《BEN Drowned x Reader》Part 7
We ended up going outside (after I put on some athletic shorts and a black t-shirt that Kate lent me) because according to Toby, it's a beautiful day and we shouldn't waste it.
"So admit it." Kate says as we make our way to an open meadow, complete with a beautiful and tiny clear-watered river running through it. "You like him."
I sigh. I still don't know how to answer that. I don't know if I like him or not. I know that I think he's attractive, but he hasn't done anything for me to make me like him. And I've only known him for two days now. Not even that. It has been less than 24 hours. "I think he's cute." I say with a shrug, trying to brush it off as casual.
They're practically pushing feelings onto me. Why would I occupy myself with having a crush when I still have to adjust to this new environment? To all the new people? There were so many people at that party last night, and they all looked horrifying. To think that I might be living with some of them gives me chills. But at least I've already made some friends to stay by my side, however annoying they might get with their shipping me with Ben.
Have I mentioned how ridiculous they are?
"Well, yeah, he is. That's common knowledge." Kate says with a shrug of her own. I notice Toby glance at her sideways when she says this. "But you have feelings for him outside of that, yeah?"
"I've literally known him for less than a day."
"Yeah, well... I'll do everything in my power to get you two together." Kate smirks.
I sigh. "Can we talk about something other than romance? Can we go conquer the world or something?" I suggest.
Toby perks up with sudden interest. "Yea-yeah! Let's do some-something! Let's go swimming and cat-catch some fish!" he cheers with excitement.
I can't help but giggle at his enthusiasm. "I don't have a swimsuit though, and how would we catch the fish?" I ask.
"Swim in your-your clothes, duh." Toby says, like I should have known that from the start. "And we'll make a-a spear to catch them with! Ka-Kate, you have your knife?" He asks. Make a spear? How?
"Yup! As always." Kate says as she pulls a knife out of her boot. What in the world?! She's had that in there the whole time? Why is she carrying a knife?! Is that what they're going to make the spear out of?
She tosses the knife to Toby and he catches it with ease, then runs to the nearest tree and peels off one of the thinner branches. I look to Kate for an explanation, but she's gone at another tree, peeling off the vines that choke the trunk.
What is happening?
They meet back up in front of me, then Kate hands Toby the vines and he tightly wraps them around the knife and the branch, forming something that looks like a spear.
"W-we'll catch the fish with this!" Toby exclaims.
"How many times exactly have you guys done this?" I ask in awe.
"Several." Toby answers, then peels off his shirt and kicks off his shorts, running up to the side of the river when he's in only his boxers. My face flushes red upon the sight of a half naked Toby and I look away, turning to Kate for some sort of assistance, but she just watches him run as she sheds her outer clothes too, with a slight dust of pink on her cheeks.
I turn away from them both, blushing furiously at the sight of them. They're both so attractive! They make me look like an ugly street rat! I think to myself. I hug my arms, covering myself even though I have clothes on. I suddenly feel very self conscious.
""(Y/n)! C'mon an' join us!" Kate shouts as Toby leaps into the water and she follows suit.
I hug myself tighter. "No, the water looks really... really, uh, cold. And-and I'm a terrible swimmer." I say, thinking of excuses to not swim.
"Please?" Toby asks, giving me puppy dog eyes underneath his dripping brown hair as he tries to hide his shivering.
Ugh. I always lose to those eyes.
"Fine," I say, kicking off my shoes and walking up to the side of the water, "but I'm not getting in all the way. I'll help you catch the fish—uagh!" I'm cut off mid sentence by Toby pulling me into the water, drenching my clothes and chilling me to the bone. I immediately come up for air and hug myself, as if that will help warm me up.
"Toby!" Kate and I cry at the same time. I look over at her. Is she going to defend me?
"I was gonna do that," she whines. Nope. Such great friends I have.
"You still can." Toby shrugs.
Oh no.
Kate tackles me into the water. Ugh.
I squirm out of her grasp and resurface for air, playfully death glaring them both, but failing as I burst into giggles.
We mess around in the water, having splash fights and then spearing some fish until we're exhausted, then we climb out of the water to dry off and for them to put their clothes back on.
