《Silent Love (Reposted Ver)》Betrayal
"Italicized" = Signed
"Regular" = Spoken
Italicized = Yō typing
= Someone else typing
----- = A spoken word Yō can't understand (or at least not lip read)
Yō's POV:
I went back to the hotel to find that Mari had decided to take a nap while I was gone. She was splayed out on the couch in the living room in a very ungraceful manner. I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. After doing that a few times, Mari woke up.
"You're back. What did you do when you went out?" Mari asked.
"I just walked around town. Almost everyone I know was at school so it wasn't like I could visit any of them. And even now they'll all be too busy to talk to me." I responded.
Mari looked like she was laughing at me, "I'm pretty sure they'd drop everything to talk to you."
"That's exactly why I don't want to bother them." I nodded.
Mari frowned, "You feel that way?"
I nodded, "I don't want to get in their ways. I don't want to hold them back."
"I'm going to change your way of thinking. Mark my words." Mari gave me a determined look.
"Please do." I replied.
The next day came. It was time for me to go back to school. Except, I had no interpreter. Mari wasn't allowed to help me. I'll just have to pray that I never get called on.
I made my way to the school. I'm nervous. What if they don't want me anymore? What if they ditch me? I don't want to be all alone again.
I reached the school and glanced around. I spotted Chika and Riko. They were talking about something. I took a deep breath and walked over to them. As I got closer, my steps faltered.
I froze in place. Chika and Riko stopped talking and had kissed. They had kissed... Did Chika decide to date Riko after we broke up? Is there no chance for me to get her back?
I turned away and left them. I can't face them. Not now that I know that. I wandered around the courtyard. I wish Mari was here. I'd at least have someone to talk to.
I jumped slightly as someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see that Yohane was behind me. She smiled at me warmly.
"Good morning. You go to this school? I've never seen you around before." Yohane signed to me.
She can sign. That means... she's in the idol group, doesn't it? That's not good. What if she tells Chika or Riko about me?
"I just transferred back. I left last year due to family issues. I'm back now." I replied.
"Oh. Are you looking for someone?" Yohane asked.
I couldn't stop my face from frowning, "Not anymore."
"Why? What happened?" Yohane pestered, though she gave me a sympathetic look.
"I guess I'm just not good enough... she found someone else." I sighed before I turned and walked away.
I glanced behind me to see that Yohane wasn't following me. She just gave me a nod and let me go. I walked away to a tree and sat against it. I brought my face down to my knees and started crying.
I only came back so I could be with Chika again. And now she wasn't available. She gave up on waiting. I should've known. I shouldn't have come back.
I don't know how long I sat there crying for. I only stopped when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I hesitantly looked up. I really don't need someone to see me like this. Yohane was there again. She frowned at me and dug through her bag. She handed me a few tissues. I accepted them and cleaned up my face.
"It's time to head in." Yohane told me.
I looked at the entrance to see students going inside. I don't want to go. I can't face them. I can't risk them being in my classes. Yohane didn't seem to like my silence as an answer. She pulled me to my feet and started walking me into the school. I guess I have no choice. I have to go to class.
"Where's your classroom?" Yohane asked me.
I grabbed my schedule and handed it to her. She looked it over and then told me to follow her. I guess she'll take me there. I don't understand why she's bothering to help me. I'm grateful for her help, though.
Soon, we stopped in front of a classroom. After I checked the number, I realized this was where I had to go. Yohane wished me luck and then left to go to her class.
I glanced inside the room, praying I didn't have them with me. Unfortunately, Chika and Riko were there. I forced myself to go inside the room. No one glanced my way, thankfully. I don't want attention drawn to me.
I looked at Chika and Riko. They didn't notice me at all. They were too busy doing things that looked pretty romantic to each other. I slowly moved closer to them, before I stopped and stood at the back of the room. I can't do it. I'm too afraid to do it.
Unfortunately, it didn't stay that way. Riko turned and saw me standing there. I offered her a nervous smile. I can't act mad. I can't let my jealousy get in the way. I need them still. They're the only ones who can help me in this class. I can't ruin it.
Riko spoke something to Chika and she looked as well. She smiled at me as she ran over to me. Riko wasn't far behind. They smiled at me as I tried my best to smile back. Then, they spoke. It was directed to me.
I don't know why, but that just hurt me. Why was it hurting me? It's natural they'd do that. So why do I hurt so much?
