《Love Live! Yuri One-Shots (Requests Closed)》Riko Sakurauchi x ViolinistTrap!Reader


Requested by: rinkurosawa15




The saddest feeling in the world is wanting to help even though you can't.

"We have a new student, please introduce yourself. "

Nothing stays, nothing is permanent. Feelings, people, circumstances... They all changes. That's not negative. That's being realistic.

"(Y/n) (L/n). Pleasure to meet all of you. "

"Please sit beside Sakurauchi-san. "

Someone you haven't met yet, is wondering what it would be like to know someone like you.

Riko Sakurauchi raises her hand, her dark red hair slightly swaying as you locked eyes with her.

I was thinking about you, thinking about me, thinking about us.


You sit beside her as she looks at you with a bright smile on her face. "Riko Sakurauchi..." She offers a hand to you which you gladly shake with an admiring smile.

"(Y/n) (L/n) "

Nothing is more expensive than the missed opportunity.

"Riko-chan! " You run after the Red headed pianist as she turns and smiles at you.

"Oh! (Y/n)-kun. What is it? " She tilts her head. You tuck your hand in your pants pockets as you smiles.

"I was wondering if you want to do a colab performance for the school's presentation? I mean, it's worth a shot. " You said as she scratches the back of her head, nervously smiling.

Riko looks at you for a few seconds before smiling and nodding. "Of course, (Y/n)-kun. I would love to. "

You are standing in front of the piano, staring at it as you hold your violin in your hand silently.

"(Y/n)-kun, what do you want to play with me?"

Memories from that day keep repeating in your head.

"Probably.... One of the songs you composed? "

"How about... Yozora wa nandemo shitteru no? "


"Huh..? Why that? "

"Because...." Riko smiled at you as she places her hands above the piano keys, her fingers touching them. "Its a special song. "

"Special? How so? "

She looked at you and smiles. "You'll find out... Soon. "

Who would have thought that it's the last performance you're gonna have with her.


The crowd gasp as they look at the fallen pianist. You immediately let go of your violin as you go beside her.

"Riko! Hang on, i'm gonna call the ambulance! " You said as you pulled up your phone in your ear.

"Don't bother to do so, (Y/n)-kun... I'm dying. I'm gonna die... " Riko weakly said with a small smile on her face. "My suffering will finally end... "

"S-Suffering?! You are suffering from what?! "

"I'm sick, (Y/n)"

That's the day when everything hits me.

Her laugh, smile....

Today is her funeral but instead you standing in front of her grave, here you are. Standing in the room with nothing but a piano in it. But this room is very special to you.

This is the music room on where you two always practice.

You grip your violin tightly as you stares at piano for who knows how long.

"I love you, (Y/n). Please remember that. Always and forever..."

"I do love you too... " You mumbles as tears gather in your eyes. "Why I didn't realize that...? "

"Hey, (Y/n). What's the most important feeling in this world? "

"Hmn... Comfort? "

"Well, for me... Its love. "

"Huh? Why love? "

"Because everyone needs love, right? "

"Why didn't you tell me...? " You mumble as your tears falls. "Why? "

When we lose someone we truly love, we don't just lose them. We lose a piece of ourselves and fills us with emptiness.


You places your hand in the piano keys as you continues to cry silently, thinking about the memories you made with her.

Time is like a river. You can't touch the same water twice. Because the flow that has passed, will never pass again.

You continues to stares at the piano as your tears continues to flow.

"I want to know more about you. I want to do more things with you. I want to make more memories with you....

But why? Why did you leave?

You said you loved me?


Why you?

Why not me?

Why....? "

"(Y/n)-kun, promise me something please. "

"Huh? Sure, what is it, Riko-chan? "

"Don't leave my side please..."

"Leave your side? Of course I won't! I promise you. "

"That's good to know then, (Y/n)-kun. I'll remember that. "

"I didn't leave you... But you are the one who leaved me behind... "

A figure appears behind you and places a hand in your shoulder. Your eyes widen as you turn and saw her, with a smile on her face.

"(Y/n)-kun.. "

"R-Riko?! H-How...? "

Riko smiles at you. "Don't blame yourself, okay? That's... Really unpreventable..."

"But even so?! Why didn't you tell me?! " You shout at her as your tears continues to flow. "Why?! "

"Because I love you, (Y/n)." Riko said as her glowing figure started to slowly disappear. "I don't want you to see you suffering because of me. "

Your tears continues to fall harder as you hugs her tightly. "I love you too Riko! Please... D-Don't leave me.... "

"Continue playing for me. Don't let me be a burden of your dreams. Always remember that I'm always beside you, playing that piano with you. Always there to support you.

Because I love you.

Always remember that. "

Goodbye is the hardest thing to say to someone who meant the world to you especially when goodbye isn't what you wanted.

You wipe your tears away as you stares outside of the window to the sky.

"I'll continues playing just for you, Riko-chan... "


I'm trying so hard not to cry while typing this at school 😂

Anyways, too much angst?

I hope you guys enjoy this~ As always, thank you for the votes and reads!

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