《[MXTX] Three Times the Love》Chapter 11 - Aren't Close, Are Close Together


"Don't be angry." In their room, Shen Qingqiu gently patted his lover on the back. Now that he was in a private room, he didn't care about his attire and changed back to men robes. However, he still attained the female body from the pill Xie Lian had given him, so he just looked like a woman dressed in men's clothes.

Luo Binghe dumped his weight on the bed. He laid there lifelessly, pondering about what to do.

It wasn't until he felt his lover's touch did he snap out of it. "Shizun..." He coyly whined. "I don't want to do this case. It's so boring..."

"Is that so?" Shen Qingqiu sighed. "You can go back to the peak then. I have to stay here and complete work-"

"No!" Luo Binghe sat up on the bed. "I'll go wherever Shizun goes!" He had a pair of passionate eyes that made Shen Qingqiu unable to refuse.

"Then behave yourself." Shen Qingqiu said.

Plopping himself down on the bed, he shuffled closer to his lover. Their shoulders touched one another, with warmth brushing. Luo Binghe stiffened. He'd never seen his dear lover take the initiative before! His throat felt dry as he reached a hand around Shen Qingqiu's waist.

Then, his lover leaned close enough to whisper to his ear, "We're being watched."

Suddenly, Luo Binghe found his blood running cold. How could someone interrupt he and Shizun's time together!?! Even worse, it's during the night!

"Shizun..." Luo Binghe buried his face in his lover's neck, inhaling the sweet scent.

Then, his eyes turned sharp.

Abruptly, he grabbed onto a nearby vase and flung it against the nearby window. Glass met glass, and the window shattered into several pieces. The broken glass shards fell outwards of the room, dropping lifelessly onto the dirt-filled ground outside. "AHH!!! I'M SORRY!" A cry exponentially raised from the outside of the room, and a figure quickly ran away.

However, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng was already there to catch them.

"Where do you think you're going?" Hua Cheng deadpanned.

Xie Lian released Ruoye, then tied the figure up. Slowly, the rest of the group had went outside to check on the situation. When they first entered the dormitory, they could sense someone was watching them, so they kept a lookout on each other. If there was any movement in one room, they'd guard against it. Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan crouched down, examining the disciple that was watching Luo Binghe earlier.

The disciple was a young man with a baby face and chubby cheeks. His hair was shoulder-length, a colour of chestnut brown and ruffled up from the abrupt attack. He wore the same dark green robes of the Mo Clan, presumably, this disciple was one of the members.

"What were you doing watching us?" Shen Qingqiu questioned.

Beside him, Luo Binghe wore a scowl on his face.

Seeing that had frightened the disciple into a pulp. Shrinking backwards, the disciple cried, "I fell in love with this fellow female cultivator at first sight! I wanted to court and pursue her, but then realized she was married! I am still young, so please let me off! I knew it was my wrong to try spoiling a relationship!"

Shen Qingqiu, "..." He felt the hand of his lover holding him tighten.

Luo Binghe's cold face had only darkened. "You were trying to pursue my wife, even though you know that we're in a relationship?"

"Yes yes!" The small disciple was basically courting his own death. He wiggled around while immobile thanks to Ruoye. "I know my wrongs now! I apologize for causing trouble!"


"What's your name?" Wei Wuxian was curious.

The small disciple blinked. "Mo Bao."

"Well, Mo Bao, let me tell you something." Wei Wuxian began. "Anyone would be mad if their wife was being pursued by a little kid. After all, their wife is already taken and shouldn't be in the radar of another person."

"I understand now!" Mo Bao wailed. "I'm sorry!"

He began to ball his eyes, with tears splurging down his cheeks. His eyes reddened from the cry.

"You made him cry." Luo Binghe spat in Wei Wuxian's direction. The latter stuck out his tongue playfully, "I didn't mean to make him cry. Nobody told me that he's a crybaby."

Lan Zhan nodded to agree.

"Enough." Xie Lian pressed his temples, feeling a headache coming upon himself. "Ruoye, come back." Doing as it was instructed, Ruoye, the white bandage flew back to under its owner's sleeves. It couldn't be found amongst the fabrics of white that Xie Lian wore.

Like that, Mo Bao was freed from the hold.

Xie Lian sighed. "Don't do that next time. Aren't you aware that it's dangerous to come out at night? Especially during your situation in the Mo Clan."

"Thank you," Mo Bao's eyes had stars shining in them. "This fellow sister is very thoughtful!"

"No problem." Xie Lian waved it off.

Stepping upwards, Hua Cheng encircled an arm around his lover's waist, demonstrating his protectiveness. His eyes were especially cold when looking in Mo Bao's direction.

"Then..." Mo Bao felt deliriously cold under Hua Cheng's stupor gaze.

