《Angel's wings {MXTX}》Ch. 6- Baby in Gusu (Lan Luo)


Tales of Baby Luo:

Mini 1: Where's the baby??

woke up the next morning, at the hour of the rabbit.

(The hour of the rabbit starts at 5:00 am)

He looked over to Wei Wuxian who was asleep with his mouth slightly opened, an arm and a leg hanging over the bed.

Ah... Wei Ying is so beautiful.

Although Lan Wangji had no idea how Wei Wuxian ended up on the other side of the bed. Lan Wangji was supposed to be sleeping on the outer side.

Lan Wangji carefully got out of the bed, taking care not to wake up the man beside him. It was a bit difficult as Lan Wangji had to crawl over the sprawled Wei Wuxian.

Lan Wangji made it out of the bed with Wei Wuxian still snoozing away with a sleep bubble.

Lan Wangji glanced at Wei Wuxian one more time. Wei Wuxian muttered something indistinguishable before turning over, arms hugging the blanket, wrapping his pale legs around it.

Lan Wangji was almost tempted to crawl back into bed.

The man walked to the wardrobe. He took out a set of robes from the closet and got dressed.

After making sure his sleeves were neat, Lan Wangji was about to head out of the Jingshi.

He has to make breakfast for Wei Ying and himself and...



Where's Lan Luo?!?

Lan Wangji turned around.

Where's Lan Luo???

Lan Wangji hurried to the bed. Wei Wuxian was still sleeping contentedly. No baby Luo.

Then Lan Wangji hurried to the wardrobe. He opened it and looked inside. No baby Luo.

Then from the wardrobe to Lan Wangji looking under the table stacks with scrolls. Then from the table, Lan Wangji hurried to the window sill and pushed it open, looking to the outside. Then Lan Wangji hurried back to the snoozing Wei Wuxian and looked under the bed.

Yet, no baby.

Lan Wangji's eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Where is Lan Luo?

They haven't even been back at Cloud Recesses for a whole day yet!

Lan Wangji thinks.


Where could Lan Luo be?

What if...


What if Wei Ying accidentally squashed him?!?

Wei Wuxian somehow did manage to end up on the other side of the bed.

Initially, Wei Wuxian was sleeping on the side of the bed that was against the wall. Lan Wangji slept on the outer with Lan Luo in the middle. Wei Wuxian could have turned over and accidentally flattened...

Lan Wangji shut his eyes and shook his head. No, he had to think straight. It's not possible even for Wei Wuxian to not notice that they were sleeping under a lump.


Lan Wangji went to check just to make sure.

Lan Wangji crouched down and carefully peeked under Wei Wuxian. If only Wei Ying would flip over...

Wei Wuxian flopped over.

There was no baby.

Thank god.

Wait, no, then where's the baby???

Lan Wangji left Wei Wuxian who was now sleeping on their stomach and went to the door.

He flung the door open. (Quietly)

On the other side of the entrance, there was a man.

The man's face resembles a lot to Lan Wangji's, also dressed in the Gusu Sect's robes with a sword and a flute hanging at his waist.


It was Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji's older brother. The man blinked in surprise as the door suddenly flung open.

The Sect Leader had just reached Jingshi and was about to knock on the door.

Who knew Lan Wangji would open the door and Lan Xichen had almost knocked on Lan Wangji's face?

"Oh, Wangji, you're awake. Perfect timing. There's a slight problem with uncle and I'm not sure if you or Wei gongzi-"

Lan Wangji grabbed both of Lan Xichen's shoulders. Urgency flashed across his eyes.

Lan Xichen understood immediately. He said, "Ah, it has everything to do with you and Wei-gongzi." The man turned around. He called over his shoulder, "Come quick, Uncle didn't look amused."




Tales of Baby Luo:

Mini 2: Grandpa is not amused.

Lan Xichen was right. Lan Qiren is not amused.