After a few more seconds of them saying things that I couldn't understand, I started crying. Why do they hurt? Riko quickly hugged me. Chika moved and shielded me from view so no one else could see me. I tried to calm down, but it wouldn't work.
They kept talking to me. That just made me worse. I sunk down onto the floor and kept crying. Why can't I stop? Chika and Riko kept me hidden from the rest of the class as they tried to calm me.
They looked away for a moment. Then they turned back. They gave me worried looks.
"The teacher wants us to take you to the nurse." Riko signed.
Finally. Finally they're signing. Maybe now I can calm myself. I really don't know why seeing them speak to me got me so upset. No one else had that reaction from me.
Riko and Chika helped me to my feet and quickly guided me out of the room. We stood in the hall for a while. I was trying my best to calm down. Chika was all over me, smothering me with hugs and kisses. Why is she doing that? She has Riko now. Riko didn't seem bothered by Chika's actions, so I decided to let it go for now.
Chika spoke to me again. I shook my head. I hope she understands my message. I don't know that I could sign with how shaky my hands are at the moment. Chika frowned and then turned to Riko. They talked to each other for a few minutes.
"What's wrong?" Riko asked.
I tried to sign a reply, but my hands were shaking too much. Chika grabbed one of my hands and held it. She started tugging me along. I guess they're taking me to the nurse. Riko walked on the other side of me and kept giving me worried looks. I wish I could tell her what was wrong.
We made it to the nurse's office. Chika made me sit on one of the beds. Riko took the job of explaining the situation to the nurse. Chika sat beside me and rubbed her hand across my leg in a comforting manner. I found myself unconsciously resting my head against her shoulder.
I made no move to change it. They'll say nothing about it since I'm upset. I can get away with doing this for now. I didn't pay attention to Riko or the nurse. It wasn't like I would understand them anyway. Now I'm wondering if I should've worn my implant. Maybe then I'd have had a better chance?
Riko walked over to us, "She said you can stay here until lunch. Do you want to?"
I nodded slightly. Chika nuzzled into my neck. What is with her? Are her and Riko not a thing? But then why would they be doing all those romantic things to each other? It doesn't make sense at all.
"Will you tell us what happened?" Riko asked.
I shakily brought my hands up and signed back, "I don't know."
"What caused you to cry?" Chika asked me.
I looked down at my feet as I replied, "I don't know. I really don't. It's just that... I can't understand you when you talk to me. It hurt for some reason when you guys did that."
I felt them both hug me. The tears started again as I sobbed into their arms. They held me and did their best to soothe me. I need to get a hold of myself. I can't keep crying. I need to get it together.
Chika and Riko soon pulled away. They apologized and said they had to get back to class. I nodded and laid down on the bed. I faced away from them. I felt one of them place a hand on my shoulder, but I didn't bother looking at who it was. I don't care. I just want to be alone for a while.
The hand soon left my shoulder. They're going back to class. I'm stuck here with a nurse that I won't be able to understand at all. Maybe I should've asked one of them to stay as an interpreter?
I closed my eyes and decided to take a nap. Maybe I'll feel better afterwards?
I woke up later in the day. I glanced at the clock to see it still wasn't lunch time. I still have some time to be alone. Then I'll have to face them again. I'm nervous. What are they gonna do? I don't want to answer questions.
I can't say why I came back. Not if they're dating. What else could I even say as my reason. I missed the school? No, that sounds so lame.
I saw the door open and two people walked in. One of them was supporting another student who was struggling to walk. I wonder what happened. Are they hurt or just sick?
I glanced around the room to find that the nurse had gone out for her break. No one is here to help them now. I can't do anything. I can't even talk to them. They drew closer and I could see them better.
The helper girl suddenly shoved the girl she was helping to the ground by the bed. She started speaking something to her. As I looked over the fallen girl, I realized she looked familiar. I also saw she looked pretty ill. I'm quite positive that's Dia.
Well, this is an awkward reunion. That other girl is yelling at her, isn't she? I wonder why. Dia didn't seem to be replying. She just stared at her with an unreadable expression. The girl wasn't letting up yet. She continued to yell something.
I was watching them carefully. As long as it doesn't turn physical, I'll sit back. I can't defend her from words if I can't understand them. Dia started struggling to push herself to her feet. That seemed to anger the girl more as she shoved her back down.
