《Love Live! Yuri One-Shots (Requests Closed)》Cheater! Nozomi x Cold! Reader (Part two)


This is the continuation~ Feels trip ahead~! (Not really xD)

Warning: Colorful



"Why?! "


"DON'T F*CKING EVEN SAY MY NAME!" You shout as you glares at Nozomi while tears flows out of your eyes.

"W-Whats happening? (Y/n)-chan? " Honoka and the others, hearing the shout, rushes to the scene.

"You, Nozomi Toujo. " You approaches Nozomi, rage filled you as Nozomi backs away, hitting the wall as Eli joins the others, looking down, feeling bad.

"You Nozomi Toujo... " You sobs as you point at your heart. "You just broke everything into pieces... Those promises, are they just and nothing to you?! You promised that you will love me, take care of me. You promised that I'm the only one you'll love! I trusted you with ALL of my heart and what did you do?! " You screams at her as you continues to cry. Nozomi looks down, also crying as she closed her eyes.

"I-I'm s-sorry (Y/-"

"Don't f*cking even bother on apologizing." You glares at her as you turn your back at her, walking away from her. "We are f*cking done with this relationship. " You shove everyone out of your way as you run outside the school, crying.

"N-Nozomi...? " Nico looks at Nozomi who's eyes were wide, crying.

"I m-messed up... " Nozomi mumbles as she slumps down on the floor, sobbing. Eli tries to calm her down but Nozomi just shoved her away, glaring. "You! You already know that I'm in a relationship and yet... " Buries her face in her hand as she sobs. Eli on the other hand looks away, guilt painting her expressions. "I'm s-sorry N-Nozomi... "

"Does your sorry bring (Y/n) back?!" She glares again. "I'm.... "

Maki sigh as she goes and places a hand on Nozomi's shoulder. "You should calm down for a moment Nozomi... Then go ahead and follow her..."

"R-Right.... " Nozomi wipe her tears away. Honoka then approaches both Eli and Nozomi, holding their supposed to be chocolate in her hands.

"Eli-chan... H-Here... " Honoka gives Eli her chocolate as she goes to Nozomi next. Eli sees a sticky note on the back of the wrappings and opens it.

"Good luck on your Student Council works Eli-chan~! If you still need additional help, I'll be here for you~! Here's a chocolate for you. Its home made and I know you like them so I actually made double for you. That's why its a bit bigger than the others!


-(Y/n) "

Eli burst into tears after reading it as Umi tries to comfort her. "W-What have I done.... I'm so sorry (Y/n)..."

Honoka then finally reaches Nozomi as she gave her the chocolate. Nozomi stares at it for a second before seeing a sticky note on it. She opens it and her eyes tears up.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Love! I made this special chocolate for you with my whole heart put in it. I hope you'll love them as much as you love me (>^ω^<)

-(Y/n)~ I love you so much Non-tan"

Nozomi gets up and bolted out of the Student council room. "(Y/n)! " She shout as she looks around the campus but fails to found you until she goes up to the rooftop and saw you asleep, dry tears on you cheeks.

"O-Oh (Y/n)..." Nozomi slump down in front of you as she caress you cheek softly. You slowly open your eyes and looks up just to meet Nozomi's emerald orbs, full of tears.

"Why are you even in here? " You mumbles as you looked away from her. Nozomi's eyes sadden as she puts her hand that was in your cheek into your chin, moving your face towards here.

"(Y/n)... I'm really really sorry.... Its not like, I don't love you anymore, its just... My mind have been in a mess... I'm really sorry. " (serious Non-tan here)

You look at Nozomi with hard cold stare as she slightly flinches. "Does your sorry takes back your actions? "

"N-No... But let me prove you that I still love you! " Nozomi plead. "Please (Y/n)... "

You stare at her for a moment before sighing.... "Sure..."

