《Love Live! Yuri One-Shots (Requests Closed)》Kanan Matsuura x Reader


Requested by JakeIlagan7

Another best girl of mine 🐳


Title: Destiny?

Your POV

Do you believe in Destiny? I personally don't but it changes when I met a certain bluenette diver.

"Earth to (Y/n)!" a soft voice interrupted my train of thoughts as I glance at the blondie director.

"Mari-san? " You tilted your head at her.

"Kanan said that she wants you to meet her at the rooftop after school~" Engrish....

"Thank you for the info Mari-san... " I pack my things as I stand up from my seat. Seems like Kanan was already upstairs because she was already gone on the homeroom.

"No Problemo~ Just make sure that when you got home, first kiss already being taken away~" Mari send a wink at me as my face turns red.

"Mari-san! Don't be ridiculous! " You said as you turn around from her and about to leave.

"Its joke~"

"Yeah whatever... See you later Mari-san... "

-Rooftop- 3rd Person's POV

Kanan Matsuura, a diver and a member of School Idol group, Aqours was looking up at the sky. She was thinking very deep, maybe deeper than the ocean she was diving in.

'What if she doesn't like me back? What if we were not really destined together? So many what ifs.... ' Kanan sigh on her thoughts.

"Destiny.... I'm really stupid to believe in such thing." Kanan lets out a gentle giggle as she sigh once again.

"Kanan-san~" That voice, Kanan always recognize it whenever she goes.

"(Y/N)... You came... " Kanan looks at the other female with a smile. You simply smiles back as you approach the slightly taller female.

Silence fills the air... Its stayed like that for like 5 minutes or so until...

"I have something to tell you. " Both of them speak in sync. Kanan raise an eyebrow as you started to giggle.


"You first." Both of you say again.

"You can go first since.... Uh... I'm being a gentleman. " Kanan said with a small smile.

You giggle for a bit. "Hmn~ I guess I'll talk then. " *inhale and exhale* "Kanan-san, I'm gonna be straight forward. I like you, no probably not like but I love you. "

Kanan's eyes widen as a slight pink dusted her cheeks as your face reddens that can rival the color of the certain red head pianist.

"I-I understand I-If you d-don't like me back.... We can still be f-friends.... " You slightly looks away as you slightly tears up. Kanan frown at the sight and immediately pulls you in a hug, wiping the tears that was in your eyes.

"Shh (Y/N).... Don't cry, I love you too."

You looks up at Kanan who also have tears in her eyes, but having a small smile on her face.

"Really? You actually do? "

"Yes (Y/n) " Said Kanan as she slowly leans in you. "Ever since our freshman year, the time that you were by my side when we fail as an Idols... I slowly fell in love in you until I think that we were actually destined together. "

"I do too Kanan. I do think that too. " You smile as Kanan touches your lips with hers.


"I got that on camera! " Mari suddenly barge in as the other 7 members of Aqours trailing behind her. Kanan and (Y/N) quickly pulls away, both blushing beet red as Kanan pouts at Mari and Dia.

"Why didn't you stop her Dia?"

"Not my problem. "

"Onee-chan planed that with Mari-san. "

You twitches your eyes as you glares at Mari and Dia who immediately backs away. "Delete that NOW. "

"Um... Its joke?"

"Run Mari! "

"Wait for me Dia! "

"Get back here you two! "


The end lol 😂


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