"Wanna make a fire to cook the fish?" Kate asks.
Toby perks up, excited like a puppy. "Yes!" He exclaims.
"Alright, then (y/n), make us a fire pit and Toby and I will go collect sticks and leaves," Kate says, turning to walk away as Toby follows behind.
Make a fire pit?! I've never done that before. I hope they don't get too mad at me if I mess up.
I walk by the river bank where there's dirt rather than grass and start digging up a hole in the dirt by using one of the rocks on the river bank to chip away at the ground. I would never use my own hands to dig in the dirt. The feeling of dirt under my fingernails makes me squirm, so I won't be doing that.
After an adequately sized hole is dug, I sit back to rest, but Toby and Kate are already racing back toward me.
"I'm gonna win!" Kate exclaims.
"Not-not if I can help it!" Toby yells back.
Oh dear.
They run at full speed toward me, and it takes me too long to realize they aren't planning on stopping or slowing down. Toby leaps into the air and tackles me to the ground while Kate tries to do the same, but misses. I let out a yelp in pain as the dirt scrapes my arms and my head hits the ground. My yelp of pain eventually turns into giggles, and soon we're all a laughing mess.
Kate is the first to stop laughing and get up, then Toby pushes himself up and slides off of me, offering me a hand to help me sit up. I take it, both of us still unable to control our laughter. At least, until we feel an intense stare from Kate. We glance back at her and are silenced. She smiles politely at us, but I can sense the anger and jealousy behind it.
Does she like Toby? As more than a friend? That has to be why she's so jealous of him and me interacting. I'll just have to explain to her that I don't have any interest in him. That's when I remember that she's a murderer and I might not get the chance to explain that. I fight the urge to shiver.
I clear my throat. "So, how do we start the fire?" I ask awkwardly.
Kate pulls a lighter out of her boot. What the heck?! Does she just hide a ton of safety hazards in her shoes? I think to myself. She and Toby set the branches and leaves in the pit, then she sets them on fire. We wait a bit for the fire to get bigger before we roast the fish, which also gives us time to warm up. My clothes still cling to my body, but at least I start to regain feeling in my fingers and toes.
Toby stares at the fire intensely and silently while Kate talks about her favourite experiences catching fish with him. I listen intently as she talks about fighting over the last fish when they went camping together, though I can't help but cast glances at Toby. He would usually be paying attention and laughing at the stories, but he just stares at the orange and yellow flames as if they hold the secret to life. I start to worry. Is he feeling okay?
".. and then we fell on top of each other, and..." she trails off. I look up back to her once she falls silent, and I note that she's blushing from the recalled memory, but she's no longer smiling. She notices my worry and looks at him. "He's always like this around fire," she explains, her voice falling flatter, less enthusiastic. "It's a long story, but if you want to hear it, I'm sure he wouldn't mind me telling."
I look back at him. He seems like he's in another world, like he can't even hear us. "I'd like to hear it if you're willing to tell."
She takes a deep breath and begins. "He got in a car crash with his sister a while back. She died, and he lived. I guess the survivors guilt and his schizophrenia caused him to hallucinate and continue to see her, though. He said she was still torn up from the crash. Literally. Like blood, broken limbs, everything. It terrified him. Next thing he knew, he was hearing voices too. They all told him the same thing: to kill his abusive father."
I gasp. The soft, sweet, enthusiastic boy I've made friends with has been through so much, and I never knew. I can't help but become sad for him.
"...so he did it. In front of his mum, too. He was scared for what she would say, so he ran away and spilled gasoline all around his neighborhood and the woods he ran into, only to set it on fire. He was surrounded by the flames, and he told me he thought he was going to die, but Slenderman stepped into the scene and saved him. He's been a proxy of Slender ever since," she finishes. I blink. I don't even know how to react. My heart sinks, and I want nothing more than to hug Toby and give him anything and everything he wants, but I don't think that would be the best response right now, especially with Kate liking him and everything.
"That's so horrible..." I mutter.
"Yeah," she starts, "but he's over it now, and doesn't really like to be reminded of it. So, moving on, who wants some fish?"
Toby looks up excitedly at that and smiles. "I do!"