What is her problem? Dia is in no shape to defend herself. Why is she attacking her when she's defenseless? That's petty. She knows she'd lose if she tried normally, I suppose.
It seems nothing I hope for is going to come true. The physical stuff started happening. The girl started kicking Dia as she tried to get up again. She must be really ill if she can't even stand on her own. Why is she at school if she's this bad?
There's time for those later, Yō. You need to do something.
The girl got more and more violent with her kicks. I stood up. She didn't seem to notice me. What do I do? I can't just sit back and let her do that. I'd never forgive myself.
"H-Hey!" I managed to yell as clearly as I could, "G-get aw-way from h-her!"
I hope my words were understood at least a little. I doubt I said those very well. The girl stopped her attack and looked at me. She spoke something to me.
I signed the word "deaf" even though I doubt she knows what I did. The girl advanced toward me while still talking. I stood my ground and glared at her. This behavior of hers is something I can't just let go. Who knows who else she'll hurt. I refuse to let that happen without trying to stop her. But, I can't talk and she probably doesn't know JSL.
The girl stopped talking and gave me a confused look. She seems to have realized something is wrong.
"I-I... I'm d-deaf." I tried my best to speak with clarity.
She understood me well enough. She gave me a 'hmpff' type of look and then walked out of the room. I waited until I was sure she was gone before I went to go check on Dia.
I knelt down beside her and looked her over. There didn't seem to be any severe wounds. She had just a lot of bruises all over. She seemed barely conscious as I tried to sign to her. She probably isn't even aware I'm here. Just how sick is she?
I helped Dia to her feet, well, more like I had to pick her up. I helped her get on the bed and lay down. I don't know if there's much else I can do. I decided I'd lay beside her for a bit. That proved to be a mistake. Dia hugged me and held me down. I wasn't able to struggle out of her grip. And she was asleep now. Looks like I'm stuck.
I didn't know what else to do in this situation, so I just closed my eyes and decided to go back to sleep. At least that way time will pass faster.
I woke up later to see Dia was still holding me close. Her grip had loosened up a lot since the beginning, so I was able to untangle myself from her and get away. Unfortunately, I accidentally woke her up in doing so.
Dia blinked a few times, before she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She rested her head against the wall and seemed to be sighing. I hesitantly tapped her on the leg. Dia looked around until she saw me. Her eyes widened. I gave her a nervous smile and a wave.
Dia mumbled something to me, before she looked startled and signed instead, "What are you doing here?"
"Which here?" I replied as I sat beside her.
"Both." Dia answered.
"Well, I transferred back. As for being here, well, I kind of had a little bit of a breakdown earlier." I explained.
Dia nodded, "Well, not the best way to start school off."
I sighed, "Yeah. What's up with you?"
"I was feeling a little sick this morning but I thought I'd be fine. I guess I was wrong." Dia replied.
I gave her a sympathetic look. I know exactly what that's like. You think it's not too bad and then bam, it's suddenly a lot worse.
"What was the deal with that girl?" I asked, unsure if I would actually get an answer for it.
Dia sighed, "She was asked to take me to the nurse after I nearly fainted in class. Just so happens she's a troublemaker I constantly have to reprimand. Guess she wanted revenge for all the punishments I've given her."
"Jeez. Someone needs to learn to calm down."
"What happened to her? I was already fading out again when she brought me in. I don't remember her leaving." Dia asked.
"I yelled at her. She looked like she was about to start attacking me and then stopped and left when I wasn't replying." I replied.
"How'd you get her attention?"
"I tried to speak. I don't know how good I did, but the noise drew her toward me." I replied.
"So, how's it been for you today?" Dia asked.
"Are Chika and Riko, you know?" I couldn't bring myself to finish. I wasn't sure I even wanted to know her answer.
Dia gave me a solemn nod. I knew it. I've lost my chance. I broke down into tears again. I came back so Chika and I could be together again and now we can't. Can life get any crueler to me?
Dia held out her arms. I hesitantly sat next to her and accepted the embrace. Dia patted my head as I sobbed into her shoulder. At least I have someone else I can turn to if I need help. Well, I guess Yohane is also an option too.
I ran out of tears to cry and pulled away from Dia. She gave me a sad smile. I guess she's known about them for a while.
"How long have they been together?" I asked.
"They started about two weeks after your breakup." Dia replied with the same sad smile.
I suddenly felt anger and betrayal instead of sadness.
Two weeks... only two weeks...
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