《Love Live! Revolution!》Preparations
Day 7
"I needed that run." Relon happily says stretching an arm towards the sky before lowering it back down.
Having acquired their uniforms, the next thing the duo had planned was to check out their school as well as obtain their schedules.
"I wouldn't doubt it." You giggles. "You're famous for your crazy energy. You're going to nail the soccer team."
"I could say the same about you. No doubt Uranohoshi's swim team will have a flawless season with you on their team. I just hope their training times don't overlap." His words causing the girl to give a curious tilt of her head.
"Why do you say that?"
"Why else? So we can watch each other's practice." He explains causing the girl to gain a tint of red.
Seeing this, he widens to raise his hands in defense.
"I-I mean it as supporting you of course! No ulterior motives at all!"
"O-Of course! I know you're not that kind of guy!" She waves, both falling into their usual awkward
Man, I really need to watch what I say.
Jeez, everything he says makes me feel so self conscious. You glances out the corner of her eye at the boy before down playing with her fingers.
I really need to watch how I say things. He sighs glancing to the girl before back ahead. But she did mention not minding if I checked her out, right? No, that's still not something I should do. He shakes his head. You's my best friend and yeah I'm a guy but you don't check out your best friend... right? Ugh, romance in real life is so difficult compared to the romance novels I read.
Looking to the girl whose attention is else, she speaks up.
"Look!" She points towards the bay.
Looking in the direction, he sees past the water at the top of a hill their destination. Uranohoshi High School.
"It won't be long now." You smiles. "Zensoko Zenshin! Yousoro!" She exclaims taking off.
"H-Hey! We just finished our jog!" Relon calls running after the girl, his mind wandering to a single question.
Since we're doing idol stuff, is it even worth dating?
Uranohoshi High School
"Whooaaaaaa!" Both awe having arrived at the front gate.
"Quite the welcome they have for us, huh?" Relon comments eyeing the rainbow arches over the gate.
"Yeah! Hey look, they even have a large sign draped across the school welcoming us!" You notes.
"Not many schools do that I think."
"It shows how much they care about their students. And we're two of them! I love it here already." She cheers.
"Calm down." Relon chuckles looking around. "Seems like there are a few students who had the same idea as we did. Let's find the front office so we can get our schedules."
"Aye aye!" She salutes, the two walking through the front doors where they see signs guiding them to their destination.
"Are you two new students?" The office lady greets.
"Yes, ma'am." Relon nods.
"May I see your student I.D. cards?" Reaching into their pockets, the duo pulls out the required item handing it over. "Just one minute." The lady smiles exiting into the back rooms where more offices can be seen.
Glancing over at what seems like handouts about their school, You picks one up opening it.
"Hey, it says here that Uranohoshi was once an all girl's school but due to failing to reach the required number, they joined with another school to become the mixed school it is today."
"Really? Does else does it say?"
"It goes on to mention that the percentage of males to females is..." She halts to batting an eye which Relon takes note of.
"20%..." She mutters twitching at the pamphlet for Relon to widen scooting closer to see what she says hold true.
"Uranohoshi holds a male to female percentage of 20% to 80%. The cause being that the school they mixed with had a high female enrollment with very few males... Jesus, so much for making guy friends." He groans stepping away. "At least you'll have plenty of friends, You."
"Y-Yeah..." She mutters in response.
So much for being his only female friend. With how kind Relon is, there's no doubt he'll make some girl friends. She sighs accepting her fate to shake her head quickly. What the heck am I thinking? This isn't the end of the world! I'm being over dramatic. She calms herself looking to Relon seeming to be staring off at nothing in thought.
1:5 ratio, huh. Jeez. Hopefully any girls I meet will be nice. Some of the girls back in America were way to stuck up. At least I have You with me. Wow, that sentence felt odd. He looks over to the girl skimming through more pages. Now that I think about it, I've been calling You by her first name easier than I expected. I guess it is natural since we're childhood friends.
"Here you two are." The secretary announces her return handing both their schedules.
"Thank you very much, ma'am." Both bow exiting the office to look at their schedules.
"Similar to those shown in America. That's quite a coincidence." Relon comments.
"Can you go a minute without comparing Japan to America." You jokes snatching away his schedule.
"YES!" She roots raising her arms in the air to his confusion. "We're in the same homeroom!" She exclaims, her blue eyes sparkling like the ocean.