"I'll be leaving now. If there's anything you need, please call for me." In a hurry, he ran away. Not even his silhouette could be traced anymore.

Deeming that the little disciple was far away, the three couples nodded at each other and entered a room. After ensuring that the door was blocked and a sound-proof talisman was set up, they began their discussion. "Is that little brat a suspect?" Luo Binghe scoffed. After hearing that Mo Bao wanted to pursue his lover, all he felt was hatred for that brat!

"Hm..." Wei Wuxian hummed. "It's very unlikely for a little timid boy like him to be the culprit. I mean, can you imagine someone like him dual cultivating with his martial sisters? And even murdering them in cold blood afterwards... that sounds way too complicated for him."

"I agree." Shen Qingqiu fanned himself.

Xie Lian wanted to agree as well, but his senses told him that they weren't thinking in the right direction. He coughed, "You never know if he's the culprit's minion. We'll just have to investigate thoroughly tomorrow."

"Mn." Lan Zhan wore a stoic face.

They separated for the night, and left to go back to their own rooms. When daytime arrived, the three couples had already woken up and began to explore the courtyard for investigation.

"Do you really think the culprit is a demon?" Wei Wuxian asked.

Beside him, Lan Zhan shrugged. "Depends on the body. We haven't checked the deceased yet."

"Makes sense." Wei Wuxian sighed.

Behind them were the remaining two couples, who loitered in the back. They continuously threw investigating looks at their surroundings, unwilling to let a single detail go unseen. As they approached the Clan Leader's house again, the double doors themselves swung open. Out came a handsome and tall boy wearing the same robes of the Mo Clan.

The disciple was surprised to see the six cultivators' appearance.

He clasped his hands and bowed respectfully.


The three couples bowed back.

"Oh? Fellow cultivators, come in." Mo Shifeng poked a head out from his house. "I'll introduce you to my best disciple."

The three couples entered the house, with the earlier disciple coming inside as well.

"This is Mo Ming. He's the most charming and talented disciple in the Mo Clan." Mo Shifeng smiled. Wrinkles placated his forehead and old face. "Mo Ming, these are the guest cultivators that come to investigate the demonic activities. Make sure none of the disciples are disrespectful to them. Be nice, since they're going to help us."

Mo Ming nodded and took an eyeful of the guests. His eyes seemed to flash when catching the sight of women. "Welcome to Mo Clan." Mo Ming bowed again.

"Thank you for your hospitalities." Xie Lian smiled.

Mo Shifeng coughed. "Our lessons are beginning to start. If these fellow cultivators are willing to look, we're welcome to show you around to the rest of our disciples. Especially the female ones, because they're scared out of their wits since the incident."

Wei Wuxian shuffled around. "To not hinder our investigation, we were wondering if we could examine the bodies?"

"Oh..." Mo Shifeng stiffened. He wore a sad and traumatic expression. "The bodies are horrible... so horrible that none of us dare to touch it."

"You don't need to touch." Wei Wuxian said. "We just need to see."

Mo Shifeng had a complicated expression. He then sighed. "Okay." He lifted his head and shadows fell off his face. "Mo Ming, please go take our honorary guests to the cellar. I won't be going with you guys. I only have so little of life left..."

The sunlight's warmth was out of reach when they were underground.

The three couples exchanged a look before continuously following Mo Ming's back. In the underground tunnel, there wasn't a single sign of sunlight. Fire lit lanterns were positioned and hung from the rock ceiling. It was excruciatingly dark. Shadows filled every corner of the underground tunnel. Standing guard next to the walls were spears. The weapon was tall and cruel.

The spears were continuously lined next to the wall. Only when they gradually approached the cellar did the weapons run out. The cellar was guarded by a metal bar gate.

Inside was dark and ominous. Shen Qingqiu forced himself to calm down, but the goosebumps couldn't help rising on his arms.

"We're here." Mo Ming said.

They stopped and watched keenly as Mo Ming took out a key from underneath his robes. Unlocking the gate of the cellar, with a push, it swung open. An uneasy and rusty sound croaked. There was a pungent smell lingering from inside the cellar. It smelled horrific enough to render a mortal ceaselessly retch. Shen Qingqiu resisted the urge to plug his nose and shuffled closer.

"Wait here, Shizun." Luo Binghe stopped him, pulling his arm.

Doing as he was told, Shen Qingqiu stopped.

"Why did you put the bodies in the cellar?" Wei Wuxian asked. His long hair swayed back and forth as he curiously looked at Mo Ming's back.

Mo Ming chuckled. "You must've heard from our Clan Leader that we despise demons. We're easily distracted by demonic energy and can't cultivate if we feel it. Clan Leader decided to keep the bodies in the cellar. He's also afraid that the demon would steal the bodies at an attempt to hinder our investigation."

