《The Fight For His Love》Overprotected Trio Meeting


Monoma POV~

I was in my dorm room right now watching a movie and think on what i should do for prom because I'm not allowed to go so Bakugou in prom with out me stopping him from talking to boys i was cut off by my phone going off

New message from "(364)750-8377"

Monoma: Whos that?*Opens message*

'Did something bad happened no this is Bakugou but what if he got kidnapped by someone that's not the LOV'

'If he knows then that manes bakugou has trust in him so i guess i don't have to put up my act around him now'

Sero has sent a image

'I have to tell the other abut this so we can put a stop to this before bakugou get's hurt by all three of them'

'If i text them in the group chat with all 4 they may not answer me... I know i can text in the chat we made for this kind of things I'm so smart'

Texting in "Bakugou protection squad"

Moñona has sent a imagine(the one sero sent him)

Everyone went offline

No ones POV(they are all at the house)

Monoma: Okay who are we talking about first?

Toga: Izuku seem like the one to ask our bro out first because he knows bakugou better and then when we're done with him we can talk about the other two

Hawks: Yep so lets think of a way to make sure he's a good boy....hmm

(After 3 minters of thinking)

Toga: Oh i got it!

Monoma: What is it?

Toga: As we all know Izuku-kun is a nice boy and to everyone but how would he be if bakugou and him were home (doing air ) "alone" and bakugou was (doing air ) "" and all up on izuku-kun


Hawks: Oh i see since mom and dad are away on a work tip we can to leave them alone at the house

Monoma: Oh ya and they could go to bakugou room and we just hide in his but the only thing is...

Toga & Monoma: We have to get bakugou in on this plan

Hawks: Did you guys forget he would drop everthing he's doing for me if i say me and Dabi got in fight

Toga & Monoma: Your right but we have to make it believe so you should get dabi/him to come and you two should fight and we can be in background trying to stop it

Hawks: Fine

Dabi's POV~

In coming call from "Baby"

Hawks: Hey Babe i need you help with something

Dabi: What is it this time and aren't you with in a sibling meeting?

Hawks: Ya i am but the meeting is about katsuki and i need your help

'he sound i what happened'

Dabi: What happened so kat?

Hawks: Will it seem 3 boy want to take him to prom and one so happens to be your baby brother

Dabi: Shoto? Oh shit let me guess you and the other two at are your house right now and need me to come over?

Hawks: Yep but the thing is we have to act like were fighting

Dabi: Why?

Hawks: Because thats the only way kat will come to the house with out asking

Dabi: Okay but lasted time he almoted killed me!

Hawks: IK but Monoma and Toga Will stop him and clam him down with food

Dabi: Okay but do i get something in return?

Hawks: ... Yes when were done with i will lt you have your way

Dabi: OkaHawks:

Dabi:y I'm on my way!!

When Dabi get to the Bakugou's house hold~

Dabi: I'm here what are we doing?

Toga: okay Hawks is going to call bakugou and two will be yelling at each other then me and monoma will start saying things like "Stop done hit him" or " Why did you hit him"

Dabi: But he going to kill me

Monoma: Will stop when he say hes in his way so you can leave and then after we get him to agree we will send hawks your way

Dabi: Okay I'm ready

'Hopefully i don't die'

Hawks: Lets being

Bakugou Pov~

Done with my homework now I just have to study for my te-

In coming call from "Big Bird 🪶"


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