《Love Live! Yuri One-Shots (Requests Closed)》Aqours x PopularTomboy! Reader
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Nozomi's and this is gonna be long af because celebration on hitting 100 votes! Thank you so much on the support!
A transfer student?
Chika Takami, the leader of Aqours ask as she tilts her head at her two friends.
"Yeah... I heard that from the others! And she is a second year too!" Watanabe said, excitement in her voice can be heard.
"I wonder what kind of a person she is... " Riko mumbles.
"Class settle down. We have a new transfer student. " The Teacher said as she gestures at the door. The door slowly opens as an attractive figure enters the classroom.
"(Y/n) Toujo nice to meet you. I'm from Otonakizaka high from Tokyo. Please take care of me. " She then bows at them.
"Otonakizaka?! Isn't that where you come from Riko-chan? " Watanabe exclaim.
"Yes but... I have never seen her before... " Riko said as she have fallen into deep thought.
"T-Toujo?! I-Isn't that... " Chika exclaim, her eyes widening.
You look at Chika as you tuck your hands in your pants pocket. You requested to the director to have the male version of the uniform instead of the one with the skirt which she actually agrees to... You lock eyes with the ginger head, your (e/c) staring at her red one. "Yes. I'm the younger sister of Nozomi Toujo from Muse. "
Chika blushes at the eyes contact as she stares in awe. Standing in front of her was the sister of one of her idols. Her violet short hair standing out, (e/c) staring at her own...
Watanabe looks between You and Chika as she waves her hand in front of Chika. "Hello Chika-chan? You are staring for too long now."
Chika snaps out as her face gets more brighter.
"Class settle down. We're starting. "
-lunch time-
You are still in your seat near the window as you read one of your favorite novels. You are reading there peacefully until...
"Yousoro! Hello there Toujo-san!" You put down your book as you look up just to be greeted by an ocean blue eyes staring at your own. She smiles at you brightly as you blink a few times.
"Um... Can I help you...?" You trail off, not knowing who the hyper girl is.
"Oh I haven't introduce myself! How rude of me." The female nervously laughs. "The name is You Watanabe! Nice to meet you!" (lmao I typed Nico to meet you)
"(Y/n) Toujo. Feel free to call me (Y/n). " You introduce back with a small bow.
"I was wondering if you are free today? My friends and I wanted to invite you to watch our practice in the rooftop!" She said, still keeping her bright smile. You blink for a few second before smiling back. "Sure Watanabe-san, I would love to. "
Watanabe's face heats up as she wave her hands in front of her. "No need the formalities (Y/n)-kun! " She said as she scratches the back of her head. "And thanks for accepting the offer! "
"My pleasure You-san." You smiles at her. "If you don't mind, I would like to return on reading my book."
"Oh yes sure! See you later (Y/n)-kun!" and with that, the hyper sailor wanna be leaves you as you continue to read your book.
"How did it went You-chan?" Chika ask as she glomps at her childhood friend while Riko looks at them with a smile.
"She said she will go to our practice! Yousoro~" She salutes playfully. The three of them giggled.
"That's great. We'll introduce her to the others~ I'm sure they are gonna be shocked that the sister of Nozomi Toujo decided to transfer in here."
-after school-
You are walking down the hallways, about to head up in the rooftop until you bump with someone.
"O-Ow.... " You looked down as see one of your classmates, Riko Sakurauchi rubbing his butt as she looks up at you.
"Sakurauchi-san? I'm really sorry. " You said as you offer an hand at her. You saw that her face reddens a bit as she takes your hand.
"Just call me Riko... " She said as she dusted her skirt. "And no need to apologize...."
"Are you perhaps about to head to the rooftop too? " You ask as she turns to you. She nods at you curiously. "Then, shall we head there together? " You said while offering a hand to her.
"S-Sure (Y/n)-kun... " Riko mumbles as she blushes, taking your hand as you pull her up. Instead of just simple pulling her up, she ended up leaning in your chest as you hug her.
"Are you okay Riko-san?" You said as you looked down. You notices that her face is getting more redder as she slowly nods.
"Y-Yeah I'm okay (Y/n)-kun! Lets just head up! " Riko said as she wiggles herself out of your grasp and runs to the rooftop. You chuckles in amusement as you follow behind the ginger head pianist, constantly waving and smiling at the people greeting you. Being the younger sister of Nozomi Toujo of Muse, of course you are gonna be kinda popular. And since you are actually a youtuber who covers songs for contents and people actually likes it, plus more popularity for you.
You have arrived in the rooftop after countless of waving and sometimes taking a picture with some of your fans. Riko was so amazed on how popular you are.
"Shiny~ (Y/N)-kun is here!" Mari said as she suddenly appears behind you and gropes you...on you know where. You raised your eyebrows at her.
"You cant really touch something in there because um... Its hidden? "
"But I'm sure it's that ripe! How did you contain it this flat?! " Mari continuesly to grope you as your eyes twitch.
