《Angel's wings {MXTX}》Ch. 1- Rock a baby on a river


it's cold!" Wei Wuxian grumbled as he edged as near as possible to the fireplace without being caught on fire.

A moment later, Wei Wuxian felt something heavy draped around him. The man looked up to see his husband adjusting his outer white robes on top of him. Wei Wuxian grinned up at him.

"Aw, Lan Zhan, you don't have to! Just hug me, and I'll feel a lot warmer. :)" Wei Wuxian stood up and pushed Lan Wangji onto a chair by the shoulders before plopping himself onto Lan Wangji's lap.

Lan Wangji obeyed and hugged him close. Wei Wuxian hummed in contentment.

The couple was currently staying in a small cabin by the Luo River up the north. The cabin, when they first arrived, was an abandoned one, very creaky with a whole lot of dust bunnies. Now it was still very creaky, but Wei Wuxian had chased all of the dust bunnies away. Well, most of it anyway.

"You know, Lan Zhan, I'm kinda hungry. Do you think I'll be able to find fish by the river? I'm suddenly craving grilled fish," Wei Wuxian chats as the two sit idly by the small fireplace. The warm glow of the flames cast a shadow of the couple on the wall, appearing to have emerged as one.

Lan Wangji furrowed his eyebrows slightly, how can one find fish in the frigid waters of the Luo River? Even if there was, he does not wish for Wei Ying to go out in the freezing weather.

"You know, there must be fish in the river! I'm sure of it, Lan Zhan. Fish can survive in very cold waters! Here, I'll go outside and catch some fish. You stay here and prepare something to cook. And then tonight we'll feast!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed happily.


To Lan Wangji's dismay, Wei Wuxian hopped out of his lap and went to get the fishing rod.

Like a little rabbit, Wei Wuxian went from place to place in the cabin, grabbing everything he needed to fish some fish. Including a small cup of worms.

"Okay, cya, Lan Zhan! Wei Ying will be right back!" Wei Wuxian opened the cabin door and blew Lan Wangji a kiss. Then he stepped out and shut the door.

A waft of cold wind had escaped into the cabin, fluttering Lan Wangji's hair who was about to draw circles at the corner of the cabin under a gloomy cloud.

Wei Wuxian rubbed his hands together, letting out a puff of air. It turned into a puff of cloud, condensed by the coldness in the air.

He looks for a good spot to fish. Peering into the clear cold waters, Wei Wuxian began to feel doubtful. There wasn't a single fish nor ripple in slight. The river was as calm and still as Lan Qiren meditating.

There wasn't a single life out here as far as Wei Wuxian can see. Seriously, there wasn't even a single bird in sight.

The whole scene was so motionless that one could have mistaken it for a still image.

This was why it immediately caught Wei Wuxian's gaze when a small bundle of something drifted down the river.


"LAN ZHAN! HEAT A BUCKET OF WATER!!" Wei Wuxian hollered as he kicked open the wooden door with his boot.

Lan Wangji looked up from chopping onions on the cutting board. Hearing his husband's panic cry, he wasted no time grabbing a medium-sized bucket. Pretty soon, a warm bucket of water was available.

While Lan Wangji was heating the water, Wei Wuxian was walking hurriedly back and forth in the small cabin, a small bundle in his arms. The man had taken off a layer of his robes and wrapped it around the bundle.


"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji said when the requested hot water was ready.

Wei Wuxian hurried over. Lan Wangji's eyes slightly widened when he got a glimpse of what was inside the bundle of clothes.

It was a baby.

A real-life baby, in flesh and breathing. But barely.

Lan Wangji wanted to ask questions. But first, the baby needs help. And Wei Wuxian was about to dump the whole kid, robes and all into the water.

"..." Lan Wangji took the bundle from his Wei Ying.

Wei Wuxian blinked. "Oh, then you do it I guess."


Lan Wangji carefully bathed the baby while Wei Wuxian watched in fascination. The rosy color of the baby's cheek was slowly returning.

After bathing, the baby was wrapped in a warm towel. Wei Wuxian 'ooh' and 'ah' over the cute chubby face.

The baby, who was, perhaps unconscious by nearly freezing to death, had at some point turned into sleeping in the comfort of the warmth. And now it was stirring, about to wake up.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji didn't notice they were holding their breath as the baby's eyelids slowly fluttered open.

A pair of warm starry eyes stared up at them sleepily.

A silence as the baby and the adults' eyes met.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian breathed. "He's so cute."

Who could have left such a defenseless baby alone to fend itself in the icy waters of the Luo River? Or conceivably not to fend?



Thank you for reading!

The first chapter is aye or nay? ☺️

Votes and comments are highly appreciated! ☆

(also remember to follow me)(TvT)

Word Count: 1050

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