《[MXTX] Three Times the Love》Chapter 8 - The Demon Lord's Trial to Seduction


The sound of soft breaths grumbled in the room.

A thin layer of blanket was draped over Shen Qingqiu's shoulders as he fumbled around the bed. His white cheek pressed against his pillow as he slept soundlessly. That night, he slept alone. It wasn't that he was avoiding Luo Binghe, but rather that Luo Binghe still haven't came back yet.

Shen Qingqiu was tired enough to have black circles underneath his eyes, so he went to bed first.

Slumber took over his sight as he fell asleep.

At that moment, the door quietly croaked as it was opened a tad bit. A flurry of the wind had leaked inside, bringing a waft of chill. Shen Qingqiu bundled himself tighter up in his blanket, and buried his soft face into the pillow. Luo Binghe made sure to be quiet as he tiptoed inside the room.

He closed the door behind as he inched closer to his lover.

"Shizun..." He cooed. After making sure that Shen Qingqiu was sleeping smoothly, a smile appeared on his handsome face. "Good. This way you'll allow me to do what I've wanted to do..."

Shen Qingqiu found himself waking up to an ambiguous sensation writhing across his body.

His eyelashes quivered, and his eyes fluttered open.

However, shock had completely melted away his discernment. "W-What is happening!" He blurted out from astonishment.

In the morning, Wei Wuxian came out of his room, only to find that Luo Binghe was sulking out in the hallway with a pitiful expression. "Um...?" Wei Wuxian asked, "What's up, Luo-xiong?"

Luo Binghe sulked even more poorly. "I don't want to talk to you."

He squatted by the wall, his expression distorted by the shadows.

It was then Wei Wuxian noticed how down the Demon Lord really was. He chuckled and teased, "What... did Shen-xiong kick you out from the room?"

"...yes." Luo Binghe cried.

Wei Wuxian, "..." He didn't expect a legitimate answer from this man!

He held a fist underneath his chin as he coughed. Wei Wuxian didn't dare to disturb the sulking young man, and he quickly ran off without a figure to be seen. As the rest of the group left their rooms, they passed the sulking Luo Binghe a concerned glance. They asked him a few questions before leaving for breakfast.

The entire time, Shen Qingqiu never left the room. And Luo Binghe never left the entrance of the door. He just squatted there without moving.

It wasn't until someone pushed him that he regained his consciousness.

Luo Binghe was angry. "Hey! Who did that!"

His ferocious fangs shrank back when he noticed Hua Cheng staring at him coldly. "What are you doing?" Hua Cheng spat.

Luo Binghe wobbly stood up. "I'm waiting for Shizun to accept me."

"Accept what?" Hua Cheng scoffed. "Say the entire story before babbling on."

Like a pitiful dog who had been wronged, Luo Binghe frowned. "Last night, I wanted to try something new with Shizun. Little did I know, Shizun got mad and kicked me out. I didn't get to assure him at all."

Hua Cheng sighed emotionlessly. "What 'new thing' did you wanted to try with your Shizun?"

Luo Binghe tugged at his own robes. "Just some BDSM..."

Hua Cheng had to repeatedly urge himself to calm down, otherwise he wouldn't be able to take the Demon Lord seriously. "Well..." Hua Cheng sighed, "Gege allows me to do BDSM acts with him, so I don't know what's up with your Shizun."


Hearing that, Luo Binghe was astonished.

He quickly shot a glance at Xie Lian, who was softly talking with Wei Wuxian in the corner. Luo Binghe shuddered. He did not think someone as gentle as Xie Lian was into BDSM! He felt like his entire world had just flipped upside down!

"Did you approach your Shizun properly?" Hua Cheng questioned.

Luo Binghe spun his mind as he thought back to what happened. "...I didn't really talk it out with him."

"So you just began to strip him while he's asleep?" Hua Cheng's expression was ugly.

Seeing that made Luo Binghe shrink back. "Maybe."

Never had Luo Binghe and Hua Cheng ever thought that there'd be a day where they'd have a meaningful discussion about sexual intercourse. They crouched in the corner of a room, ignoring the confused glances sticking to them, and hushed their voices to a whisper.

"Yo," Wei Wuxian chuckled, "Xie-xiong, what is your hubby doing?"

Xie Lian cluelessly watched on. He shrugged, "I have no idea."

Luo Binghe gently pushed open the door.

He kept the words of Hua Cheng constant in his mind. "Remember... first get their good side. Compliment them until they're willing to talk. Afterwards, get closer without them noticing. Then, ask or plead them with a puppy face to have BDSM. I promise you it'll work out."

Luo Binghe stuck a foot inside the room. A grin was plastered across his handsome face.

