《Angel's wings {MXTX}》Ch. 11- Shi-xiong's Shidi (Hua Yuan)


"It wouldn't hurt Shi-xiong to see me again? Does he hate me that much?" the man muttered to himself. His face scrunched up into a childlike confusion.

Hua Yuan: "..."

Who are you, sir?

When in doubt, Hua Yuan turns to Xin.

Hua Yuan mentally smacks the cat. Who is this? He asked.

Unfortunately for Hua Yuan, Xin was no help.

The cat was asleep. Out cold. With its little stubs of a leg sprawl in different directions, sleeping on its backside.


Hua Yuan looked up at the man.

"Sorry, who are you?" he asked.

The man looked down at him. "I'm... I'm Yin Yu's Shidi!" he declared.

"..." Hua Yuan was shocked. Yin Yu had a shidi??? Since when?? All this time???

"I meant your name," Hua Yuan told the man.

"...Quan Yizhen," the man said. "Do... Do you know my Shi-xiong?"

Hua Yuan: "..."

From what Hua Yuan learned these few days at Ghost City, he needs to act smart now or else he would be in big trouble later... And Hua Yuan definitely didn't want to get on the bad side of this man who was looming over him with an overpowering sort of presence.

So Hua Yuan said, "Do you mean, Yin Yu-ge? I know him! He's really nice." Hua Yuan smiled.

Quan Yizhen nodded. "Shi-xiong is the nicest," he said in agreement.

Hua Yuan nodded back like a fool: "Uh-huh, uh-huh. Um, so, what are you, mister?"

"Can you take me to Shi-xiong?"


"Oh, sure!" Hua Yuan turned around stiffly. "Follow me-!"

Hua Yuan took a few awkward steps before he paused. Wait...

Which way is it to Paradise Manor again???





"Yin Yu, what are you still doing here?"

"Chengzhu... What if Hua Yuan gets lost?"

"Well, that will be unfortunate."


"He'll live. If you are worried, you can go find him."


"Go away, you are annoying me."

"Chengzhu actually has a backup plan for Hua Yuan, right?"


"I said go away."




What should he do... What should he do...

Hua Yuan's f*cking lost! He's like a blind mouse in a maze! And there's no rice at the exit anyway!

Hua Yuan turned his head and looked up at Quan Yizhen who was towering behind him.

Hua Yuan begins to sweat.

Ha ha ha. Life's a tragedy.

Quan Yizhen spoke up. "Can you open that bag?"

"...?" What bag?

Oh, Quan Yizhen meant the money pouch. Hua Yuan untied the pouch from his waist. Quan Yizhen wouldn't want to take his (Hua Cheng's) money right? Hua Yuan opened the pouch.


Hua Yuan reached a hand inside and took out two dice the size of his thumbnail.

Hua Yuan: "..."

That was not there before.

"I've seen this before. You have to get two six," Quan Yizhen told Hua Yuan.

Alright then.

Hua Yuan crouched down and dropped the small dice on the floor.

He did not get two six.

Hua Yuan tried again.


Quan Yizhen also hunkered down to watch him.

"Let me try," he said.

Hua Yuan gave the dice to Quan Yizhen.

He got two six.

But nothing happens.

Quan Yizhen furrowed his brows. "Maybe, it's another combo for you," he said.


Yeah, no shit.

The child and the man kept taking turns rolling the dice.

Hua Yuan finally knew what people meant when they said life is a tragedy when seen in a close-up but a comedy in a long shot. It might be funny to you, a child-man and a man-child squatting in the middle of Ghost City rolling a couple of dice but it definitely wasn't for Hua Yuan.




"Chengzhu, I'm home!"

Hua Yuan staggered into Paradise Manor, all haggard and pale looking. Quan Yizhen followed behind.

"Ah, Hua Yuan!"

Hua Yuan's eyes lit up. "Daozhang-! You're back!" he ran to Xie Lian.

"Hello, Hua Yuan," Xie Lian patted Hua Yuan on the head. Then he saw Quan Yizhen. His face briefly showed surprise before he asked, "Quan Yizhen?"

Quan Yizhen cupped his hands. "Hello, your highness."

"Qing Yi, ah, what are you doing here?" Xie Lian asked.

"I'm here to see Shi-xiong," Quan Yizhen replied without missing a beat.

Xie Lian: "..."

Xie Lian: "Did you get robbed?"