"You really reminds me of Nozomi nee-chan.... " You chuckles, amused.
"Nozomi... Nee-chan? " Suddenly, you saw a finger pointing at you accusingly as you tore your gaze away from Mari and looked at the ravenette in front of you. "Are you... Nozomi Toujo's younger sibling?! "
" (Y/n) Toujo at you're service. " the red headed nearly fainted as the brown haired girl catches her. On the other hand, the ravenette's mouth hang as sh stares at you, shoked. You raised an eyebrow at her and chuckles. You approaches her and close her mouth while patting her head.
"Dia Kurosawa right? Don't leave your mouth open, something might enter in it. " You smiled at her. She blinks a few times before blushing and swatting your hand away from her head.
"Buu buu desu... Wa? " (ぶうぶうですわwwww) Dia crosses her arms and looked away from you. You chuckled.
"My, it's the first time I see Dia this flustered." Kanan let out an amused chuckle. You smiles at her which seems to notice as she smiles back, pink slightly tinting her cheeks. "Kanan Matsuura, you can call me Kanan." You nods at her with a bright smile as she waves at you.
"Hello my little demon! It is I, Yohane the fallen angel! " You looked at her curiously before smiling brightly.
"It's nice to meet you Fallen Angel-sama! " You said as you bow. Her eyes widen as she blushes.
"Finally someone understands me! From now on, you'll be Yohane's number one little demon! You better be greatful! " Yosh- Yohane said as she poses with her usual pose. You imitated her and chuckles.
Before you get to know the two more of the members, your phone rings. You pulled it out of your pocket as Aqours looks at you curiously. Seeing who is calling, you smiled as you answer it, putting it on loud speaker.
"(Y/n)cchi! I hope I'm not bothering you right now, how are you there? "
Aqours eyes widen as they recognize the voice in the other line. You looked at them, smiling softly.
"Pretty good Nee-san, i'm with some friends. "
"Nozomi? Is that (Y/n)-kun you are talking to?"
"Yes Elicchi. And she said that she is with friends. "
"E-Eli-sama?! " Dia exclaim. Her eyes widen as she covers her mouth, blushing brightly.
"Greetings Eli-chan. And I'm guessing from your reactions, all of you are Muse fan? "
Aquors all nod as you chuckles.
"Seems like all of them are fan of yours. They are also a school idols, Aqours is their name."
"H-Harasho... "
"It's good to hear that Muse is still popular after we disband five years ago... And Aqours huh"
"Where are the others by the way? Aren't you guys in a reunion right now?"
"They are all at the beach (Y/n)chhi. We are in Makicchi's vacation mansion by the way. "
"Oh okay then~ Have fun guys! And don't worry, I'm doing fine in here. "
"That's great (Y/n)-kun. Take care~"
"Bye (Y/n)cchi! I missed you already~
"Bye Eli-chan, bye Nee-chan. I miss you too. " After those exchange of words, you have puts your phone on your pocket. You looked up and see that All of the Aqours members is still staring at you. "Are you guys alright? "
Chika was the first one who snap out to the reality as she bows at you. "Thank you for making us hear the conversation! That's such an honor! "
Dia also bows down at you. "Thank you for making my dream come true.... "
"N-No need to bow down... " You said as you scratches the back of your head while blushing.
'Adorable... ' Aqours thinks as they stares at you.
"A-Anyways! " You approach the red haired and brown haired girls from earlier. "I believe I still haven't introduce myself on you two? "
"Pigi! " The ginger head exclaim as she hides behind the brunette.
"Ahaha.... Ruby-chan is kinda shy... I'm Kunikida Hanamaru zura. " She offers a hand which you gladly shake with a bright smile.
'He is cute zura.... '
"Thank you Kunikida-san. " You smiled at her as pink slightly dusted your cheeks. You have noticed that Hanamaru's face redden as she looks away slightly at you.
"I s-said that outloud zura?"
"Well, yeah you did. " You scratches the back of your head. "Anyways, its nice to meet you. You too Ruby-san. "
Hanamaru smiled at you while Ruby squeals again but nods anyways.
-Skip to Christmas
After the time passes by, you have become Aqours manager. Not only because you volunteer, its also because they actually want you to be their manager. Little did you know, Aqours members have actually fallen in love with you. Its now Christmas eve and you are silently reading in the library until...
"(Y/n)!" You looked up from your book and saw your fellow 2nd year student, the sailor wanna be.
"Oh, You-chan... How may I help you?" You put down your book as Watanabe blushes.
"Um... I just want to give you this." Watanabe then lean in your face as she kisses your forehead shortly before leaving a note and running away.
"Kan Kan Mikan~ You can find me on where you first met me!~ -C"
Your face is still red as you chuckles. "Classroom is it then." You exit the library as you walk towards the classroom. There, you found Chika Takami, the leader of Aqours walking around.