He opened his mouth and whispered, "Shizun?"

Night had dawned the day, with darkness placating the skies. A round moon shone in the darkness. The curtains were left open, revealing a beam of moonlight inside the room. In the spotlight of the moon was Shen Qingqiu, who laid lifelessly on the bed. His skin glowed especially white amidst the night.

Luo Binghe was quickly captivated by the look. He inched closer and quickly restricted his outstretched hands. He sniffled, "Shizun?"

"Huh... so you finally came back to see your ancestor?" Shen Qingqiu huffed. In truth, after driving out his lover, he was continuously waiting. Who knew that not only did his lover leave obediently, he didn't even come back for such a long time! That itself made Shen Qingqiu irritated, and he didn't want to see a single shadow of his lover again!

"Don't be mad, Shizun..." Luo Binghe tried to calm his lover down. "You're the best, Shizun. I don't deserve you nor your utter kindness."

Shen Qingqiu huffed. "It's better that you recognize your ancestor."

Luo Binghe quietly inched closer. He wore a fawning smile. "Shizun... it was this lowly one's fault for angering you and your bad temper."

Shen Qingqiu glared at him. "It sounds like you're mocking me."

Luo Binghe tried his puppy dog eyes. He gently touched his Shizun's pristine skin, "I was wrong last time. It's just that I wanted to do some BDSM acts with you-"

Shen Qingqiu quickly slapped Luo Binghe's naughty paws off himself. For some reason, Luo Binghe appeared especially punchable at that moment! "So you're saying that you wanted to strip me last night because you wanted to tie me up to your own sexual desires?"

Luo Binghe hurriedly nodded to soothe his Shizun's anger.

Unfortunately, that had only achieved the opposite effect.

Shen Qingqiu curled his hands into tight fists. "You didn't even ask for my fucking permission..." It was extremely rare for him to curse at his beloved! Knowing that the circumstance was especially dangerous, Luo Binghe hesitantly backed off.


However, Shen Qingqiu wasn't done with him yet. "And now you come back trying to get my favour huh? Calling me the best and all... was that all said with an ulterior motive?"

Luo Binghe shuddered. He was found out.

"Get the fuck out of here!"

In the next morning, Wei Wuxian found Luo Binghe sulking outside of his room once again. At that point, Wei Wuxian had no idea how to pacify the depressed Demon Lord. The latter appeared like a dog that had just been beaten up. Perhaps that was why Wei Wuxian despised him, after all, he always kept a distance away from dogs.

"What the hell did you this time?" Wei Wuxian yawned. He didn't even try to cover up his arrogance.

Luo Binghe pouted. He drew circles repeatedly on the floor. "I proposed to my Shizun about doing BDSM acts. He didn't like how I was praising him to get him to let his guard down. What should I do?"

Wei Wuxian didn't even need to think twice about the matter.

He laughed. "Just get your Shizun drunk, and he'll will open up to you faster than ever!"

Seeing Wei Wuxian's confidence, Luo Binghe found himself regaining his own pride as he nodded. His eyes were brimmed with compassion. "Thank you, Wei-xiong! I'll try it out tonight!"

He left faster than ever.

Wei Wuxian was left on the spot, dazed. "Did he just call me Wei-xiong? How did he change so fast?" But quickly, his mind was overturned. "Hmm... I should go get Lan Zhan and try out some BDSM..."

It was the second night since Luo Binghe got kicked out. And once again, Luo Binghe sneakily opened the door. However, that time, he carried a tray of alcohol along. The silverware clicked against one another as Luo Binghe entered the bedroom. "Shizun?" His voice was kind and keen. "Care for a drink?"

"Good question." Shen Qingqiu sat up. He had stayed inside the room for already three days. It was about time he drink some water-

His eyeballs almost fell out from their sockets as he gasped.

There was no water! It was a fucking tray of alcohol!

"Y-You!" Shen Qingqiu pointed a shaking finger at Luo Binghe, who tilted his head in confusion. "Don't you know how to act properly!"

Luo Binghe was befuddled. "What is Shizun talking about? I'm just wondering if Shizun is caring for a drink?"

"Of course I'm not!" Shen Qingqiu blurted. "I want water! Not alcohol!"

Luo Binghe shook his head gently. "No no, Shizun. I want you to get drunk. That way, we can spend our time together nicely with BDSM acts-"

"Get out."

In the next morning, Luo Binghe had black circles underneath his eyes. "What did I even do wrong..." He groaned, holding his head tiredly. Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan passed by, both sharing concerned glances. However, Wei Wuxian was fast at running away. Not even his figure could be seen.

