《Love Live! Yuri One-Shots (Requests Closed)》You Watanabe x Abused! Reader


Gotta start with the best girl here ✌(^v^)AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU-CHAN~


Title: Cure

"Mou! Tell me please (Y/n)-chan? " You Watanabe, a member of the popular school Idol in your school, Aqours was currently dragging you away from your homeroom. Well, you were a year below her so.. Yep. She wants you to watch them practice at the roof..

"W-Watanabe-senpai... " You mumbles as you winces in pain. Well, you were wearing your sweater even though its really hot and that only means one thing. You we're hiding something and that something we're bruises. Yes, you we're abused. By your father to be exact. Let's just say that being bisexual was... Hard.

Watanabe seems to notice that you wince so she immediately lets go of you. "Huh? Are you okay (Y/N)-san? " she as as her worried ocean blue like orbs looks at your own (e/c) one.

"I-It was noting senpai... " You look away from her, blushing a bit. You have feelings for Watanabe ever since you saw her in the swimming club. You were not a part of swimming club but you we're a helper. Ever since you first saw her, you immediately fall in love in her.

"Come on (Y/N)-chan. We were friends right? At least tell me what's wrong. " Watanabe said as she frowns.

Having a hurt look that flashes in your face for a second on mentioning that you were only a friend that Watanabe picks up, you only gives her a closed eyes smile. "I'm really okay Watanabe-senpai.... Just head to the rooftop with the others, I'm sure they were practicing now as we speak. "

Watanabe's expression turns to a horrified one as bows to me then started running away. "I'm really sorry (Y/N)-chan! Catch yah later! Yousoro~"

After hearing the faded catch phrase of the swimmer, you cant help yourself but to smile. 'Just friends.... ' And you started to walk home.


After my last words on (Y/N)-chan, I immediately head toward the roof. She was right, they were already practicing when I arrived.

"You-chan! You were late! " Chika exclaim with a pout. "We started like ten minutes ago! "

I scratch the back of my head nervously as I smile. "I'm really sorry Chika-chan... I just have to take care of things and I completely lost track of time. Heheh~"

Mari then smirk at my direction, her cat-like smile showing as she nudge Watanabe's shoulder. "And that business is your Kouhai (Y/N) (L/N)-san right~?" she coos.

I can feel my face warms up, signaling that I'm blushing as I shake my head nervously. The other members only laugh at my reaction.

"That was a nice reaction You-chan. " Kanan said as she pats my head. "You really like her that much huh? "

My face gets more redder as my eyes widen. "W-Wait... H-How in the first place you g-guys know about t-that?! "

All of the members of Aquors looks at Chika who is scratching the back of her head and nervously laughing. "O-Opps... "

"Chika-chan! "

'Deep breath. Calm down. You need to be strong and go to class, meet Watanabe-senpai after that then go home... Home? Do I even have one?' The (H/c) girl was walking towards her homeroom, hugging herself in slight fear. She just receive a new beating up session from her drunk father last night which leave a broken ribs. You are trying not to wince in pain as you walk.

"(Y/N)-chan!" After hearing the familiar voice of your swimmer senpai, you were suddenly engulf by a hug which is too tight so you yelp in pain and winces. Watanabe immediately notices it and lets go.

"What happen to you?! You seems in pain. " Watanabe said as she checks your body. You immediately zips up your jacket and shake your head.


"I'm fine senpai! Really! " you said as you shake your head nervously. You don't want your senpai to see your ugly bruises.

"I'm not taking a 'I'm fine' answer (Y/N) (L/N). Lets go to the nurse office. " Watanabe takes your hand as she slowly and carefully guide you to the nurse office. This action made you blush as you hide your face with your hood. You can't really resist her and you know it. She is just the stubborn beautiful swimmer that you fell in love with.

Watanabe opens the door of the nurse office and lead you in a bed. She made you sit down as she rummage through cabinets, searching for the things she might need. You silently watched her as a small smile appear on your lips. 'She was concern about me... '

"Of course I am. " Watanabe speaks as she looks up, the things she need in her hands with as smile. Your face gets tinted with pink as you tilt your head a bit.

"Did I said that out loud?"

"Yes you silly. " She giggles. You can't help but to smile a bit. "Now I need you to remove your jacket for me to check you up. "

You shake your head at the older female. Watanabe sigh as she looks at you straight in the eyes. "Please? "

'What do I do? Both options can have a bad effect.... ' You think to youself as you bit your bottom lip in frustration.

"(Y/N)..." Watanabe mumbles as she sigh. "If you don't really want to, i-"

"Its fine Watanabe-senpai. " You immediately cut off her statement as you slowly pulls down your jacket. You hear a gasp after you completely remove them. You look away from her, tears streaming down your face.

"Who did this to you (Y/N)?!" Your upperclassman said, anger visible on her voice. You didn't reply to her and instead, let out sobs. "Oh (Y/N).... " Watanabe pulls you in a gentle hug, careful to not hurt you.

"Senpai-" Watanabe places a finger in your lips to silence you. You blush beet red at the contact.

"Just call me You, (Y/N)." She said as she removes her finger in your lips, replacing them with her soft lips. Your eyes widen as your body tense. Watanabe seems to notice that and immediately pulls back.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/N)! I d-didn't mean to do that.... " Watanabe looks away with a sad expression. You frown as you place your hand under her chin, making her to face you.

"Se- *clears throat* You-chan..." Watanabe looks at you, her ocean blue eyes staring at your own (e/c) one. You softly smile at her as you pull her again in a short kiss.

"I always love you You-chan. Ever since I saw you for the first time in the Swimming club, I immediately fall for you..."

Watanabe smiles softly as she pulls away from you. "I love you too (Y/N). For a long time now." She then giggles. "Now let me clean up your wounds."

-extra- *Outside the infirmary*

WHEW I FINISHED! I hope that was a good one (*^﹏^*)

-Kristal ✏✒

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