"Are we?" Inspecting the sheets of paper, he compares classes. "Hey, we are."
"Jeez! Why are you so relaxed?!" You pouts giving a deadpanned expression.
"Well, I mean the chances weren't that unlikely." His answer causing the teen to stop pouting, her expression changing to one of slight interest.
"So you had a feeling we'd be together?"
"Yeah, I guess you could say that." He scratches his head averting his eyes.
With her mouth making a small oh, it shifts to a smile as she walks pas the boy.
"Come on, let's look around!" She smiles that Watanabe smile Relon is so familiar with.
Chuckling, he walks after the skipping girl. Going through the school, they find the courtyard with numerous places to relax, the hallways littered with shelves on both sides as well as open classrooms, and the outside area with a clear field filled with cherry blossom trees in front of a view of the mountains an harbor. Finishing the last of their class searches, the two exit said classroom to look at the other.
"I think that's the last of our classes. And we've basically gone around the school like a dozen times already."
"Hmm... Oh, we're not done yet!" She raises a finger. "We haven't checked the pool and track yet!"
"Oh yeah. We haven't checked out the library yet either. We were so busy looking at where everything was, we didn't actually checking any of them out."
"Haha, you're right. So where do you want to go first?"
"Let's do... the track, pool, and then the library."
"Alright, let's go!" You smiles.
Heading outside, they walk through the gymnasium before exiting out back. Walking around the bleachers, they step onto the track.
"Small field in the middle, track around it. Yep. Same as everywhere else."
"There you go again." You rolls her eyes.
"Look, when you go back and forth between two countries as much as I do, it becomes second nature to compare and contrast. Give me a break." He chuckles softly.
"Second nature, huh?" Looking to the boy, she takes notice of his bothered expression. "... I wish Miguel was with us."
"Where did that come from?"
"I remember when were kids how we always looked around our old school for the classes we all had. Just came to me all of a sudden."
"Oh... yeah. Well, he's doing that so that your dream can come true." He notes eyeing the field.
"Our dream." She corrects gaining his attention. "It's all of our dreams to make a performance happen." She smiles. "It's not just mine."
Seeing his expression lift back up, he smiles nodding.
"Yeah, you're right. But I'm still considering this your dream because I want to see you on that stage." He mutters.
Feeling heat rise to her cheeks, You looks forward to the track.
"Jeez, where did that come from? Saying something like that." She whispers to herself.
"Huh? What did you say?" He tilts his head.
"N-Nothing!" She fixes herself laughing it off. "But I still, the soccer team is going to be going far with you on their team."
"I could say the same for the swim team. Not so much the track." He rolls his eyes on the last comment for You to giggle.
"You really despise track, huh?"
"With how much that guy made me train, track is the last thing I want to be apart of." He shrugs placin his hands into his pockets turning and departing for You to follow after.
"That guy? You mean your dad?"
"Yep. Let's just say he focused too much on training and leave it at that." He says.
"Oh... okay."
Did his relationship with Mr. Lucinance go bad or something?
Reaching the pool, You's eyes glisten once more as she runs to the edge awing at the pool. A fence around the whole perimeter
"Easy there, You. Don't go jumping in it now." Relon jokes.
"Really?" She grins rolling her eyes at the joke. "I can't wait to be swimming laps here!"
"I'm surprised you haven't gone swimming at the beach yet. It is warm out nowadays."
"I did plenty of that before you came back so I'm good for the time being."
"You sure?" Relon tilts his head. "Doing my kind of training can't help you nearly as much as training in actual water."
"Don't worry! Once school starts, I'll be training extra here." She dismisses with a wave. "Honestly, between school, the sports team, and our other activity, this year is looking to be pretty busy, wouldn't you say?"
"Yeah, that's for sure."
We still need to be careful with our approach considering we're breaking the law. Luckily, we're in no rush or anything for You's first performance.
"Ahh, it's good to be back." Both turn to the new feminine voice entering the pool area.
Standing before them is a fairly tall and slender female teen. She has beautiful long, dark blue hair ponytail going down to her shoulder blades. Her bangs are slightly swept to the sides and she has little chunks of hair that fall out of her pony tail and frame her face. She has violet purple eyes and fair skin.
She's pretty. Relon thinks.
Realizing she isn't alone, she smiles giving a small wave approaching the two.
"I'm guessing you two are new students?"
