《[MXTX] Three Times the Love》Chapter 21 - Babysitting One... No, Three


Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan jumped down from their high spot.

They landed on the dirt-filled ground with a gentle thud, and the wind breezed past their robes, like a cunning fox stuffing its nose past berries and treats. "What'd Jin Ling do to you? I thought you guys were in a good relationship." Wei Wuxian blubbered.

Luo Binghe had dark lines running across his face. "How is that possible!?!"

By his side, Shen Qingqiu held onto his shoulder sternly, as if afraid his lover would run wild.

"I don't know what got into this uncle's mind, but I didn't do anything." Jin Ling huffed. His hands rested by his side, carrying 'his' golden sword, Suihua.

Luo Binghe was about to lash out at him. Then, he was knocked on the head with a fan.

Shen Qingqiu disregarded his lover's pleading look, and smacked him on the head again with the fan. Soon enough, a red bruised mark began to reveal itself on Luo Binghe's forehead. The red mark was almost as red as his demonic mark.

"I wonder what my Uncle has to say about this." Jin Ling sneered.

Luo Binghe sneered back. "What? It's not like I bullied you or anything."

"Hah?" Jin Ling snorted. "I'll tell him anything, and he'll come at you and break your legs."

"...then feed him to the dogs?" By his side, Wei Wuxian teased.

"Yes!" Jin Ling's eyes brightened. "Then feed you to the dogs!"

Luo Binghe, "..." He can understand why the brat was so messed up. It turned out it was the parent's fault.

He turned away from Jin Ling, then looked over at the fierce corpse slumped down at the tree trunk. "Hmm... why is there a fierce corpse out here?"

Wei Wuxian pursed his lips. "It doesn't sound like anything good."

"Wei-xiong," Xie Lian asked hastily. "Is the fierce corpse controlled by someone?"

Wei Wuxian's expression was ugly. He frowned, "Based on my understanding, it seems like someone is trying to infiltrate into Yunmeng Jiang. Corpses can be controlled by resentful energy. Someone must've brought this fierce corpse in these woods for a purpose. I'm more prone to believe that the mastermind is trying to get information on this Sect. Otherwise, why else would they do something like this?"

The remaining cultivators fell silent.

If there was a bad guy out there that is trying to destroy Yunmeng Jiang again, like back then in the Sunshot Campaign... then what will possibly happen?

"We should report this to Sect Leader Jiang." Shen Qingqiu added.

Wei Wuxian nodded. When he was serious, he appeared more solemn and scary.

The remaining of the three couples weren't used to this. Xie Lian could feel the tension permeating in the air, so he shuffled around nervously. It was really weird to see Wei Wuxian unsmiling. Hua Cheng enveloped his lover by the shoulders, transferring warmth unconditionally.

Shen Qingqiu's eyes thinned. He hid the lower half of his face behind the fan.


Meanwhile, Luo Binghe set his chin down on his Shizun's shoulder. "Hmm... then what is going on?"

Wei Wuxian finished examining the fierce corpse. He didn't recognize the identity of the corpse. It was a middle-aged man, who had a hunched back.

Standing up from before the corpse, Wei Wuxian got up and stretched his back.

He yawned, "It's about time we go back. Bring the fierce corpse along with us. We'll have Jiang Cheng take a close look at this problem."

By himself, Luo Binghe flung the fierce corpse across a shoulder.

Slightly worried, Shen Qingqiu suggested for him to help carrying. However, Luo Binghe didn't want his Shizun to get dirtied from the corpse, so he blatantly refused.

The group of three couples + Jin Ling had walked in a straight line. After quite a long time, they finally left the territory of the great woods. The opening of the dark sky welcomed them, like a never-ending abyss, overflowing with stars staring back.

"This is Uncle's office." They stopped before a door inside a pavilion.

The entire building was extravagant yet studious. A sign of a lotus flower stuck to the door, making it very apparent as to who owned that room behind the door.

"Is Jiang Cheng there?" Wei Wuxian hollered. He knocked on the door twice.

A visible sigh could be heard from behind the door. "Come in."

The door was opened, revealing the scenery inside the room. There was a wooden table, with several porcelain cups poured of tea and tea leaves. On the floor was a carpet of bamboo. Jiang Cheng sat leisurely on the bamboo carpet, with a laid-back attitude. In one hand, he held a cup of tea. Noticing his guests and companions standing before the door, Jiang Cheng set the cup back on the table.

By his waist was a sword, Sandu. Connected to his finger was a ring, which Zidian belonged and originated from. Jiang Cheng stroked the silver ring unhurriedly.

"What is it?" Jiang Cheng asked. He arched an eyebrow.

The pile of three couples and Jin Ling filed in the room. They all each sat opposing to Jiang Cheng across the wooden table.

It was then Jiang Cheng noticed the limp corpse across Luo Binghe's back.

He frowned, "Where did you get that corpse from?"

Jin Ling bowed, "It is a fierce corpse we encountered during our night hunt. This fierce corpse was controlled by someone other than Wei Wuxian. We predict that that person might have ulterior motives, such as infiltrating into Yunmeng Jiang."

After listening to everything, Jiang Cheng's face turned ugly.

"You're saying that someone is trying to destroy Yunmeng Jiang?"

Jin Ling bowed his head, unwilling to see the ugly expression on his Uncle's face.

Seeing the outcomes, Wei Wuxian piped in. "It could have been a coincidence, but I think not. Perhaps the controller is someone who wants to get revenge on Yunmeng Jiang?"

"People remaining from the Sunshot Campaign?" Jiang Cheng sneered.


Hearing the unknown name, Xie Lian, Hua Cheng, Shen Qingqiu, and Luo Binghe all shared a confused look across their faces. It wasn't until Jiang Cheng noticed their looks did he explain.

