《[MXTX] Three Times the Love》Chapter 28 - The Drums Play and Control


Jiang Cheng's eyes thinned. A spark of purple lightning crackled around his clenched hand. "Yunmeng Jiang will be destroyed?"

Bo Fan did not respond.

Sensing Jiang Cheng's impatience and arrogance, Lan Xichen patted the Clan Leader's shoulder. "Clan Leader Jiang, don't be impulsive." However, his suggestion was not taken seriously, as Jiang Cheng shoved his hand away and clenched his fists even tighter.

"You want to fight against my five hundred disciples?" Jiang Cheng sneered.

His eyes widened and he threw his sleeves backwards, "I'll let you try."

A surprised look flashed across Bo Fan's face. His bloodshot eyes seemed to contain a deeper meaning, as he lowered his head. "You said so, Clan Leader Jiang. I expect you to keep your words."

Jiang Cheng, Wen Ning, and Lan Xichen backed up. They allowed the five hundred disciples to step forwards, confronting the demon before them. It was five hundred VS. one demon. This fight obviously appeared very unfair to Bo Fan, and yet, why did he take the initiative to battle against them?

At first sight, this seemed like a trap.

And yet, after rallying their brains, Jiang Cheng couldn't find what trick the demon had hidden under his sleeves. Was Bo Fan trying to distract them?

But would he really sacrifice himself?

At that point, Jiang Cheng just wanted to see what Bo Fan was trying to achieve. Besides, he doesn't believe that the demon could possibly escape from death this time.

"What are you thinking, Clan Leader Jiang?" Lan Xichen pulled Jiang Cheng over.

Wen Ning watched the two, who were only a few centimetres from touching each other.

"What if this is a trap?" Lan Xichen muttered to himself. "Are you willing to sacrifice all your disciples just to kill a demon?"

"Are you saying that my disciples can't kill him?" Jiang Cheng arched an eyebrow. "Saying that is tantamount to disrespecting their skills and capabilities. I'd suggest you, Clan Leader Lan, to stay back and watch how the demon gets the punishment he deserves."

Lan Xichen fell silent. He wanted to listen to Jiang Cheng's words, but for some reason, a feeling of unease lingered in his heart.

It was because, Bo Fan came by himself at such a weird timing—it makes one suspect every little detail.

If one wanted to win a fight, they'd use every single advantage they have. However, this demon just came by himself. It was basically suicide.

This made Lan Xichen feel suspicious even further.

Lan Xichen turned to the three couples, who were watching in the back. "Go inspect every corner of Yunmeng Jiang." Lan Xichen clenched his hands into fists. "I suspect that something isn't right. There is no reason that Bo Fan would come to Yunmeng Jiang for nothing."

The three couples nodded. Wei Wuxian bowed, "Is there perhaps... a chance that Bo Fan has a teammate who already infiltrated into Yunmeng Jiang?"

This question brought silence to them all.

"That is the worst circumstance possible." Lan Xichen bowed his head. "Which is why I'm ordering you guys to search for anything suspicious. If there is anyone you guys think is bringing harm to Yunmeng Jiang..." He raised his head once again, "Then get rid of them."


The three couples felt solemn.

It was Shen Qingqiu who came back to himself first, "Yes, ZeWu-Jun."

The three couples clasped their hands, bowed, then fled to their separate ways. Witnessing their backs fade away from his vision, Lan Xichen slowly returned to watch the fight.

Bo Fan had took upon a stance, pointing his blade towards his centre line.

"Who wants to come first?" He sneered.

The Yunmeng Jiang disciples looked at one another. There was no way they'd attack him solo. Instead, they grouped up into groups of four.

The first group of four disciples attacked.

Bo Fan reacted fast, switching a stance. His longsword blocked the four incoming blades, while pushing them away from his body. Quickly, Bo Fan leaned towards the left, brushing his longsword to leave a slender arc in the air. His entire body spinning on the spot, Bo Fan slashed the disciple at the furthest left.