"Yes. And I'm guessing you're a second or third year?" Relon asks back.
"That's right. Kanan Matsuura and I'm a third year." She greets with a friendly smile placing a hand on her hip.
"You Watanabe and I'm a second year transfer." You introduces with her signature salute.
"I'm Relon Lucinance. I'm also a second year transfer. Nice to meet you, Matsuura-senpai." He nods.
"Then..." Kanan puts a hand to her chin in thought. "Watanabe-chan and Lucinance-san?" She asks for both to nod. "So, where are you two from if you don't my asking?"
"Whoa, really? And what brings you out here to Uchiura, Numazu?"
"We used to live here." You answers. "I decided to stay this time though and Relon's mom lives here so that's why he's back."
"I'm here for another year so I'm gonna make the most of it like every other." He shrugs.
"Every other? You go back and forth between Japan and America every year?"
"Yep and to answer the follow-up question; family."
"Oh. Haha, you read that one. I'm guessing you're asked that a lot?"
"Yeah. It's no biggie though so don't sweat it." Nodding, Kanan looks to You.
"So you're a swimmer too, right?
"You swim as well?" You smiles excitedly.
"Yup. I was on the swim team last year actually."
"Whoa! I read you guys made it to the nationals! "
"Well, there you go You. Already met a future teammate." Relon chuckles.
"So you are interested, huh? I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got."
"I hope to impress." You grins.
"By the way, did you come here for your schedule too Matsuura-senpai?" Relon asks.
"Mhmm. Though you won't be seeing me for a little while sadly."
"How come?" You being the one to now ask.
"Well my dad runs a diving shop."
"The one near the harbor off of the beach near the residential district north of Numazu?" He asks pointing in the direction.
"Yeah, that's the place! My dad injured himself getting a fractured bone so I'm helping out around the shop while I do my classes online for the time being."
"Is he alright?" Both look with slight worry.
"He's getting there so the doctors are thinking a little time after school has started is when he'll be healed."
"That's a relief." You sighs to realize something. "Huh, she's not far from your house, Relon." You notes.
"You do know it's just as much yours as it is mine." Relon eyes the girl.
"Well, I don't want to sound-"
"No buts!" Relon interrupts giving a deadpanned expression. "You're too much apart of my family to not say the place isn't your own. And we both know mom would say the same." He chuckles.
"Well... if you say so."
"You two seem close." Kanan gives a smile for the two to laugh nervously.
"Well, we've been childhood friends since we were five so we're about as close as close gets." You explains, the two sharing an understanding smile.
"Hmmmmm." Kanan grins leaning in. "So how close are we talking?" Her words making both gain a light blush.
"N-Nothing like that!" You denies making an X with her arms.
"Jeez." Relon mutters. "We're just friends. That's all, Ms. Teaser." Relon deadpans once more.
"Haha, sorry, sorry. Couldn't help myself. But now that I think about it, you're the first male student I've seen here so far."
"Really? Well it is supposedly a 5:1 ratio of female to male students so maybe it's more of a rare sight than I first thought."
"Worried that you might be the only guy in a class full of girl?" You wonders.
"Not too much though I will admit if that happens, I'll be really self-conscious of what I say and do. More than the usual."
"All of the students from the previous year here are all nice so you shouldn't have anything to worry about even if that happens."
"That's relieving to hear. Thanks, Senpai."
"Don't forget I'll be with you so you won't be completely alone."
"Welp, I got some errands to run. Stop by whenever you two get the chance."
"Ah, sure thing!"
"See you, Senpai." Relon bids, the girl jogging out of sight. "Well, if what she said about the girls being nice like is true, then we have another thing to look forward to."
"Yeah, but I can't help but wonder..." Her voice low as she walks over to the fence gripping it with a finger looking at the roads, forests, and bay.
"How many still love idols." Relon says walking next to her, a gentle breeze blowing through. "Won't be long now." He rests a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah..." She turns to him. "We got some smiles to make." She says with renewed vigor.
"Yeah, but first we need to stop by the library. I so need to find a spot to chill at during study period."
"What for? So you can read your romance novels and manga?" She teases.
"Yes, actually." He retorts, the two falling into laughter as they traverse the halls before reaching their destination.
Sliding the door open, both enter noticing the desk where a woman is seated at.
"Students?" She asks.
"Librarian?" They respond.