The Sunshot Campaign consisted of the Qishan Wen Clan dominating the world in their shadows. They were the sun, and they were aiming to burn the entire world alive. The Clan took over Yunmeng Jiang, with only a few disciples left alive. This incident determined Jiang Cheng to become his clan's Clan Leader, and also burned several plains into ashes.

There were battlefields set aflame all across the cultivation world. Later on, thanks to the Yiling Patriarch, GusuLan Clan, Qinghe Nie Clan, and Lanling Jin Clan... the Qishan Wen Clan had all died in the flames of death that they burned themselves.

Listening to this, the two couples fell silent. They didn't want the victims to reminisce anymore of the Sunshot Campaign.

"I don't think it's from the Sunshot Campaign." Lan Zhan declared.

Several pairs of eyes flew to look at him.

Lan Zhan calmly explained the reason as to his opinion, "All that are left from the Qishan Wen Clan is a few elderly and children. Other than Wen Ning, there aren't any cultivators from Qishan Wen that pose a threat. It isn't reasonable for them to suddenly lash out for violence again. Besides, they had plenty of chances before, why should they suddenly go violent?

"Do you think it has something to do with... that demon at Cang Qiong Mountain?" Xie Lian asked. His voice had a hint of inquiry.

Lan Zhan nodded. "Bo Fan... that demon decided to attack Cang Qiong Mountain. Is there any reason as to why he did so?"

Luo Binghe shook his head. "I am the Demon Lord. Why would they possibly attack my Sect?"

Not knowing if he should take Luo Binghe's statement as the "demon lord" seriously, Jiang Cheng examined his two old buddy's faces seriously. Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan looked like they were already used to listening to Luo Binghe's jokes.

For some reason, Jiang Cheng believed that Luo Binghe was joking. After all, there was no way the Demon Lord would take refuge in his Lotus Pier!

Jin Ling seemed to think the same way. He rolled his eyes at Luo Binghe's "joke".

Staring at the Uncle and nephew pair, Luo Binghe rolled his eyes back. He completely understood that Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling didn't believe him. He was also too tired to correct them.

"Well, Bo Fan looks unreasonable enough." Wei Wuxian chuckled. "Is it a personal grudge? Did Cang Qiong Mountain ever enrage demons before?"

Shen Qingqiu resolutely shook his head. "No. We never heard of any demon named Bo Fan before."

Luo Binghe nodded to agree.

Getting the answer, the remaining cultivators in the room fell into a silence. Hua Cheng decided to decipher it with simplicity, "Perhaps, the person controlling the fierce corpse... is allied with Bo Fan? Is that why the controller decided to help Bo Fan in taking revenge?"

"...so they controlled a fierce corpse to look into Yunmeng Jiang?" Xie Lian added.

Wei Wuxian clapped his hands. "That is reasonable. However, we can't directly assume that the fierce corpse's controller and Bo Fan are allies."

Jiang Cheng stroked his chin. "You never know if their plans just overlapped."

"But... isn't it too much of a coincidence?" Shen Qingqiu analyzed. "Just after Bo Fan escaped from Cang Qiong Mountain, he'd want to take revenge on whoever drove him out. And that is the Yunmeng Jiang Clan. Therefore, he needs to spy and investigate on Yunmeng Jiang. I don't think he'd control a fierce corpse. He's a demon, not a demonic cultivator."

"...you're saying that the controller of the fierce corpse is a demonic cultivator?" Luo Binghe caught onto his words.

Hearing that, Wei Wuxian agreed immediately. "Definitely. Demonic cultivators can control fierce corpses."

"Therefore," Shen Qingqiu continued. "We can conclude that Bo Fan couldn't possibly be controlling this fierce corpse. It is more likely that he has a companion who's a demonic cultivator."

After examining everything with them, Xie Lian stroked his chin. "Do you think that Bo Fan is apart of an organization?"

"Perhaps." Hua Cheng half-heartedly replied. "Or this could be the work of merely two people."

Jiang Cheng sighed. His forehead creased and wore wrinkles. He sneered, "Whatever happens, Yunmeng Jiang won't spare them from their karma. We'll be ready for any attacks, unlike that Cang Qiong Mountain, who had no disciples that could fight."

"Hey!" Shen Qingqiu was alarmed. "Cang Qiong Mountain has good disciples as well!"

Jiang Cheng merely rolled his eyes. He scoffed angrily, "Forget it. You don't need to worry for my Sect. We can face any problems or any demons."

Shen Qingqiu didn't want to deal with him. He turned away, and ignored the Sect Leader.

"So, is that all you wanted to tell me?" Jiang Cheng arched an eyebrow.

Wei Wuxian added, "Yup." He popped the 'p'.

"Good." Jiang Cheng didn't hesitate to be blunt. "I have something to say."

The three couples raised their ears in earnest curiosity. They moved closer to Jiang Cheng, who on the opposite side of the table, for some reason felt oppression.

Jiang Cheng coughed. "I know you've just begun taking care of my nephew. I would like to trouble you taking care of... two more."

Wei Wuxian's eyes widened. "You mean..."

Luo Binghe interrupted him. He lashed out, standing up from the table with a dark face. "I have to babysit one... no, three more of these stinky brats!?!"

Far away, trapped inside a room as punishment, there are two figures.

Lan Sizhui and Jingyi sneezed consecutively, "Achoo!"

They rubbed their noses.

Lan Jingyi sighed, "Who is talking about me?"

Luo Binghe: I have to babysit one... no, three stinky brats!?!

Wei Wuxian: Hey! Watch your words! ( ˘̀︹˘́ ) One is my son, the other is my nephew!

Lan Jingyi: What about me?( つ̥︣﹏╰̥̥)

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