《PRACTICE | j.jk》9 || audition


jungkook sent you a few text messages after about 2 hours since your last call.


without wasting anytime.. you arrived early and waited patiently for jungkook to come as well.

your manager was with you a lot these days, considering that you were scared as fuck from taehyung and if he got into any contact with you, you'd fight.

even though, all tae did was drug you... you never knew what he could have done with you behind the whole plan.

and now that you realized how tricked you were... you don't want to see him unknowingly of his future plans.


jungkook came a bit late, but he said there was traffic.

"so who is auditioning?" some dude questioned as he glanced from kook to you.

"me," kookie responded.

"aren't you that famous actor, jeon jungkook?" the same dude pointed out.

oh great. my boyfriend is famous and I am blacklisted. great!

"i wouldn't call myself, famous, but yes,"

"haha well you are amazing, so I'm sure you will do well today,"

jungkook gave the dude a satisfied smile, and walked away with him.

he kissed your cheek before leaving you alone.

"i will get this role, okay? you don't have to worry about taehyung.."

your heart skipped 520384439 beats once again as jungkook kissed your cheek. anything he did was giving you flutters these days.

it felt as if.. you liked him more than when you confessed.

but unfortunately enough..

your nightmare became reality.

good ol' taehyung walked inside the set with a cringy smile on his face.

you shivered thinking about his lying tactics.

"oh my god. y/n!" he exclaimed happily as if nothing happened.

"huh... don't talk to me.." you hugged your bag.

his expression turned into some kind of confusion as if he didn't know what you were freaking out about.


"whats wrong? I thought our date went well," he snorted.

"no. you asshole. you lied. you drugged me!" you responded trying not to yell and catch attention.

"ha, what?" he spoke and ran his hand down your chin as if you were close.

you slapped his hand away and attempted to walk off, but he grabbed your wrist, and brought you back.

"did you not like.. my drink?" he asked... you felt his breath on you.

"what is your deal?" you took a step back.

he laughed, and crossed his arms.

"I dont know why you think that you can have a million followers before me. i am clearly a better actor than you," he snickered.

so that was it?

that was the reason why he ruined my reputation?

to make me lose followers, and gain haters.

"Is having followers all that important to you?" you asked completely in disbelief.

"look babe. i don't know how and where you came from. but before you even became an actress, I had thousands of requests for main roles. and now? whenever I try... they say that you took the damn fucking role,"

okay. jealousy had gotten the best of him.

"you are still a cruel person for trying to ruin my life," you responded, "i don't give a shit about how jealous you are. but you should be happy because you got what you wanted. you made me look like a whore, and also decreased my following. but you know what.."

you pushed him by the chest, "i have a better job to do than play with my colleagues' lives. and I suggest you get one... and stop drugging girls. pervert."

he scoffed and scrunched his eyebrows in some kind of irritation.


"fuck yourself," he said angrily, and walked out of the set.

your manager was staring at you from afar and giggling to herself. she must have been very amused by this.


jungkook came back to you with a wide smile.

"they didn't even have to ask me twice,"

"i got the role in 5 secs," he said happily, and confidently.

you rushed to hug him. "yes!!!!! thank you oh my god i am so glad!!!!"

he wrapped his arms around you, and kissed your cheek again.

it was honestly the cutest thing ever.

"i think the auditioning person was a fan of me. she seemed pretty excited," he said followed by a chuckle.

you pat his back in encouragement, "of course. everyone is your fan."

he giggled.

"alright. let's go home."

you raised an eyebrow, "home? where? we have 2 homes.."

he leaned close to your ear.

"home.. to practice,"

chills ran down your back as he spoke in your ear.

"my home? i like your bed better," you whispered back..

"hm..." he paused.. "let's go then.."

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