A drop of ink splattered beside Lan Qiren's foot. Lan Qiren's right eye twitched.

Lan Qiren couldn't bear looking at the wall. Nor the floor. Nor his bed. And most importantly nor his precious scrolls hanging from the wall.


Who let a baby into the (his) house?!?

There are baby prints everywhere-!!

The door flung open.


Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji entered the room.

Ah, are Wangji and Xichen going to save him from this nightmare?

Lan Wangji spotted Lan Luo and hurried over to the baby who was sitting on the floor, happily fingerpainting on one of Lan Qiren's scrolls of deep meaning.

The baby looked up and recognized Lan Wangji. So it stretched out its small, ink-stained hands.

Lan Wangji's immaculate robes were quickly stained with ink. Lan Wangji held the baby closed with a hand to support Lan Luo's back and closed his eyes in relief.

Lan Qiren: "????"

Lan Xichen smiled. He thought it was rather adorable. It was like Lan Wangji picked up a puppy that had just rolled in the mud.

Lan Xichen glanced around.

...oof. He never knew that one bottle of ink could do so much damage.

Although..., Lan Xichen tilted his head to the side, still smiling, where did the baby come from?

It seems like Lan Qiren had the same question. Lan Qiren lifted a shaking hand and asked, "W-Wangji... What-?"



Then the baby sneezed into Lan Wangji's robes.

Lan Wangji patted the baby on the back and Lan Luo let out a hic.

No one spoke.

"Lan Luo." Lan Wangji offered the baby's name.


Lan Qiren: "That's..."

Still looking at his uncle, Lan Wangji stopped Lan Luo from putting an ink-stained hand into their mouth.

Lan Qiren swallowed and repeated, "That's..." He was rendered almost speechless. It was too early in the morning for this. Or ever, to Lan Qiren. Also, was Lan Sizhui not enough??

Lan Qiren looked at the thing that his nephew was holding.

Lan Luo was clutching the front of Lan Wangji's robes and staring at... him.

The baby stares at Lan Qiren without blinking. The eyes seemed to get rounder and rounder, staring at him rather pitifully; the mouth seemed to curve downward more and more like a scolded puppy that hadn't got its meal.


Wait- is the baby going to-

It seems like time had slowed down as the baby scrunched up its face and opened its mouth wide, then... It started wailing.

Lan Wangji's robes were soon stained with snot and tears in addition to the black ink.

"..." Ah, Lan Luo must be hungry.

Lan Qiren was about to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Lan Xichen: "U-uncle..."

Lan Qiren: "...out"

Lan Wangji: "Uncle..."

Lan Qiren: "Out! Get out! Noise is forbidden in Cloud Recesses!!"

With baby Lan Luo still bawling at the top of his lungs, Lan Qiren kicked his two nephews out of the room.

Lan Qiren could only hope the baby would grow up quickly thus then there would be no more crying.




Tales of Baby Luo:

Mini 3: Rock a baby on the rooftop.

"Oh jeez, haven't seen Lao Xiansheng this angry for a while," a young man said, walking by the roof buildings alongside his companion. The two young men were dressed in white and light blue robes from the Gusu Lan Sect.

"Yeah..." the other friend said, "But I don't think Xiansheng actually hates Lan Luo, he's just mad about his room..."

The first man snickered. "Oh yeah, I saw Hanguang Jun and Zewu Jun cleaning the room when I went to class and I still saw them cleaning after lunch! I never knew ink was that hard to remove. Well, without using spiritual power anyway."

"Yeah..," the man said. "Too bad Xiansheng made them clean the room without it."

"That is tough," his friend agreed. "Say, Sizhui, then who has Lan Luo now?"

Lan Sizhui replied, "Well, it's Wei Qianbei, I think. But I haven't seen them since dinner. Actually, Jingyi, do you know where Hanguang Jun is?"

"No, I only saw Hanguang Jun, Wei-Qianbei, and Lan Luo at dinner too." Lan Jingyi shrugged. "Want some peanuts?" Lan Jingyi offered a bag.