"Yes." The three share a laugh before they continue through the rows of books, Relon immediately finding the fictional area. "Let's see..." He hums scanning through book after book, You next to him with her arms behind her waist.
"I still find it interesting that a guy like you loves reading almost as much as writing."
"What can I say? I'm a jack of all trades." He says pulling out a book to inspect it. "Hey, this seems interesting."
"What's it called?"
"Hatred's Peace. Apparently it's part of a series of two word titles with the first word starting with an H and the second a P. The summary seems interesting too. A boy and his two sisters live through a tragic incident as the sole survivors of a murder."
"Getting it?"
"Yep. Author mentioned being a big romantic so there's bound to be some in here. Gotta appreciate the small romantic things." He says with a smile already reading the book.
"Small things? Like what?"
"A bunch of things. Hand holding, leaning on the other's shoulder, holding hands, even simply making eye contact during a special moment. Stuff like that I just love." He continues reading the book.
"Is that so..."
So those are what he looks for... Relon really is a romantic himself. All of those things seem so little but they can amount to something incredible when they're put together. Focusing on his hands holding the book, she glances to her own. Would he like it if I...
"Hm? Are you lost in thought again?" Relon wonders waving a hand.
"H-Huh?" The girl unconsciously responds for her blush to return. "N-No. Just thought of possible endings for the book!" She quickly answers.
"Ah, okay then." He eyes the girl before closing the book. "I'm gonna check this out. The library has some of the others as well but it seems the 6th book is missing."
"Maybe someone checked it out already." You shrugs awkwardly.
"Maybe." Heading back, they approach the desk to see the librarian as well as a girl ahead of them.
Looking to the book on the counter, You speaks up.
"Hey, it's the 3rd installment you mentioned earlier." At her comment, Relon looks to the book as the girl turns around.
"Zura?" She wonders tilting her head.
"Zura?" Both teens tilt their head for said girl to cover her mouth.
Wearing casual clothing of a striped shirt with a white jacket along with a long skirt, she has brownish-blonde hair ending at her shoulder blades and golden eyes.
"Um, forget you heard that please!" The girl suddenly bows to the two's confusion.
"Um, I'm going to go on a limb and guess that's a speech tic." Relon cautiously says for the girl to shoot up wide-eyed.
"That's right! How did you know?"
"Haha, I've read about a lot of verbal tics from stories. Though I've never met someone with one in real life."
"It's pretty cool sounding though." You smiles.
"Yeah! Zura has a nice ring to it. Heck, I might start using it."
"Um." Both of their attention becomes drawn to the girl. "Are you by chance... picking with me?" Her gaze becoming solemn.
"What makes you think that?" You wonders.
Seeing her expression, Relon glances behind them to see on the other side of the library some girls snickering in the corner.
"That's why." He mutters gaining You's attention for the girl to furrow her eyebrows.
"Seems not everyone here is as nice as we thought." You mutters to turn back taking the girl's hands causing her to look back up. "Don't worry. We're as friendly as they come! I'm You Watanabe and this is Relon Lucinance. We're both second year transfers." She smiles to the girl as does Relon. "What's your name?"
"H-Hanamaru Kunikida, zura." She says meekly. "And I'm a first year. It's nice to meet you both, senpais."
"Then... Kunikida-san?" Relon wonders.
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Wraith Eminence-an evil dungeon core
What is evil? The destruction of life? The sacrifice of the many for the good of the one? The manipulation of others in persuit of your own goals? Many consider that to be evil others call it being a dungeon. Wraith is a dungeon who specializes in dark mana and undead creations, like all dungeons he wants to be the best at what he does and compete with the other dungeons around him inbetween baiting adventures by kidnapping the blacksmiths daughter, poisoning the town well, blackmailing the mayor all in the deliberate effort to bring adventures to his dungeon to kill them take a part of ther soul and all the mana in their body as well as their treasure. Is he evil, definetly, more evil than most dungeons, undeniably.