I raise my hand, forcing giggles at Toby's excitement to hide my worry for him. Kate and Toby eat the fish as it is (which disgusts me, but I try not to say anything) while I opt to use Kate's knife to separate the meat from the rest of the fish before eating it. It surprisingly tastes good, but still has very little flavour. It could use a little salt.
After we eat, we clean up everything and stomp out the fire, then begin to walk back to the mansion. My still-wet shirt clings to me and makes me shiver without the heat of the fire pit. I grab onto my elbows to keep them from shaking.
"If you're that cold, just take off your shirt. It's still sopping wet, so you'd be warmer without it," Kate says.
I feel heat creep up onto my face. "I-I can't just walk around half naked!" I exclaim.
She laughs. "Sure you can! Here, I'll do it too." She pulls her shirt off and drapes it over her arm like a towel.
"Yeah, me-me too," Toby says as he shucks off his shirt.
Once again, I can't believe these are my friends.
I decide to give in and start to pull my shirt off, but a thought pops into my head that makes me stop in my tracks.
"What if Ben sees me?" I worry aloud. It's not until I've spoken the words that I realise the mistake I've made.
"You're worried about looking good in front of Ben?" Kate teases. Toby elbows me, making me giggle.
"Well, not exactly. But I'm his proxy. I don't want to do anything he wouldn't like, 'cause I don't want to get in trouble," I mutter, looking down at my feet.
"Oh, tr-trust me: Ben will like wh-what he sees. You won't- you won't get in trouble," Toby says, waving me off. I can't help but blush at the 'compliment', though I try hard not to.
Do I really trust what they're saying? Will Ben like what he sees? Why do I even care? It's not like I need to impress him or anything. I just don't want him upset with me... for safety reasons. He is technically my—I try not to cringe at the word—master now. If I so much as look at him funny he could punish me. Who knows what he'd do. But he hasn't punished me yet, so maybe I can get away with it?
I decide to just risk it. "O-okay," I say as I peel the shirt from my torso. They cheer as if I just decided to make them all breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the rest of the week.
We continue our walk back, making jokes to pass the time, until we finally reach the mansion. I swallow. Hopefully Ben will still be in his room and won't see me. We make it to the back door and slide it open. Moment of truth...
Kate and Toby lead the way, and I follow shortly behind. Luckily, I don't see Ben anywhere. There's a person wearing blue mask with black eye sockets sitting at a table, but he just looks us down then continues reading his book like we're a normal sight. Suddenly, a loud cry of frustration followed by a chorus of laughter erupts from what I believe to be a living room just around the corner. Oh crap. I have to walk through that room to get to Ben's room. I hope Ben isn't in there. It's already going to be embarrassing enough with all those people in there.
Oblivious to my worry, Toby and Kate march to the living room and through the crowd of people surrounding the television. I don't follow right away. I study the crowd instead. At first I don't see Ben, but then the crowd clears a bit and I see that he's playing a game on the TV with another girl. She has long, light brown hair and wears a green flannel and black skinny jeans. I haven't seen her face yet, but I don't need to. The sinking, itching, painful feeling of jealousy bubbles up inside me. Why am I jealous? I can't believe myself.
I speed walk through the people, muttering a few "excuse me"'s as I pass, but when I pass Ben, I turn to see if he notices me.
He does. I don't know whether to be relieved or scared. This, though, also gives me a chance to look at the other girl. Aside from the fact that one of her eyes is replaced with a stopwatch, she's gorgeous. The clock in her eye does leave me unsettled, though.
"(Y/n), why don't you have a shirt on?" Ben asks. He can't seem to look me in the eye, which I find somewhat amusing, yet frightening at the same time.
"I, um... I-I-I was, uh..." I can't seem to form a complete thought. My face flares up with a blush, but I can't even seem to turn away to hide it from him.
He stands up and hands his controller to someone else, then stomps over to me and grabs my arm, dragging me away. We pass Toby and Kate, and when we do, I turn back to them and give them a terrified look. I don't have enough time to read their expressions.
"Ben, where are we going?" I ask nervously.
"My room," he starts. "We need to talk."
(Word count: 2783)
Oof this took a while to get out
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