Lan Zhan watched Luo Binghe motionlessly. He blatantly spoke. "I heard what happened."

Luo Binghe tiredly raised his head. "So?"

Lan Zhan looked back and forth at his surroundings before lowering his voice to a whisper. "Try seducing him with your appearance."

Hearing that, Luo Binghe nodded his head eagerly. "I think so as well! Every man loves a husband with good looks!"

Later that night, Shen Qingqiu woke up haggardly to his lover wearing nothing but a thin layer of veil as his clothes. Shen Qingqiu swore violently as he helplessly coughed. He wanted nothing but to be treated as a lover, however, why was it so blatantly difficult to achieve something so simple?

"Look at me, Shizun." Luo Binghe's voice was hoarse and sultry. "How do you feel about me?"

"Get the fuck out of here."

Nonetheless, in the next morning, Luo Binghe sat lazily on the floor outside of his room. At that point, he felt hopeless. His Shizun just wouldn't open up to him! What was he going to do?

"Hmm?" Xie Lian passed by with an innocent look. "Why is Luo-xiong still unrequited with Shen-xiong?"

Luo Binghe didn't respond. Shadows fell over his face, contorting the emotions brewing within his mind.

Xie Lian wanted to laugh when seeing the younger one's dramatic expression. "If your Shizun is ignoring you, doesn't that mean you inadvertently hurt him?"

Luo Binghe was confused. "When did I hurt him? All I wanted to do was some BDSM acts-"

He was interrupted by a hearty laugh.

Xie Lian laughed. "I'm sorry!" He wheezed. "It's just that... I don't think Shen-xiong is the type of person that does BDSM. And the way you keep on telling him you want to do that... I believe that he only wants you to reconcile with him instead of being stubborn. Just apologize and it'll be fine."

Luo Binghe raised his head. He was gloomy. "The others told me to get his favour, get him drunk, and seduce him, but neither worked."

Xie Lian smiled. "Trying won't make it worse, does it?"

Luo Binghe sighed. "Fine..."

That night, Luo Binghe scurried inside the room again. His footsteps were light and his back hunched out of fear that he'd get kicked out again. At first sight, he appeared especially pitiful and those seeing him would feel softhearted. That was how Shen Qingqiu felt when he saw him.

Shen Qingqiu felt nervous. Don't tell me that he's going to play the pity card!

Despite that thought, Shen Qingqiu straightened his back and coughed, "What is it now, Binghe?"

Abruptly, Luo Binghe kneeled. Both his knees hit the floor, resulting in a loud sound. Shen Qingqiu was almost scared out of his mind—not from the sound, but rather from the message. His Binghe was actually kneeling! To him!

"I'm sorry!" Luo Binghe kowtowed. He plastered his forehead against the wooden floor. "It's my fault forcing Shizun to do acts that he doesn't want to do."

Shen Qingqiu wanted to rebuttal, but then Luo Binghe lifted his head.

At that moment, Luo Binghe appeared especially pitiful and... handsome.

Shen Qingqiu felt his heart throb. Then... wait! Don't tell me that I'm a masochist!

He coughed and set his mind back on track. "Well, do you understand your wrongs?"

On the ground, Luo Binghe nodded. However, his words weren't consistent with his mood. "However, I still want to do BDSM with Shizun-"

"BDSM! All you ever think about is BDSM! I'll show you BDSM!" Shen Qingqiu was so furious that he completely lost his rationale. He quickly grabbed a long silk ribbon from his shelf, then gestured towards Luo Binghe. "Get over here."

Luo Binghe's eyes beamed with cheerfulness. It seemed that his Shizun was finally opening up to him-

His thoughts were interrupted as Shen Qingqiu brutally tied him up with the ribbon. "Now sleep." Shen Qingqiu vengefully snapped. He laid back down on bed, while Luo Binghe laid next to him (with his entire body covered in ribbon). The scene appeared quite humorous, as Luo Binghe tried to slither out.

When he slept next to his Shizun, he wanted to touch him! However, with his limbs tied up, all his dreams were mercilessly shattered!

Invisible tears dropped out from his eyes. Luo Binghe kept a thought in mind, Those four fiends aren't helpful at all! What do they even know about seduction?

In the next morning, Shen Qingqiu finally came out of the room.

His relationship with Luo Binghe came back to normal circumstances.

And their history of BDSM was left to the past ("reluctantly", said a certain black-bellied and puppy-like main character).

Luo Binghe: What do those four fiends even know about seduction...

Wei Wuxian: You only had one chapter of NSFW! I had many extra chapters, unlike some other person who doesn't even have NSFW in their book...

Xie Lian: QAQ Why am I being included?

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