsun tsun~"

"Yeah right... You're not... " You giggled before kissing her forehead. "Anyways, how are you? "

You frowns as you waited. Yoshiko shifts uncontrollably before looking up at you.


"What did you do to her luck? " You ask to Yohane who simply smirks at you.

You frowns as you glares at her. "You didn't change it on like what I ordered you to! "

Your eyes widen as your wings changes colors. You look at Yohane. "What did you just do?! "

Yohane chuckles as she places a hand in your chin. "I'm gonna make you mine and not on that pathetic mortal. What did I do about her luck?

I made it worst"


"(Y/n)-chan... I'm....

I'm gonna die in a month. "


Don't kill me pls. There's a part 2. Don't kill me pls.

Belated, Yoshiko/Yohane~

Then again, I'm really sorry. I'll try to finish everything as soon as possible.

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