That disciple reacted quickly, blocking the blade with his sword.

Metal sparks flickered from the collision, with the two blades coming to a stop against each other. The remaining three disciples saw their chance, and simultaneously jumped on Bo Fan, who left his back wide open.

"That easy?" Bo Fan sneered.

All of a sudden, abominable strength poured into his limbs. Veins popped out upon his wrists, and his knuckles melted into a prominent colour of white.

"AHH!" A disciple cried.

Bo Fan's longsword had cut through the blocking disciple's blade, slicing it into halves. Within that breaking instant, Bo Fan swung his sword and slashed at the caught-off-guard disciple.

A deep gash was cut at the disciple's abdomen. Blood soaked his purple robes, as the disciple jumped away.

Meanwhile, the three disciples attacking at Bo Fan's back had hesitated.

That small moment of hesitation was enough for Bo Fan to turn around, raising his sword to block the incoming strikes. The three disciples were stunned on the spot. Bo Fan added even more strength, pushing his sword against the disciples'.

In that instant, he knocked the three swords out of the disciples' hands.

Three swords fell to the ground, then was stomped by Bo Fan's boots. Immediately, the three swords were crumbled into dust from the extreme strength.

Bo Fan sneered, "Is that it?"

The three disciples had no weapons. They couldn't block themselves when the strike was coming. Bo Fan was in front of them, but at the blink of the eye, he disappeared from their sight. Without the three disciples understanding, Bo Fan arrived at their backs.

He held his longsword horizontally, with a rain droplet reflected in the blade.

Then, he swung from right to left.

The three disciples were dismayed, as intense pain stunned them at the same time. They weren't even able to react, as their torsos separated from their lower body. In an instant, they collapsed at the ground, deeming as dead.

Bo Fan had earlier cut through all three torsos in one strike, blood washing his longsword.

He eyed the remaining disciple of the group of four, the one who had a deep cut on his abdomen. Bo Fan wanted to attack him, but was stopped by a sudden group of ten disciples.

The ten disciples charged at him in different directions.

Bo Fan was completely surrounded. He smirked. In an instant, he held the hilt of his longsword, with the blade tilting upwards diagonally. Then, he swung.


His longsword was swung in a full circle, which cut a shallow wound on the incoming disciples.

Knowing the danger ahead, the disciples leaped backwards.

Indeed, the name "Five Strikes Demon" was suitable for Bo Fan. He clearly demonstrated great compatibility with his longsword. His swordsmanship were... out of the world!

Bo Fan didn't let his prey escape from his hands.

He ran at the disciples. His speed couldn't even be fully witnessed by the naked eye. Within a second, he arrived before the ten disciples' faces. Bo Fan held his longsword by his side, then slashed forwards. He pulled back, then forwards.

Whenever he slashed forwards, he stabbed his longsword thoroughly into the disciple's abdomen. When he pulled back, he pulled his longsword out. The disciple would collapse; dead.

Then, Bo Fan would all of a sudden pop out at the next disciple.

Within five seconds, all eleven disciples collapsed on the ground; dead.

Bo Fan wiped down the blood, which stained his longsword. "It has already been fourteen disciples against me. How come I'm still unscathed?"

Jiang Cheng's eyes thinned at those words. He gritted his teeth and wanted to go forwards, but was stopped by Lan Xichen, who still had his sanity.

"Wait." Lan Xichen spoke. "If you act right now..." He borrowed Jiang Cheng's earlier words, "Isn't that tantamount to disrespecting their skills and capabilities?"

Jiang Cheng fell silent. He continued watching the battle.

Bo Fan smirked, then continued the battle. He jumped around the gates, slashing any disciples he came across. At that point, the amount of Yunmeng Jiang disciples were decreasing.

"DIE!!!" A disciple cried.

He jumped from a high altitude, then prepared to slam his sword directly straight at Bo Fan. The demon saw this, then prepared his sword in a stance.

All of a sudden, a silver light flashed.

The jumping disciple was killed, but who knew, there was another disciple. That disciple was quick on their feet, and quickly slashed at Bo Fan.