"No, I'm good," Lan Sizhui said. Something moved in the top right corner of Lan Sizhui's vision and he looked up.

Lan Sizhui let out a


A peanut fell from Lan Jingyi's mouth. He stuttered, "S-Sizhui... I didn't know you could make that face..."

"Jingyi, look!" Lan Sizhui grabbed Lan Jingyi's arm and pointed up.

"W-Wha-? Oh. It's Wei-Qianbei."

On one of the buildings, Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui can see Wei Wuxian lying on the sloped rooftop, with a few jars of wine beside him.

"Oh my gosh!" Lan Sizhui exclaimed.

Lan Jingyi looked at him strangely. "Um, why are you so surprised, Sizhui? It's not the first time Wei-Qianbei do this."

"No, Jingyi, look!" Lan Sizhui pointed to something near Wei Wuxian that Lan Jingyi hadn't noticed.

The entire bag of peanuts dropped from Lan Jingyi's hand. His eyes widened and he said, "Holy... crap."

There was Lan Luo, inching towards a wine jar.

The problem?

He's crawling down on a sloped roof!!!

Oh, and that he's inching towards a wine jar.

Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi watched in horror as Wei Wuxian sat up. Wei Wuxian grabbed a jar with a hand and brought it to his mouth. Then he noticed Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi.

"Oh, hey you two! Aren't you two supposed to be heading to bed now??" Wei Wuxian shouted, waving an arm at them, grinning. "It's funny, even Lan Luo doesn't have a bedtime, unlike you two. I'm the best dad ever. See, Lan Luo's just watching the stars with me!" Wei Wuxian looked at his arm.

"Huh?" Why's he holding a jar of Emperor's Smile?

"Wei-Qianbei! Lan Luo's over there!!" Lan Sizhui shouted.

Wei Wuxian looked and



As if on cue, Lan Luo missed a step and slipped. Lan Luo lurched over and began tumbling down the roof.

Wei Wuxian would be too late to catch him.

Then in everyone's eyes, there was a flash of light blue, and baby Lan Luo was gone.

Lan Wangji stood on top of the roof with Lan Luo in his arms.

"Aaa" Lan Luo stretched out his hands.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Although, I couldn't say that jar of wine was that lucky.

"Wei-Qianbei, that was dangerous," Lan Sizhui said when the two older men jumped down from the buildings.

"I know," Wei Wuxian groaned. "I thought I was holding Lan Luo but somehow I was holding a jar of Emperor's smile instead. That scared the soul out of me. And trust me, I know how that feels."

"Well, at least we're back at the ground," Lan Sizhui said, tickling the bottom of Lan Luo's foot. The baby giggled; the only one that didn't got a death scare.

Wei Wuxian yawned. "You know, I might actually sleep early today. Yesterday I was up half the night, cause Lan Luo finally found out that crying gets him more attention."

"Oh, okay. Good night, Wei-Qianbei and Hanguang Jun! But um, Sizhui has a question."

"Hm, what is it?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Why is Wei-Qianbei giving us Lan Luo??"

Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Sizhui as he placed the baby in his arms.

Wei Wuxian chuckled. "Don't you get it? I was up half the night. Watching Lan Luo. And now I'm going to go to bed super early."

Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi stared at him blankly.

Wei Wuxian sighed. "A wise and super handsome man once told me, everyday means every-"

Lan Wangji stopped Wei Wuxian's mouth with a hand.

He picked up Wei Wuxian and left Lan Jingyi, Lan Sizhui, and Lan Luo standing in the middle of the path.

"..." a tumbleweed rolled by the desert area.

Lan Luo: "Wah-?"

Lan Sizhui began walking back to the dorm he shared with Lan Jingyi. "Lan Luo's sleeping with you, Jingyi."

"Wait, what. Sizhui, I might kick though!!"



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Word Count: 2296

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