After the confirmation, Nozomi immediately kabedon you in the walk and pins you in between the wall and her body. "I'm gonna make you mine.... "

You blushes and glares at her. "That's what you are about to do to Ayase earlier! "

Nozomi looks down. "T-That's... I don't have the control of my body that time... So please (Y/N)... Let me prove to you... " Nozomi looks up at you in your eyes. "That I love you... "

You blushes brighter as you just continues to glare at her. Nozomi sigh as she moves to pin your hands above the your head as she moves to kiss you on the neck. You bit your lip softly as your eyes moves to look at her, refusing to let out any sign that you are actually enjoying this despite the boiling anger inside you.


"(Y/n).... " Nozomi mumbles as she started to undo your blazer's buttons, removing your green tie. "I'm really sorry... " She continues to kiss your neck.

You on the other hand, started to bit your lip harder as you still refuse to let out a sign the you are enjoying it. Your legs trembles a bit as Nozomi pins you harder on the wall, her hands completely remove every clothing you have.

Nozomi leans back and stares at you. "You are beautiful (Y/n).... " She mumbles as she leans closer again. This time, taking your lips with her in a passionate kiss. After endless debates in your head, you actually started to kiss back. You feel Nozomi smile in your lips as she pulls away, flipping you so that she was behind you, you leaning at her.

"Tell me to stop when you don't like what I'm doing.... " Nozomi mumbles in your ears as you lightly shivers. Her hands goes down to your breast as she started to massage them while she kiss and suck the skin on the side of your neck softly. Your legs started to shake some more as you lean even more to Nozomi for you not to fall. She then flip you and pins you to the wall, taking one of your harden nipples in her mouth, her tongue swirling around it while sucking, a hand traveling down and touching your stomach lightly which made you more turned on. You bit your lip as you look down at her.

"N-Nozomi.... " You finally moans as you closes your eyes. You feel Nozomi smiling while she now move to your other breast, giving the exact thing it need.

Her hand moves down and started to rub you. You moaned out as you pull her closer to your body, moaning out her name. She then looks up at your panting and flustered look with a smile.

"You are actually enjoying this.... " She mumbles with a hint of surprise in her voice as she enters a finger at you which makes you yelp then moans in surprise.

"S-Shut up! " You said as you look away, your arms moving to wrap around her neck as she started to move her finger slowly which makes you groan. She chuckles at you as she smiles.

"Don't be so loud okay (Y/N)cchi~" She added another finger in you as she started to speed up, you shaking with pleasure and excitement...

"N-Nozomi... M-More.... " You realize what you said as your eyes widen, covering your mouth in embarrassment as Nozomi chuckles. She adds another finger and started to thrust more faster. She moves in your ear and bites it lightly which made you moan even more louder.

"C-Close.... " You panted between your moans as you press your body against her even more.

"Then come for me~" She mumbles lowly in your ear which send you over the edge, releasing as your legs trembles. You panted as Nozomi keeps you from falling.

Nozomi lift up her soaking fingers as she licks them, smiling at you. "Taste better than a parfait... "

You grab her hand and started to suck and lick her fingers clean which made Nozomi blushes. After a minute or so, you pulled away.

"You... " You look at her as she stares back at you nervously. "No one have touched me like that.... "

"So, are you implying that I'm the one who takes away your virginity (Y/n)cchi~ I'm honored then! " She smiles at you while giggling.

You blushes bright red and looks away. "S-Shut up! "

Nozomi then goes back on being serious as she looks at you. "D-Does that.... Prove something to you? "

You look at her for a moment before smiling a little. "I.... Love you too Nozomi... "

Nozomi's eyes tears up as she hugs you tightly. "I'm really sorry... I really do... "

You hugs back as you pat her head. "Its fine... Just don't do it again please... "

"Of course I won't! Happy Valentines day, (Y/n)cchi.... "

"Happy Valentines too, Nozomi. "



SORRY FOR THE SUPER DUPER LATE UPDATE! Like what I have explained before, school is here!

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed~

Next will be Eli x Abused! Reader~

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