Xie Lian looks at Quan Yizhen with a perplexed expression sitting on his face.

Hua Yuan: "...?"

Hua Yuan looked at Quan Yizhen.

It took him a few moments to realize Quan Yizhen was wearing shabby robes. Perhaps it was his way to try to go unnoticed by the various demons of Ghost City. Obviously, it didn't work. His presence is just too overbearing ah! (To Hua Yuan.) Maybe that was why Quan Yizhen was hiding under a white cloth in the beginning.

"Gege, you left the stove on," Hua Cheng walked into the picture. Hua Cheng nudged Hua Yuan aside and stood next to Xie Lian.

"Oh, did San Lang turn it off then?" Xie Lian asked.

"I turned it to low heat, so it's simmering," said Hua Cheng, not sparing Quan Yizhen a glance.

"Oh, that's good, it can simmer for a bit," Xie Lian replied, nodding.

"Lord Chengzhu! The pot melted-!" Yin Yu ran into the scene.

His eyes widened in shock when he saw Quan Yizhen.

"Shi-xiong!" Quan Yizhen shouted. But he dare not take a step forward.

"What are you doing here?" Yin Yu asked. His face was unreadable.

"I- I just wanted to see Shi-xiong," Quan Yizhen muttered. He lowers his head a bit.

"Well, you see me now, go away," Yin Yu snapped at him. Hua Yuan (and Xin who woke up merely to see this) almost gasp out loud. Yin Yu-ge practically snarled at someone-! This is like a soap opera!

Quan Yizhen: "But, Shi-xiong-"

"It's been years! I'm not your Shi-xiong anymore!" Yin Yu said, harshness in his voice.

Yin Yu turned around to leave. But he stopped at what Quan Yizhen said next. It was not directed to him, however. It was to Hua Cheng.

"I want to live here!" Quan Yizhen suddenly declared.


For a moment, it was so quiet, someone could hear a pin drop.

Then Hua Chengzhu spoke. "Sure. One thousand bars of gold. Per night."

Quan Yizhen nodded vigorously. "Deal."

Hua Cheng raised an eyebrow. "Well, then, let's shake on it."

Quan Yizhen grabbed Hua Cheng's hand firmly. They shake on it.


Hua Yuan and Yin Yu were horrified.

For different reasons of course.


Chengzhu! You bastard! You selfish prick! One THOUSAND bars of GOLD per night?! And is that man crazy or rich enough to agree with it?!? Why do I keep bumping into hotshots?????

Hua Yuan gaped at the two men while clutching onto Xie Lian in shock.

Meanwhile, Yin Yu was equally as shocked if not more. How could Lord Chengzhu betray him like that? Was it for the money? But Chengzhu wasn't that kind of person. Besides, Hua Chengzhu was rich enough as it is. Then why-? Yin Yu sometimes just can't understand what Hua Cheng could be thinking.

Yin Yu left the hall.

Quan Yizhen stood there with a stubborn face.

Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit concerned for Yin Yu. What was San Lang thinking? Oh, well. Xie Lian trusted Yin Yu to be a strong person and he trusted Hua Cheng to be rational. San Lang must have something in mind.

But anyway, since everyone is here... Xie Lian clapped his hands together. "Well, would anyone like to try my new recipe?"

Hua Yuan: "..."

Hua Yuan: "Daozhang, Yin Yu-ge said the pot melted."

Xie Lian: "Oh, that's right. Silly me. Let's go make something else, shall we, Hua Yuan?"

"Do we have a new pot?" Hua Yuan asked as he followed Xie Lian towards the kitchen while holding Xie Lian's hand.

"Of course!" Xie Lian hummed. "We have a lot of pots in Paradise Manor. Although, I think I'm going to bring you to the mortal realm next week, how does that sound?" Xie Lian's voice faded as the two entered the kitchen.

"So, where's my room?" Quan Yizhen asked Hua Cheng.

"Your room?" Hua Cheng smirked. "Follow me. Make sure you deposit the money later."





Life sucks.

That's what Yin Yu was thinking as he mindlessly swept an already-cleaned room.

What should he do?

It was a lie that the thought of giving Chengzhu a resignation letter hadn't crossed his mind.

Could he just avoid Quan Yizhen the whole time he'll be here?

But how long would he be here?!

And could he really avoid the gremlin who seemed to be everywhere even at times in his nightmares??