Wei Wuxian questioned. "Wouldn't you feel at unease if your fellow martial sisters aren't buried?"

Mo Ming took a deep breath. "The disciples aren't that close with each other."

"Smart demon." Wei Wuxian commented.

Mo Ming's smile stiffened. "Right... demons are wicked and smart." He let way, allowing the guest cultivators to see the bodies. The shadows scampered away, as Mo Ming took a lantern from the ceiling and shone it into the cellar.

Xie Lian's eyebrows crumpled. "It is indeed horrible."

The five bodies inside were stark naked. The deceased females were horrendously pale, and their skin were astonishingly sucked dry of colour. Their hair laid and sprawled messily to hide their lifeless faces. Taking a closer examination of their spiritual body, their meridians was sucked dry from being used as a human cauldron. It was horrible, too horrible.

"We suspect it's from a demon." Mo Ming lowered his head.

Wei Wuxian felt around and blinked. "You're right. There are large traces of demonic energy around the bodies. It's possible that a demonic creature committed the crime."

"Same." Luo Binghe agreed. He could feel the demonic energy riling around the cellar.

Mo Ming nodded. "See? That's why we suspected that this was the work of demons." He then shrugged. "Is there anything you can tell from these bodies?"

The three couples examined. There was a large wound on the stomach of the bodies, which probably resulted from a fatal weapon. Lan Zhan's face remained cold, while Hua Cheng stood at a faraway distance. Luo Binghe supported the nauseous Shen Qingqiu, while Wei Wuxian and Xie Lian began working their brains. "It's fine if you don't get it right away." Mo Ming smiled. "We can wait."

The three couples nodded.

They left the cellar and went back above ground. Warmth returned to their bodies, and Shen Qingqiu let out a deep sigh that resonated with majority of them.

"Hello senior sisters!" A laugh blared behind them.

Turning around, they saw Mo Bao, who was excitedly waving his hand and pretending that the "Senior Sisters" had no husbands.

"Mo Bao." Xie Lian spoke the boy's name.

Mo Bao responded with a bright smile, as if the incident last night did not bother him at all. As if it wasn't he who bawled out his tears last night.

"Junior Brother?" Mo Ming saw his martial brother and asked with inquiry.

"Hello, Senior Brother." Mo Bao clasped his hands and bowed. Mo Ming bowed back.

"What are you doing here? Do you know these guests?" Mo Ming asked.

Mo Bao patted his chest with pride. "Of course I do!"

Xie Lian smiled at the two loving martial brothers. "You two are quite close to one another."

"Of course." Mo Ming admitted. "All disciples are close to each other."

Xie Lian's smile wavered. He blinked twice, staring closely at Mo Ming's face. He tried to find any substantial clues that would be of use to him. "Hmmm? This fellow cultivator sister is staring at me for quite a long time. Am I that handsome?" Mo Ming, of course noticed his gaze, so he teased.

Immediately, he felt a cold aura plug against his pores.

Hua Cheng stared oppressive daggers at the disciple. His eyes were abundant of a numb and yet painstakingly frigid sensation. Even an immortal wouldn't be able to survive if they lived within his eyes.

Mo Ming shuddered. He backed away from Xie Lian's pursuing look. "I should be heading to the upcoming lesson. If these fellow cultivators need my assistant, I will gladly help." Patting Mo Bao's back, the latter understood immediately and the two scrambled away.

Xie Lian peeled away his gaze. A complicated emotion brewed in his eyes.

Looking worriedly, Wei Wuxian noticed his thoughts. "What's wrong?"

Xie Lian gently smiled. "It's just that... Mo Ming lied."

"Where?" Luo Binghe was immediately alerted. Even Shen Qingqiu, who was elegantly fanning himself had paused in his actions.

Xie Lian's smile was gone. "Underground, when we asked him why the bodies were stored in the cellar, he gave the excuse that the disciples aren't that close to each other. However, just now, he said that all the disciples are close to each other. I saw his relationship with Mo Bao. They do look close to each other, but then, why would he need to fabricate such an oblivious lie?"

The rest had gone silent.

Noticing the troubles brewing, Hua Cheng gently caressed the nape of his lover. "Don't worry, Gege. I am here for you."

Xie Lian raised his head. A blush was visible on his cheeks. "S-San Lang..."

Wei Wuxian stood silently on the side. Ever since Xie Lian mentioned the unusual behaviour of Mo Ming, the latter did seem suspicious. Contradicting himself even though there was nothing to hide... could he possibly be the culprit?

Little did Wei Wuxian know, later on, they will be fighting for their lives.

Mo Bao: Actually, I wanted to pursue this female cultivator! Points at Shen Qingqiu

Luo Binghe: I already have to deal with that dog shit Liu Qingge, and now you're adding a child to my fucking list?!?

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