"Chika-chan?" Chika looks at you as her ahoge (あほげ~) slightly sways in alert. Her face reddens as she approaches you and kisses your cheeks also before running away, leaving a note.
"Favorite food? Sandwich~ Music is the key. Without it, world will be plain and boring. -R"
You chuckles as you read it. You have actually helped Aqours about their catchphrase and for some reason, the certain red headed pianist choose it to be about her favorite food. You hide the note in your pants pocket as you head to the music room and saw Riko Sakurauchi, the composer of Aqours playing the piano. You smiled as you recognize the song.
Yume no tobira~
Just her hitting the first note give you goosebumps as she sings gracefully towards the end of the song. You clapped as you enter the music room.
"(Y/n)-chan?! " Riko's eyes widen as she looks at you.
"Hmn~ Nice as always Riko-chan. " You smiles at her. You notices that her face reddens.
"T-Thank you (Y/n)-kun..." She said as she gets up from the stool and walking towards you, kissing you in the cheeks. "A-Anyways, here's the next note. " After that, she immediately walks away, giving you the color magenta note.
"Ganbaruby~! Candies are sweet but eating it with you makes it more sweeter. -R"
You gently smiles as you go in your school's canteen. There you saw Ruby who is eating some ice cream. Noticing you, her face reddens as she smiles at you.
"(Y/N)-chan! " She runs at you and smiles brightly which is a little unusual because she is usually shy around you. You then smiles back at her and pats her head. "Did you also call for me? "
She slowly nods as smiles, her face reddening. "Can you go down for a bit? "
You couches down to her level as she kisses you in the forehead. You looked at her, surprised as she shyly smiles.
"A-Anyways, here's the next note! S-See you (Y/n)-kun!" And with that, Ruby left you with a color yellow note.
"Ohana? Maru~ Books are one of the important thing in this world so we shall treasure them!- K"
You smiled softly as you made your way back at the library. How come you have never notice that she is there? You'll never know... Probably.
You enter the library and saw Hanamaru fixing some books. You immediately helps her as she looks at you, slightly surprised and blushing as she fasten her work.
"Thank you for helping (Y/n)-kun... " Hanamaru smile at you as she tip toes and kisses you in the cheeks. You smiled back as you pat her head.
"No problem, Maru-chan. Glad to help as always. "
"Oh, (Y/n)-kun. This is a note for you. " She reaches out in her pocket as she takes out a color gray note. You take it and smiles again at Hanamaru. "I'll take my leave now (Y/n)-kun. Thank you again for the help. "And with that, Hanamaru leaves you in a complete silent. You looks at the note and smiles
"My no. 1 little demon, you shall meet the fallen angel in my favorite place! Bring no one, I only want you, alone. "
You stares at the note for a moment before blushing at some thoughts (wink wink) before shaking your head. "Come on now (Y/n), you are being inappropriate now... " You mumbles as you exit the library silently. You read the note again. "Favorite place huh... "
After some more walking, you finally found yourself standing in the rooftop. You look around and saw Yosh-Yohane doing her usual scissor pose.
"Kukuku~ So you did come huh. " Yohane said as she opens her eyes and looks at you.
"Well, you wishes for my presence Fallen Angel-sama so I have to come. " You play along as you smiles at her. Yohane's face slightly redden.
"I told you drop the formalities! You are my number one little demon after all." She cleared her throat. "Anyways, Fallen Angel Yohane only wishes for you to come here to give you a gift. "
"A gift? And what might it be Yohane-chan? " You smiles at her.
Yoshiko walks towards you as she kisses your cheeks. "And that's the gift. Anyways, here! " she shoves a piece of paper in your hand as she runs away.
(Harem bbbbby)
"Shiny~ Come an meet us in the Idol (A/n:hell) club room for some hugs and gift? -MDK"
"Now all of them too?..." You mumbles as you sigh and walks towards the club room. "Aqours is kinda weird... In a cute way. " You chuckles as you enters the club room, seeing the 3rd years inside.
"You came~" Mari smiles brightly at you as Kanan chuckles.
"We're glad you actually came (Y/n)-kun~ So, you badly needs a hug huh. " Kanan chuckles as you slightly blushes.
"Come on, stop teasing (Y/n)-kun." Dia smiles at you. "We are here to give him a gift remember? "
"Oh! Right~" Mari then pulls you to them as she kisses your cheek. Kanan then pulls you in a hug as Dia kisses your other cheek. Then, they pulls away and smiles at you as the rest of Aqours appears in the room.
"Merry Christmas (Y/n)-kun! We love you~"
oo? "
Boop ba beep ba boop
Sorry for the laaaate update! I've been very busy preparing for the next school year cuz school is gonna start again in Monday! I'm not ready to leave vacation mode p(´⌒`。q)
Anyways, hope you guys enjoy! Thank you for the over 100 votes now! ヽ(´▽`)/
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8 86