Why does Quan Yizhen keep butting into his life?? Can he not see that Yin Yu wants nothing to do with him?

Yin Yu sighed.

It was late.

Yin Yu dumped the little bit of dust he managed to find into a trash can.

Everyone should be asleep by now. He was the only one awake in Paradise Manor.

Yin Yu walked down the hall to the storage room where he kept his cleaning tools. He opened the door and the bit of light from the hall spilled into the room.

Yin Yu set the broom against the wall.



Yin Yu nearly jumped out of his skin.

Quan Yizhen was sitting against the wall with his arms around his knees. He stared up at Yin Yu.

"W-what, what are you doing here?!" Yin Yu sputtered, pointing a finger at Quan Yizhen.

Quan Yizhen: "Lord Chengzhu told me this is my room..."

(Another condition to live in Paradise Manor: You must address Hua Cheng as Lord Chengzhu at all times if you are anyone but Xie Lian.)

Yin Yu: "..."

Chengzhu outdid himself this time.

Should Yin You just leave him there? It's not his problem.


Yin Yu glanced at Quan Yizhen again. Quan Yizhen was still staring at Yin Yu intently. "..."

For a second Yin Yu wanted to knock Quan Yizhen out with a broom and dragged his body out of Paradise Manor.

But Quan Yizhen's pitiable-looking face was making it very hard. Yin Yu could practically see the drooping puppy ears.

Yin Yu: "..."

Yin Yu left.

Yin Yu came back.

"You can sleep in my room."

"Shi-xiong?!" Quan Yizhen stood up. His face was a mixture of shock and surprise. And a little bit of sparkle in the eyes.

Yin Yu turned around and left.

This time Quan Yizhen followed him.

Yin Yu reached his bedroom and open the door.

Quan Yizhen walked in.

"So this is Shi-xiong's room!" Quan Yizhen raved. "I have never been in Shi-xiong's room before..."

"Well, now you have," Yin Yu said. "Bye." Yin Yu shut the door, leaving Quan Yizhen inside the room alone.

Quan Yizhen: "..."

Quan Yizhen sat on Yin Yu's bed.


It was going to be a long night for the both of them.

Yin Yu stepped outside.

He sat on the steps in front of Paradise Manor.

"Yin Yu."


Yin Yu looked up. Hua Cheng was standing on top of the stairs.


"Chengzhu, why did you let him stay here?

You know I wouldn't want him here."

Hua Cheng furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you hate him?"


...I don't know."

I just..."

Yin Yu knew Quan Yizhen did nothing wrong. Quan Yizhen was simply just more talented and the better one for people to choose. Yin Yu thought he could just fake his death so Quan Yizhen would give up. Who knew Hua Yuan would bring him home? (yeah, Hua Yuan, why you gonna do that.)

It was irritating. He couldn't even hate on Quan Yizhen properly.

"But do you want to just leave it like that?"


"Yin Yu, don't you think you'll... feel better... If you talk to him?"


Yin Yu lowered his eyes. "But I don't want to talk to him."

Hua Cheng's eye twitched.

"But wouldn't you want closure? Rather than you avoiding Quan Yizhen and Quan Yizhen desperately trying to find you, wouldn't it be better if you just talk it out?"

Yin Yu: "..."

"It wouldn't hurt to just talk, Yin Yu. It's your choice to end it or reach an understanding. Better than leaving loose ends unwrapped."

Hua Cheng frowned. "Also, I find it very annoying that I had to deal with him because you can't."

Yin Yu: "..."

Hua Cheng: "Just think about it, okay."

Yin Yu: "..."

Hua Cheng walked back inside, seemingly a bit stiff.

"..." Yin Yu was pretty sure Xie Lian was communicating with Hua Cheng the entire time in their private communication array.

It was nice to see that they somewhat care about him.

Yin Yu heaved a sigh. He supposed he couldn't avoid Quan Yizhen forever.

Yin Yu could do this.

(Y'all. Cheer for him.)

He'll go in there and tell Quan Yizhen exactly what he feels about him.


Then maybe he could finally see the end.


。。。 (don't forget to vote!)


Yin Yu flung the door open.

Quan Yizhen jumped up.

"We need to talk," Yin Yu declared.

Quan Yizhen blinked. "Shi-xiong would finally talk to me?"

Thank you for reading!


Comments and votes will be highly appreciated as usual!

Word Count: 2384

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