《― Wife, Stop Running Away! || Xianwang AU》


【Chapter 1, Marriage?】

(3rd Person's pov)

"What . . . ??" Lan Wanji blinked, He was actually betrothed to someone?

"And your telling me this now?, Uncle. I respect you in every way but this.. Marriage? Uncle you know i'm not interested in marrying." Lan Wanji says to his uncle

"Wanji, Your mother and father decided this and plan to make you and their friends son, Changse Saren, to make you her sons fiancé" Lan Qiren said and trying not to Qi Deviate because his very well disciplined nephew will marry into that trouble makers family.

"Why wasn't i informed then? If i knew, I wouldn't get ready and accept it" Lan Wanji asked

"You were suppose to be informed, But a-niang told us to keep it an suprise." This time it was Lan Xichen's turn to speak

Lan Wanji looked at Lan Xichen and sighed.

"Brother. Why did A-Niang told you, to keep it an suprise? I should know in the first place! How can i face my fiancé if i do not know an SINGLE. thing about them?" Lan Wanji says and put his hand on his head, Clearly irriated

"Don't worry Wanji, We still have time to inform you some things about your Fiancé. Why don't we start now?" Lan Xichen says and Lan Wanji nodded his head only.

"Uncle, Me and Wanji will be dismissing ourselfs." Xichen said and bowed along with Lan Wanji then both of the GusuLan jades walked away


"Wanji, I know you feel wronged about you not knowing about your marriage but.. It's for the best between our sects." Lan Xichen says softly to Lan Wanji

'Wait, Sects?' Lan Wanji thought

"Which Sect gege?" Wanji asked. "Ah, It's the Wei Sect." Xichen said


"Wei Sect... Isn't that the powerfull sect of all time. And their leader is more stronger than Wen Rohuan?" Lan Wanji says and Lan Xichen nodded


"Yes. You'll be meeting him on your wedding day, For now. I'll be giving some information about him." Xichen says

Then Lan Xichen took an scroll and opened it


(Lan Wanji's pov)

I was shocked when i found out i was actually betrothed from someone and that person is the mysterious sect leader of the Wei Sect.

To be really honest, I haven't seen his face, Cause i don't attend banquet's but i do attend tho i dont get a chance to see his face nor his name.

The Wei Sect is honestly mysterious. His mother Changse Saren, was an rouge calivator. While his father, Wei Changze was from the Jiang Sect

The Jiang Sect and Wei Sect are friends due to their leaders being friends with each other

I heard that, Jiang Cheng is sworn brothers with the mysterious sect leader while Jiang Cheng's older sister. Jiang Yanli is the mysterious sect leaders sworn sister

The elders are power hungry people, I think the reason they accept the marriage between me and the mysterious sect leader because the Wei Sect holds a lot of power..

And here, i was suppose to confess to MianMian but this happened. Ah, I don't think i can confess now.

Whatever i'm gonna do it tomorrow.

I then went next to my bed and fixed my robes then hopped on the bed

Folding my arms i then closed my eyes.


(3rd Person's pov)

"Wei Wuxian, Do you think that Lan Wanji will accept it easily?" Jiang Cheng asked his sworn brother

"Yep!" Wei Wuxian says happily and Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes

"Oh please. A-Xian you dont know?" Jiang Cheng says and Wei Wuxian raised an brow

"Know what?" Wei Wuxian asked. "That your bride, Lan Wanji helds an crush on MianMian from the Jin Sect." Jiang Cheng says


"...ChengCheng, What did you say . . .??" Wei Wuxian asks, His eyes turning red

"That your bride holds an crush on MianMian?" Jiang Cheng says then hid behind a rock cause he knew WWX will explode any minute.

"WHAT! I do not tolerate that! I'm gonna kill that MianMian girl!" Wei Wuxian shouted, Dark aura surronds him. He then stormed off.

Jiang Cheng stopped hiding then took out an talisman made by his sworn brother

"Oi, Peacock. Just to let you know, One of your discipline is gonna die. MianMian is her name by the way okay bye peacock." Jiang Cheng said and made the Talisman disappear

Then Jiang Cheng left the room and went to a shrine to pray for MianMian's well being and come back in one piece

But he knows she'll die anyway lol

As Jiang Cheng got into the shrine he kneeled

"Oh, great heavenly realm. Please let MianMian get out alive. Come back in one piece." Jiang Cheng says

"And make sure she dies in the hands of the ghost." Jiang Cheng added and continued saying those words like an chant


"Gege, look." An red and white robe man says and pointed at the scroll

"Ah.. San Lang, i don't think i can do that.." The white robe man spoke softly

"Gege don't worry about it. You do the first one while i'll do the second one okay? Plus this is Jiang Cheng were talking about. He never does requests." San Lang says

The white robe man sighed.

"Fine. Only because its Jiang Cheng, My brother in law." The white robe man said and pouted a little

San Lang chuckled

"Yes gege. I'll be get going now." San Lang says and kissed the white robe man's cheek

"San Lang...!" The white robe man says, His body was crimson red

Then San Lang turned into hundreds of butterflies

The white robe man pouted then begin doing his own work.


"A-xian, Don't even think about hurting one of my discipline." Jin Zuxian says

"Hmp. Why should i? I will kill her because she's the reason Lan Zhan might not accept me!" Wei Wuxian shouted in anger causing all Jin disciplines to shiver

They knew that the Jin and Jiang sect are acquaintance with the mysterious Wei Sect because Jiang Yanli is married to Jin Zuxian

And the Jiang Siblings are sworn siblings with the Wei Sect Leader

They also know if the Wei Sect Leader is angry no one can stop him . . .

Expect his Shijie and Lan Wanji


MianMian didn't knew what sin or crime she has done to make the Sect Leader Wei to be angry at her

Has she made an mistake? Did she put some spiders on his food by accident?

MianMian was very confused

"Sect Leader Wei...Have i done anything wrong...??" MianMian asked clearly scared

Wei Wuxian looked at MianMian with cold eyes

'Yes, you did, if you haven't been close to Lan Zhan. This wouldn't have happened!' Thats what Wei Wuxian wanted to say.

Then.... A figure on white and blue robes appeared

Everyone turned to look at the figure

It was Lan Wanji.

Lan Wanji then frowns

"What's going on over here?" Lan Wanji says.

And all people present including Wei Wuxian frozed

'This is an wrong time to meet you, Lan Zhan.' Wei Wuxian thought

'Mhm. An very ackward situation. First not only A-Xian came to murder MianMian because Lan Wanji has an crush on her and the main source of the problem came in person.' Jin Zuxian thought

'Wanji is here!' MianMian thought and her eyes shone brightly unaware of Wei Wuxian's death glare and his bloodlust was showing.

All Jin disicplines shivered

'This is going to be a lot of pain....'

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