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Demons of Humanity
‼️ Long hiatus to improve myself‼️ Times were calm until terror struck, demons, the embodiment of evil, began attacking humanity. In response angels from the sky blessed and supported humans by granting them the power of magic. One man especially, a chosen one, almost single handedly fought the demons and became regarded as a hero. Decades later, demons continue to bring pain and suffering, but humans continue to fight back with their new powers. A child would come to understand the hatred towards demons after having his home ravaged by demons, losing his family in the process. Somehow, a miracle protected him, a mysterious man saved the child under him. Years pass, and the kid grew up talent and latent ability completely Separate from the rest, almost inhuman. And embarked on his revenge. *I dont own the art, its by Lee hu Kwang on Artstation the other image was found on Pinterest: 4b80b0bd7b86c5293ad1&_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.ca%2Famp%2Fpin%2F408490628706086374%2F*
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After five stories about Trick and Naomi solving the mysteries of the Q Files, things are about to take a different turn. Rueben, the teller of these strange stories, has treated them as if he was the one telling them. But there is much that missed his gaze. First of all, the stories he's been telling are real. Secondly, they are more terrifying than he ever imagined. But most importantly, it is only the beginning of a much larger adventure and a glimpse into a bigger conflict than Rueben, Trick or Naomi could ever imagine.
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Changement : Version Face [French]
Notice: This story is in French, not in english, mainly because of my poor english. I may translate it later if I get better, and hopefully I will. _ Les cris de souffrance résonnent dans ses oreilles, dans sa tête et dans son coeur. Cette dernière image, ces derniers instants, ces morts incompréhensible, rien ne sera plus jamais pareil pour Nils Nocquat. Il sombre, et dans les ténèbres, découvre la fache cachée de son monde. Qui est coupable? Démon, Ange et autres Sonen, tous se renvoient la faute, et maintenant, Nils Change, il doit faire un choix. Indécis, il lance une pièce. Face. Il a choisi son camp. Il deviendra un Ange, le meilleur ou le pire de tous, ce n'est qu'une question de point de vue. - Author's note: this story is a concept. During the first chapter, the main character is faced with a major decision, which will change his life forever, and, not knowing what to do, he decide to play heads or tails, and let fate choose for him. And so there will be two versions of this story, one for each of the result, and their consequences for the main character, as well as all those around him. Here, he got heads. Note de l'auteur: Comme dit plus haut, cette histoire sera en français, car je ne suis pas assez bon en anglais. De plus, cette histoire est un concept un peu particulier, le personnage principal va se retrouver face à un choix décisif qui va changer sa vie pour toujours, et, ne savant pas que faire, il va jouer à pile-ou-face, en laissant le destin décider pour lui. Il y a donc deux versions de cette histoire, une pour chacun des résultats de son lancer. Lien de l'autre version: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/28317/changement-version-pile-french Je vous encourage à ne pas lire les deux versions, ou en tout cas, à ne pas les lire en même temps. Elle sont assez peu similaires, mais des choses vont, logiquement, être répétées, et les confusions risquent d'être rapides, surtout au début des histoires. Dans tout les cas, ces deux histoires vont s'éloigner assez rapidement, tout en restant intrinsèquement liées par leurs personnage principal. Libre à vous de choisir la version qui vous plaît le plus, sachant que vous n'aurez pas besoin de lire les deux pour comprendre toutes les intrigues, elles sont absolument indépendantes l'une de l'autre. C'est la deuxième fois maintenant que je publie quelque chose que j'ai écrit, mais ça ne me rends pas meilleur en terme d'orthographe et de grammaire, donc si vous relevez une erreur, où même si vous remarquez des incohérences, n'hésitez surtout pas à me le faire remarquer. Toute critique, qu'elle soit positive ou négative, est appréciée. En terme de rythme de publication, je pense sortir un chapitre par semaine dans chacune des deux histoires.
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Remember | Tokyo revengers
Waking up in a hospital without exactly knowing why when she's told to be fine and completely healthy, [Y/n] soon finds out that she has amnesia if a friend of hers hadn't approached her after being discharged.Thankfully, not too long that she finally remembers a helpful information.It seems as though that she died because an accident occurred in her original life and been sent to a world where she's happy, healthy and has a complete family.Not to mention that she's living in the same world but different time as her favorite characters which is Tokyo Revengers.Having the thought that the gods finally took pity on her and granted her wishes, [Y/n] sets her goals in mind that she'll change their tragic endings and give them a happy ending.Of course, not alone as she'll do it with the help of the original protagonist in the story which is none other than Takemichi Hanagaki! But just when she finally thought that she had the gist of what's happening to her, [Y/n] finds herself having odd dreams.It's seems like there's a much more deeper story behind than the one she have and knows currently...
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