The demon was quick to react, but couldn't fully avoid the blow.

The disciple cut a shallow wound on Bo Fan's abdomen, with a few droplets of blood leaking out. Feeling frustrated, Bo Fan turned around and directly decapitated the disciple.

"Tch." Jiang Cheng bit his fingernail.

No matter how his disciples encircled Bo Fan, all the demon would receive were a few shallow cuts. Meanwhile, his disciples ended up dead.

"Take on the sixth formation!" A disciple suddenly hollered.

The other disciples looked at this one disciple, then scrambled into a formation. The disciples amounted up to twenty. They formed into the shape of a triangle, with one disciple at the front to direct and lead.

Bo Fan looked at this triangular formation with interest.

He then charged ahead.

According to the direction in which Bo Fan charged at, the disciples would scatter to that area. Whenever Bo Fan changed directions, the disciples would follow him there.

Bo Fan leaped backwards, and so, the disciples charged ahead.

For some reason, Bo Fan felt irritated. Wherever he went, the disciples followed him. There was practically no safe place!

All of a sudden, a disciple was thrown into the air. They were boosted by another disciple, who pushed him forwards. The two disciples threw each other at Bo Fan, flipping in the air and slipping past clouds. Then, they threw two swords at the same time.

Bo Fan was ready for the incoming swords. He dodged left, but who knew what happened, but there were strings attached to the hilt of the swords!

The two disciples controlled the strings, while also controlling the movements of the swords.

The two swords curved and stabbed into Bo Fan's abdomen.

The demon felt a burst of pain. He hurriedly pulled out the sword from his abdomen, with blood gushing out several times. At that point, his stomach was bathed in blood. Bo Fan wore an intrigued smile on his face, which developed his masculine figure as something handsome.

"AGAIN!" The disciple hollered. He was excited upon seeing the demon receiving damage.

Another string-controlled sword was sent at Bo Fan's direction.

Bo Fan thinned his eyes. The moment the controlled sword was an inch away from his forehead, he swung his longsword. As expected, the controlled sword swerved at his arms-

Sensing the change of direction, Bo Fan switched to his left hand for holding onto his longsword. The direction of his sword changed, then knocked down the controlled sword, which collapsed on the ground. The string connected to the sword had snapped in half.

The disciple gritted his teeth, "Shit-"

Bo Fan took upon a stance. He pointed the blade downwards at the ground, with both arms holding onto the hilt. The disciples saw him standing still, and charged even faster.

Abruptly, killing intent spiralled from Bo Fan.

The killing intent was so strong and sharp, all the disciples found themselves cowering-

"BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!" The sudden sound pierced into the ears of everyone.

Jiang Cheng frowned. That sound belonged to drums. It was like an army of imperial drummers had taken out their red Chinese drums and began to play an assembly of intimidating music. However, the drums were beaten so loudly... it was equivalent to an elephant slamming their trunks against the surface.

"What is this-" The moment Jiang Cheng asked this question, he found absolute shock filling his emotions.

His disciples, who were perfectly fine, had suddenly slumped over onto the ground. However, that only applied to some of the disciples.

"What is going on?" Lan Xichen blurted.

Some disciples moved as if they'd lost control of their bodies. Some were normal, looking wide-eyed at their companions.

"A-Are you alright?" A normal disciple touched one of the slumped over disciples.

What the normal disciple got instead... was a stab to his stomach.

"Y-You..." The normal disciple gasped before losing his life. He collapsed, and the out-of-control disciple withdrew his sword, spilling blood across the pavement.

Jiang Cheng's eyes thinned. His disciples... are killing each other?

Wei Wuxian: What did we miss when we were gone?

Jiang Cheng: None of your business! Asshole!

Wei Wuxian: What got you all riled up?

Bo Fan: He's mad that his disciples are going to die from my hands-

Wei Wuxian: Hey! Nobody invited you to our theatre! Get out of here!

Bo Fan: ...you're no fun... 😤

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